Mountain Air, Gunslingers and…weed? (Glenwood Springs, CO)
What we did not expect was the weed.
Slipped in amongst the historic 1893 Colorado Hotel (a favourite of President Roosevelt in his time) and centuries-old vapour caves used by the Ute Indians (now a posh spa) are over 100 dispensaries of local ganja, freely advertizing up to 50+ different strains of medicinal weed. It’s an odd mix and we can’t quite get a grip for how it happened, but I guess these parts have always attracted the eccentric.
Glenwood Springs also surprises in other ways. Despite a mere ~8,000 population it’s got the feel of a big city in a small town. There’s an active theatre scene, plenty of downtown restaurants and a local brewery. Add to that endless options of outdoor activities including hiking, river rafting, rock-climbing, biking and riding…and that’s just the summer roster. It’s a fine melange and the first place we’ve come across outside of CA where we could envision settling down. But then again, we’re a bit odd too….

I guess you two might be setting up permanent roots in this medicinal town, then… heheheeh
It’s definitely on the list…quite the mix of a place, I must say
That is so funny ! I always knew these parts were about a Rocky Mt. High but when the Medical weed places started popping up it was a little unsettling. I guess if its legal it deletes the bad guys. So let it be. Strawberry Days in Glenwood Springs will soon be called Strawberry Fields Forever Days !
Yeah, we were definitely surprised by how much it’s developed out there! Strawberry Fields forever indeed haha 🙂