Vortex’s and Aliens (Sedona, AZ)
“Everything they tell you in the official handout is wrong”, stated the man behind the counter.
I was inclined to believe him. He wore several earings, had a mystical cross around his neck, long, flowing grey hair and looked particularly spiritual for his 70 years. We were on the lookout for Vortex’s, you see, something two Harley Biker girls had told me about last week at Desert Edge. These apparent mystical, swirling energy sources are unique to Sedona, AZ and would apparently revitalize, invoke deep mediation and likely cure any ailments lurking in the body. So naturally, as a whole body experience we were keen to find them.
“First of all” continued the man, “there are 8 vortex’s, not 4. Page Bryant had a dream about them in 1988, not 1980 and told her hairdresser. That’s how the publicity started. The vortex’s not shown on the map are in the middle of the airport runway and down by the Chapel of the Holy Cross. We had to take them out because people were meditating in the middle of airport landings”
Seeing the obvious risk in that statement I felt rather privileged to have been let in on a local secret. So, armed with more maps and handouts than an Everest Expedition we set out to discover our inner peace.
We chose the vortex next to Airport Mesa, half way up airport road as our site of choice. It turned out to be a gorgeous location with a short hike up earthen rock to a spectacular look-out on all Sedona’s glory. Several other people were already there soaking up the energy waves. Despite our best efforts we didn’t feel the big bang, but finding ourselves (yet again) to be younger and more intelligent certainly put a positive note on the whole experience, and the view blew us away.
Voretx’s aren’t the only attraction in Sedona. Apparently aliens frequent the area, and there’s even an evening tour to introduce you to the topic. So, between yoga, energy baths and aliens we should be well connected to the beyond before we leave. We’ll let you know how it turns out…

Wish we there,looks awesome.
Yep, gotta be there, too!