A Walk on the Lake
“I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore…”
“I hear it in the deep heart’s core”
William Butler Yeats (The Lake Isle of Innisfree, 1888)

Although Yeats’ poem was inspired by the sound of a fountain in a shop-window on Fleet Street, London his thoughts were turned towards the utopia of lake water. Lakes do seem to hold a special draw, and a very unique sense of peace that speak to our souls, so I get where this poem comes from.
As we’ve travelled down through the Mid-West we’ve been astonished at the number of lakes, some large, stoic and imposing, others little hidden gems with their own microcosm of life and weather. Each body of water seems to speak with her own personality and her own expression, and if you take the time to walk along the shore and listen you can sink into step with the rhythm of life that surrounds it.

In the early morning the lake catches the sun and bakes off the moisture of dawn in a mysterious mist. In the evening she reflects the last rays with a deep blue sigh before she goes to rest. She’s ever-changing yet ever a true reflection of ourselves.
Yeah, I totally get the lake and soul thing….
beautiful!! love the dragonfly
Thanks girl! How are you doing? We miss the surf and friends in San Diego!