And Then There Were Eight….

Our hosting family here at Cape Blanco has been growing and we’re now up to the full quota. This particular volunteer job takes 4 couples (singles are hired on occasion too) and we all rotate through the schedule with an average of ~3 days on and ~3 days off per week (Monday and Tuesday is off for everyone with the final day a mix). In the three years we’ve been doing this we’ve never met a host couple we didn’t get along with.
It kind of makes sense when you think about it. To be a lighthouse host you pretty much gotta love lighthouses and love people, otherwise you’re in totally the wrong gig. Almost everyone here ends up pretty passionate about the history of the place, and they’re an affable bunch as a group. This inevitably leads to many nights around the campfire drinking adult beverages, sharing stories and chatting away…as one does.
This year is even more interesting since ALL of the four hosts write a pretty comprehensive blog. Two of these couples are even nutty enough to write a daily blog (I’m always amazed at the folks who are able to do this). It’s almost a little surreal to see three other posters cover the same area at the same time, and occasionally makes you question if you’re living in some kind of online reality show. On the other hand it’s also fascinating to see everyone’s take on the place.
If you want the daily nitty gritty, all you have to do is read Angie & Gary’s blog or Clark & Elaine’s blog (sometimes I check in with them just to see what I really did yesterday). If you want the social-techno-cool take you read Technomadia’s blog. And then if you just want to go all sappy and floppy you can read mine. It’s like one of those 360-degree view mirrors, in writing form with a seat for everyone to see. That said, you’re bound to see overlap ‘coz I know the others will get taken by the sap just like me, and I do get social and practical on occasion between my wild natural musings.

As for what we actually do here? For those new to the blog I’ve written about Cape Blanco in earlier posts HERE and HERE, so I won’t be doing any additional posts on that this year. The job is much the same and you’re welcome to check in with our other local bloggers for the current conditions. All I’ll add is that for lighthouse nuts this is pretty much the ideal position, and the stunning nature here makes it even more so.
Cape Blanco is the oldest operating lighthouse in Oregon, wonderfully restored and perched on the top of gorgeous 200-foot cliffs. A more beautiful location is hard to imagine. The lighthouse hosts get fabulous, private (and protected) full hook-up campsites in the midst of untouched nature combined with a great volunteer coordinator & super easy schedule. We have a cape, two huge beaches, thick woods and over 8 miles of trails with many more “hidden” trails as you get to know the place. There’s a reason we keep coming back here, you know…
But it’s also not for the faint of heart.
If you’re looking for perfect year-round set-your-thermometer-by-the-weather kind of place, this is not for you. This spot is wild and crazy, which is the very part that sings to the primal side in me. In the mere week we’ve been here we’ve seen gorgeous sun, supremely dense fog and wind gusts up to 40mph. Yesterday morning it was so still I could hear the crunch of pine needles as I walked in the forest, and the air was so thick long threads of moisture dripped down our front windshield. This morning the wind was singing in the trees and I walked 2 miles on the beach with nary a person in sight. This afternoon? Only the ghosts of Cape Blanco know….
As I sit here now and digest my freshly brewed espresso, I’m listening to Betthoven’s 9th and watching the wind play with the tops of the pine trees while the sun attempts to sneak its way through the clouds. It’s a rather moving and meditative experience, the music making it even more so. If you don’t believe me, I challenge you to sit in a dark room with no other distractions and listen to Beethoven’s 9th on full blast. If you don’t get moved to tears by the time you get to the 4th movement, well then you’re a tougher person than I.
Ah yes music, nature and Cape Blanco. I’m a happy gal….

Related Posts:
- Volunteer Hosting at Cape Blanco Lighthouse, OR
- Back At “Work” – Lighthouse Hosting At Cape Blanco Lighthouse, OR
- Top 10 FAQ -> Lighthouse Volunteering/Hosting
And my FAVORITE Lighthouse Books:
I have a feeling we will be a social bug just like you when we get back to the west and in Oregon in particular.
Thanks for giving us our Pacific Coast fix 🙂
And with 4 active bloggers here I anticipate MANY more social events & visitors. Hopefully we’ll get to catch up with you sometime in the future too.
Loving that Lighthouse Hair! Sure wish I had some…
LOL…sure wish you were here too. I joke that everyone who comes here gets a free “Cape Blanco hairstyling”.
