Meditating on Sunset
Sunset has always been one of my favorite times of the day. It’s a singular moment when the whole world changes before your eyes in a glorious visual play that differs every evening. The last heat of the day stretches its’ long fingers over the horizon and colors soften and warm to embrace the night. In photography we call it “sweet light”, a time when colors give a depth unlike any other and scenery takes on stunning changes.
In meditation it’s a period for transition and reflection. In that one short time-span everything in nature seems to still to watch the show, as if the world needs a moment to honor the change. Insects quieten, birds rest, even the mighty wind seems to ebb. It’s a magical moment and if you let yourself feel it, you can become part of the flow. The last thoughts of the day drift away, the warmth of the colors envelop you and a deep peace floods your heart.
One of nature’s many gifts, and something worth meditating on…

Yeah. Sunsets. I so get that.
What a lovely sunset photo and I appreciate your musings on the thoughts that can pass our minds when contemplating such beauty. What stuck me from my bicycle journey across the country is how few sunsets are as special as this one. The cloud conditions have to be just right. So a moment like this one is truly to be appreciated.
I totally agree. A spectacular sunset is one to be appreciated. I waited for a few weeks to capture this one 🙂