A Journey of Happiness
Happiness is a form of courage. ~Holbrook Jackson
I’ve always admired people who follow their dreams. It takes a certain courage to step out of bounds and follow a different path, a certain confidence to seek your happiness despite the conventions of everyday life. It’s something I’ve always tried to foster in my own life and I love the people who do it in theirs. As the Chinese philosophers so aptly wrote “life is a journey”. So, as we pass through this life voyage, I treasure the people I meet along the way.
Enter my cuz, Christina. This lovely gal is a home-grown Dane from a home-grown family in Denmark. She’s never travelled alone, but decided on a whim some months ago to take the leap and go do it, despite the fact that no-one in her family ever had. So, she booked a trip to Mexico, took a tour in Nicaragua to learn some Spanish and then hopped over to visit us in the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. We’ve had an awesome 10 days together, hiking the Rocky Mountain National Park, horse riding in the trails and driving over the passes. And as my cuz so aptly put it “I’m just happy to be here”. So, I thought I’d add-in a little mention and some pics for a good friend before she speeds off to her next adventure.
So, if you’ve been waiting for the moment to do the next thing in your life, just follow my cuz’s example….the moment is now.

[…] the blog a long (looooong) time you might remember the lovely girl from the time she came over to visit us in Colorado in 2010. She’s a crackin’-fun gal and will keep our free hours well occupied for the next few […]