As a Washingtonian I really enjoyed your posts from the state this year. As a long time follower I’ve enjoyed your posts from Oregon each year, and look forward to them again this year as well. This post is a nice start to your autumn hosting again, nice job.
I’ll be staying tuned in… 🙂
Well seeing that you are a long-time blog reader & commenter, we sure appreciate having you along for the ride. It’s been fun to explore your state this year.
Hahaha, Cape Blanco hairstyling! I sometimes have the same hairdresser on Lopez. Looks like you’re cozily settled in and enjoying your “instant community.” Is it challenging to carve out enough “alone” time?
We actually find this place very quiet and private. We do tend to get visitors, but the cape is so remote, it’s not bad at all. Plus most of the hiking trails and beach are often completely deserted.
Hi Nina
We are headed up to the Cape Blanco from Sacramento and will arrive sometime this weekend. I’ve contacted Cherie and Chris (who we met when they were in Sacramento cleaning out storage unit) about meeting up sometime while we are there. I’m hoping we get to meet you and Paul too! Read your blog for a few years now and have used your camping site recommendations several times. I will follow up with Cherie when we have a final arrival time. We’ll also be taking the tour!
Hope to see you…Rochelle
Sounds good. We’ll see you on the weekend.
I’ve been in touch with Cherie and looks like Monday will work for them. We will be there Sept 15 – 17. Hope Monday or either other day will work for you both. We will be camped at Cape Blanco. Looking forward to meeting you both.
You’re welcome to come by and say “hi” on Monday. We’ll be hanging around the rig that day.
Sounds like a great group of volunteers. One thing about life on the road, there is never a lacking of conversation.
It is tough to keep up with a daily blogger if you read several blogs. It is even tougher when you are in remote areas and need Tim Horton’s to blog or read blog:)
You sound a little like Sue and Dave with coffee and Beethoven!!
Keep the gorgeous photos coming:)
Yeah, I find it hard to keep up too. I can’t even imagine writing daily. Kudos to those that do. Glad you’re finding coffee shops to keep you online up there. Stay warm now!
Blogging every day is a requirement of all true bloggers. If a blogger can’t take the time to post a simple short blurb every single day, they’re just not worth my time as a reader. Of course, certain Danish bloggers get special dispensation. I’m not naming any names though.
Haha…well, I’m glad I get the special dispensation coz there’s no way you’re ever going to see a daily blog from me 🙂
I don’t think your blog is sappy & floppy at all. Your writing is very informative and descriptive and conveys a sense for me of almost being there. Keep up the good work!
Well cheers. My floppy statement was somewhat tongue in cheek, but it’s nice to know that I’m getting the balance right.
The cliff backdrop pic is stunning. Will be fun to read all for blogs to hear about your adventures. BTW – we are in love and hooked on the homemade deo! Thanks
Cool! Glad you like the homemade deo. We still use and love it too. In fact I’m about to whip up a fresh batch tomorrow.
Love the Getting Ready for Sunset photo. Looks like a good gig.
Yeah, that was a fun capture. Lots of couples head to that spot for a romantic sunset. It’s easy to see why.
Wild, crazy and primal sounds perfect to me. I know I’d love it there but David’s medical condition won’t allow us to be so long in a place so far from a cancer center. Beethoven seems the perfect accompaniment to such a place. I’d be there in a heart beat if I could. But since I can’t,it gives me such pleasure to experience this with you. Thanks so much!
There’s an oncology department in Coos Bay (~1 hour away) but it may not be advanced enough for your needs. I know David’s treatment is rather specialized. Still, I’m glad I can bring you on the journey even if only virtually.
Yep, I would linger there a while too!
It’s not too shabby here, if I may say so myself 🙂
So nice when the sun is blazing!..I remember walking the path on the cliff thinking I was on the edge of the world…The wind was blowing…the right way..and I guess I was on the edge…
Have fun!
The cliffs here are indeed pretty gnarly, especially when the wind is blowing. Sunsets are typically gorgeous, if you can see them 🙂
Hi Nina,
After reading most everything that you have written, I feel like I know you. But have to remember that you don’t know me! Last Thursday, my wife and I unexpectedly stopped in at Cape Blanco for a night on our way home. I knew you were there as I had read your blog. We’ve stayed at Cape Blanco before, so we headed down to the cliff to watch the sunset. There was Paul cooking outdoors, so I said “Hi Paul” like we were old friends. You must get tired of strangers acting like they know you? Maybe another day we can really meet, that would be fun!
