A Last Adieu to Golden, CO
Well, we’ve flown the coop and are back in the mountains so it’s time to say our last Adieu to Golden, CO. Since it’s almost 4th of July we may as well do it with a bit of flair and a bang by walking with some of the biggest and best. So, let’s kick on our hiking shoes and fill them up with some last-minute show-stoppers from our trip.
If you’re looking for entertainment you’ve gotta start with one of the greatest showmen in history and that’s William F “Buffalo Bill” Cody (1846-1917). “He was the spirit of the West, typical of the West, one of her favoured and favourite sons” (Denver Times, 1917). He was a frontiersman, a sharpshooter, an artist, a visionary, and a philanthropist. At a time when division was rife and women’s lib was just a whisper he bought Indians, Mexicans, women and performers together in his world famous “Buffalo Bill’s Wild West” which toured for over ~30 years all across the US and Europe, It had a cast of hundreds and was touted as one of the greatest shows on earth. He also fought for equal rights, founded a town (Cody, US) and worked to preserve the buffalo. Yup, he was quite the guy. His last wish was to be buried overlooking the rolling hills of Denver on Lookout mountains and like the giant he was in life his museum and history lives on in death
But these are not the only great footsteps in Golden. The dinosaurs roamed here ~150 million years ago, and the unique geology of the rockies has preserved their footsteps on Dinosaur Ridge. Pushed up by the great forces of the earth, slices of the Cretaceous and Morrison Formation of the Jurassic age jutt out of the ground along Hogsback Ridge. Preserved in this unique piece of history are the footsteps of the greatest animals to roam the earth.
So, with just a skip and a jump you can place your feet in some of the greats. We’ve done just that and say Au Revior and Adieu to our time in Golden. We may well be back…..

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