Capturing the Perfect Shot -> Embrace the Mood

So, it’s another chilly day here in FL. The big blast up North has brought a front down here which makes me dream of hot cocoa, big fuzzy socks and photography. You see it’s a bit dreary out there today and a lot people with a camera get totally bummed when the sunshine goes behind the clouds. I’m the exact opposite. I love the changing moods of the weather since each one gives me the unique opportunity to take a different kind of shot. If you embrace the weather, your photographic horizons can open up dramatically. Here’s a couple of examples of what to do on the darker days:
4/ Look for rays of Light – When the sky is dark and ominous, sometimes you get a ray of light peeking through which illuminates your foreground. Some of the coolest contrast comes when the sky is dark and your front is bathed in light. It’s a photographers dream.

2/ Go Misty – The early morning, when dew is recent and mist is coming off the ground is a perfect time to get that “moody” shot which won’t be as interesting later on. Mist tends to “white out” your automatic camera settings (i.e. picture looks way too white), which is a result of how your camera calculates exposure. so there’s something called “exposure compensation” (normally a +/- button on your camera) which can help to darken the shot and keep that moody feel. Set your exposure to -0.7 and see how the picture changes.
3/ Go Small – when the sun is diffuse it’s a great time to focus on the little stuff. Sometimes that eerie light can give a kind of “glow” to the things on the ground and a nice, soft light for flowers. So, when the sky turns grey, look below for your treasures.

4/ Take a Portrait – Believe it or not some of the best light for portraits is a soft, diffuse light. When I was doing professional photography I used to actively seek this light for my family photos. So, when the light is soft, zoom in and take those portraits.
4/ Wait for sunset – A lot of times a “moody” day can give a really cool sunset. Lots of clouds can make for brilliant colors as the setting sun reflects against the cloud layer. If you have a “sunset” setting on the camera try it at this time. The “sunset” setting tends to darken and saturate the shot which really brings out those deep, gorgeous colors.
Great reminders! And great photos, too. Thanks
Thank you! Nina
Great advice! Love it! Thanks for keeping the pictures coming. They are beautiful. Julie
Thanks very much! Hope you guys are enjoying the holiday season. Get ready for the cold tonight!
I’m glad you are seeing the positive in the cooler weather! Always makes the day a little brighter~ Enjoy your holidays.
Enjoy your holiday too!
Nice pictures. You really have talent in photography. The dog could not look happier. You can just feel his bliss from that picture. The flower silhouette is beyond amazing.
Our maiden voyage to Ocala Silver River (#22) was excellent. Great weather and an excellent campground.
Thank you so much for the lovely comment! And I’m SOOOO happy you enjoyed Silver River. We really liked that campground -> so much open space & really a bit of a hidden gem. Still can’t get over the fact that we ended up in the same site 🙂 Glad your maiden voyage was a success! Nina
Hi Nina and Paul,
Always so enjoy your photos. This collection is especially appealing. Thanks.
And I hope you’re staying warm down there! I hear it’s a bit chilly!
Thanks Lauren. We’re just managing w/ the chill..:) Not as bad as up North mind you. Thinking of you and the family. Hope you have a wonderful Christmas! Nina