Paul mentioned some blog readers had passed by, so I gather it was you. Sure appreciate that you guys were so considerate of us and it was nice of you to stop by and say “hi”, even if it was just in passing. Hope you enjoyed your time here!
I too LOVE the quick changing of the weather and the different moods mother nature can be in. Have fun and enjoy yourselves! Looking forward to reading all your blogs!
Yeah, I really love this crazy weather. Not sure I could handle it year-round, but for a few months it’s exciting and invigorating.
You indeed have a sweet gig there and daily blogging is great as long as there is some “meat” to it! LOL Oregon coast is one of my most favorite places and I have spent much time there. Love it! So glad you are enjoying yourselves and I for one adore your blog!
I think that would be my issue with daily blogging. I like to write a little story of sorts every time I blog, and doing that on a daily basis would be tough (for me). There are folks out there that make it look easy, but blogging definitely takes effort. Glad you like mine 🙂
Hmmmm….bloggers with cameras around the fire with adult beverages. I would SO be on my best behavior!! Glad you have a great crew. No matter the job, it makes it even better to enjoy your peeps 🙂 Your recipe for a peaceful and powerful meditation sounds perfectly blended.
LOL..most of the camera pics get taken early in the evening. Thankfully it’s too dark later on 🙂 we did get quite a few folks coming up to the tour the next day who mentioned they’d seen our gathering and were tempted to join in.
Fun times indeed! We really do miss the OR coast so it will be great to live vicariously through the two of you. 🙂
Maybe you guys will be out on the coast next year? Here’s hoping!
Nina, I always enjoy reading your entries……I still have tears in my eyes from the laughter you gifted me this morning…..:D
Well shucks, you’re a sweetheart. Now, stop commenting get back to blogging! 🙂
He something to chat about. Got this of Facebook…
from Ready to Go Full Time RV’ing s
Escapees Advocacy – CALL TO ACTION
As some Escapees are aware, a bill has been introduced in the United States Congress, HB 5204, entitled The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Modernization Act of 2014, which will allow fees to be collected for most of the “public land” that is controlled by the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management. If the bill passes, it would allow the Federal Government to charge fees for any activity on land that we presently have access to for free. Fees could include a permit fee, day use fee, or a special use fee. There is the possibility that the bill could be attached to an appropriation bill, which would allow the bill to pass without public comment or debate.
It is time now to get involved and contact your congressman and senators where you have your domicile and let them know that HB 5204 should be defeated. In the past, public lands have been turned over to concessionaires that allowed them to charge fees or to refuse to give discounts for entering the federal lands. This bill may not pass, but don’t take a chance and let the other members contact their congressman or senators. It only takes a few minutes to let the representatives that we elected know how we feel.
To find your congressman, you can go to, and for senators, you can go to
If you would like to review the bill yourself:
Thanks for posting. I’ve been following this bill on the forums and have contacted my local representative already.
Beethoven’s 9th, huh? Ohmygod, don’t sit anywhere near me at performance of it, because I make a total ass of myself singing the melody and crying like a baby. As far as I’m concerned it is the greatest piece of music ever composed – especially moving knowing the circumstances under which it was written, and what it represents of Beethoven’s resurrection from depression to spiritual joy. (And it’s not just because Ludvig and I share a birthday…) Sometimes I fear I will launch like rocket out of my seat at the height of the chorale…
Well we are kindred spirit in that regard. I’ve been lucky enough to see it performed live which literally blew my mind. I’ve got goosebumps just thinking about it.
Well, my dear….your blog doth drip with the sappies and rolls with the floggies!! But…ohhhh…how I do loveth it!! There is nothing like watching the tops of trees bend in the wind while the clouds go floating by. And, long walks with doggie along a naked and vacant beach…can there be any other way to spend an early morning. Then, an espresso and the 9th….oh my oh my…such is a life of the wanderers of this lovely Mother of ours. We’re almost there with you if only by spirit…but next year….watch out!!
Well thanketh very much 🙂