First Day in Dog Town…with nose to boot
My hubby’s always told me I have a terrible sense of smell.
I have to admit this particular asset has come in handy many times in my lifetime. During my 1-month hike in Nepal I was happily oblivious to all body odor and thus able to share eating quarters with my fellow hikers with no adverse effects to my nostrils. Also, I’m a cheap date having minimal discerning ability between fine and cheaper wines. And, to bring us to our current topic, I’m practically immune to the scent of dog poo.
It’s been said you develop a nose, but I think the opposite is true too. Having volunteered for many years in dog rescue the question of poo has become a very relaxed topic and even, I should say, a source of technical analysis. Most dog owners will happily engage in a spirited discussion on the finer aspects of correct feces formation. When you get to this stage yourself you will know you’ve ascended into the ranks of dedicated dog owners.
There’s many other subtle signs that you’ve gone to the doggie-side of life. Spending a week volunteering at Dog Town in Utah is just one of them. My nose comes in handy here, but so does a carefree love of doggie licks, thorough enjoyment of play, and the ability to abandon yourself in a little piece of doggie heaven. Should your preferences lie more towards bonding with horses, being rubbed by cats, or nuzzling with pot-bellied pigs you can get that here too. In fact, just about every kind of animal comes through here and it’s without a doubt the most amazing Rescue I’ve ever seen. They have over 1000 animals in ~33,000-acres of space nestled fabulously in the red rocks of Angel Canyon. I’ll be blogging more about it as the week goes on. In the meantime, may your nose lead you.
Our 1st day in Dog Town…we volunteered at the Puppy Center

Nina, you do look like you’re in heaven…I’m envious and so happy you got to experience Best friends.
Get a few doggie licks for me.
It really was fun! I’ll definitely stock up on lick for you 🙂