Species Cervus Canadensis and Mountain Weather (Rocky Mountains, CO)
One thing I’ve always loved about travelling is the surprise of it all. Despite a few years of experience (on my part), a spattering of gray hairs (that would be my hubby) and living life with the gusto of enduring youth, I still manage to learn a few things along the way.
A drive into Rocky Mountain National Park is one of those experiences. These majestic mountains keep you on your toes in more ways than one. Shaped by retreating glaciers, the ragged granite peaks harbor 3 different ecosystems (Alpine, Sub-Alpine and Montane) with all the flavors of weather and wildlife that go with it. Our drive into the mountains gave us brilliant sunshine, fog, wild winds, sleet, snow and thunderstorms all in the space of a few hours. And to top off the experience we managed to stumble across cervus canadensis or the Rocky Mountain Elk. Yes, you pick up a few things along the way proving the fact that you can’t make a duchess out of a fishwife, but you can certainly go a long way to educating the gal to seem like one.

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