Murphy’s Law of Indicator Lights
They say there are only a few things certain in life…death, taxes and such…but I think Murphy’s Law of Indicator Lights can be added to that list. For the purpose of illustration and story-line, let’s take the random example of our RV.
When the monster is parked in a major town with full and speedy access to a variety of RV specialists as well as a complete assortment of hardware stores, specialty supplies and handymen it hums along like a bee in summer lulling its owners into an entirely peaceful, albeit false, sense of mechanical bliss.
As said owners drive said vehicle out of town the engine practically purrs with responsiveness, all interior fittings are secure as Fort Knox and the gauges strum happily in their absolute best positions.
In is not in fact until the aforementioned suckers are well out in the “boonies” with a wide, open, very pretty, but let’s be honest…very empty expanse of land before them that Murphy shows up. Without warning pieces of wood spring from the wall, warning lights flicker and alarms go off. All of which, of course, randomly happened to us. Our first interior fitting fell off while boondocking in Quartzite. The first shrieking alarm went off ~100 miles out of Phoenix and as we passed the gorgeously deserted summit of Boulder Mountain in Utah one of our slew of indicator lights went berserk.
Sometimes these things resolve themselves, and sometimes we must be, as they say, Zen about the whole process. The interior fitting was easily fixed with some glue and nails, the alarm a small mechanical problem in our tow, whilst a quick reference of the manual for the indicator light revealed that it was simply an “auto-regeneration cycle of the diesel particulate filter” which clearly explained that…n’est pas?
So, none the cleverer we pave our way into the boonies with only the one sure piece of knowledge that at some point, something will go wrong. Happy travelling everyone 🙂
And…to top it off…a couple of random camping shots:

[…] story, though doesn’t end here…. Given Murphy’s Law, as we’ve so tenderly covered previously, something had to happen after this, and it certainly did. But that will be the topic of another […]