A Day of Thanks

Well, we’ve made it to Thanksgiving. This year, for the first time ever, we’ll be spending it in our RV, together with Paul’s dad who’s rolled up in his own “beast” right next to us at Markam Park, FL. It’s the time of year when the turkey comes out, pumpkin reigns supreme and we take a few moments to think of the things we are thankful for in life.
I never knew what all this Thanksgiving business was about until I moved over to the US. It’s a new-world tradition that roots back to the time of the pilgrims and a harvest feast that was shared in 1621 between the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians. Over the years the feast became a tradition and in 1863, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.
So, here we are, and in the midst of a world that seems to thrive on sensational and negative news, I really like the idea of sharing thanks for the things we feel are positive in life. I’m reminded of a scene in “Joe vs the Volcano” where Joe Banks, shipwrecked and close to dying sees the glorious moon-rise and breaks down with the heartfelt words “Dear God whose name I do not know, thank you for my life”. So, here I go;
Thank you for all the beauty
Thank you for all the sunsets
Thank you for all the breath-taking views
Thank you to those I meet who enrich my life
Thank you for the people I love and those who love me
Thank you for those moments that take my breath away
And above all….
Thank you so very much for my beautiful life
Have a wonderful turkey-day everyone!
To Nina and Paul and the whole clan, Happy Thanksgiving to you! Lucky to know all of you, you’ve made our lives fuller and better for knowing you.
Love you lots and big hugs to you, big kisses to Polly and the kitties
Same to you my dear….very thankful to have you in my life. Nina