The Costs of Full-Time RVing

One of the most common questions asked by people looking to full-time RV is “how much does it take?”. Since we’ve been on the road for over a year now, we have a good 10 months experience on this since we did our last post on budget in April 2010. Back then our view was “whatever you have” and honestly our view hasn’t changed much. There are people who full-time on $1K/mo and those who full-time on $5K/mo and then there are those who work along the way, either volunteering at campgrounds or picking up workamping jobs to close the gap.
Since we live off our investments we have to be flexible in how we spend our money and the beauty of full-timing is that you can be exactly that. The key is to manage your variable costs to whatever you have available, and as long as you’re willing to do that, the sky’s the limit. The biggest portion of our variable budget is camping fees, gas, groceries and miscellaneous buys and managing those costs gives us the ability to stay flexible on the road. Here’s how I look at our budget on a monthly basis:
Monthly | |
RV Payment (1) | $ – |
Health Care (2) | $ 200.00 |
Internet/phone (3) | $ 150.00 |
RV/Car insurance (4) | $ 115.00 |
RV/Car registration/tags (5) | $ 35.00 |
RV/Car maintenance/repair (6) | $ 150.00 |
Mail Service (7) | $ 25.00 |
Pets (8) | $ 200.00 |
Storage (9) | $ 110.00 |
TOTAL | $ 985.00 |
- We do not have any RV payment. For some this might be a monthly cost.
- Health Care includes our monthly high-deductable insurance premiums ($150/mo), plus $50/mo for extra expenses (yearly check-ups etc.).
- For Internet/Phone we use Verizon 5GB/mo broadband plan plus we have a Verizon smartphone with unlimited dataplan.
- We use Geico for RV/Car Insurance. Costs include Good Sam’s Emergency Roadside Assistance, Good Sam’s Extended Warrenty Service.
- Registration costs reflect rates in South Dakota. In SD Motorhome costs depend on weight and age (Click here).
- Costs include regular yearly car and motorhome maintenance as well as money set-aside for repairs and major service items in the future.
- For Mail Service we use Alternative Resources in South Dakota. Costs include our yearly membership, plus mail forwarding fees.
- Pet costs include food for all 3 pets as well as yearly vet visits & money set aside for emergency funds. For some people this cost would be zero.
- We keep a small storage in San Diego for our stuff from our old home. For some people this cost would be zero.
Budget/mo | Extended/mo | |
Gas | $ 100.00 | $ 350.00 |
Camping | $ – | $ 600.00 |
Groceries | $ 300.00 | $ 500.00 |
Propane | $ 20.00 | $ 40.00 |
Entertainment | $ – | $ 200.00 |
TV | $ – | $ 60.00 |
Gifts/Charity | $ 10.00 | $ 50.00 |
Clothing/Books/Misc. | $ 20.00 | $ 200.00 |
TOTAL | $ 450.00 | $2,000.00 |
I’ve just used a range of very general numbers here, but it’s easy to see that the variable costs are KEY to overall budget.
Camping Fees: If you boondock or volunteer your camping costs can be zero or very close to it. There are people who boondock year-round and only pay small monthly fees to dump, and there are lots of people who enjoy workamping at campgrounds, State Parks, National Forest, Wildlife Refuges and other areas which provide a free campsite. On the other hand those looking to splurge might pay upwards of $1,500/mo in camping fees for fancy “resort-style” campgrounds.
Gas Costs are entirely dependent on how much you travel. As an example our Motorhome uses ~8 miles/gallon. Current gas prices are $3.50/gallon, so for $100 we can travel ~230 miles and for $350 we can travel 800 miles. In active “travelling” mode last year we averaged ~$350/mo for both motorhome and car combined. In winter we did a lot less than that.
Grocery costs on the road are likely to be very similar to what you use at home. There are ways to save by smart-shopping and using farmers markets. We like our food and continue to like it on the road so our budget on this is fairly liberal.
Propane: Propane use can vary a lot depending on how much cold-camping you do (and thus how much you use the furnace). Daily propane use for cooking and refrigerator (when not hooked-up) is fairly modest. We plan our RVing around warmer climates and only filled-up our 40-gallon tank twice last year.
Other Costs are very personal and variable. Some are very similar to what you currently spend at home and some will change. We currently have satellite TV, but are planning to get rid of it when our contract expires (we just don’t use it enough). For clothing we only used $8/mo last year, and our personal entertainment costs are close to zero as we eat in the RV most of the time (we love to home-cook). Depending on your interests and habits you might have other costs in this category that we don’t have.
There are a lot of other good sites that list example costs and budgets:
- RV Dreams – Example budgets
- Changing Gears – Sample Budget
- Technomadia – Cost of living
- Road Less Travelled – Example budget
- Five in a 5th – Detailed budget after a year on the road (2016)
And for those looking to live off their investments, hubby has an excellent set of posts explaining the concept of Safe Withdrawal Rates for retirement portfolios and how to implement them:
- How much does it take to retire?
- How to implement 4% safe withdrawal rate
- Living a better retirement: withdrawal rates higher than 4%
- Higher retirement spending by staying flexible
The bottom line is that the costs of full-timing are accessible as long as you are willing to be flexible. We’ve seen people who full-time in pop-up campers or trailers that they bought for $10-$20K and volunteer the majority of their time, and then there are people who full-time in $500K rigs and splurge on resort-style camping and going out on a nightly basis. Where there’s a will there’s a way, and that certainly goes for RVing too.
Do you use your mail forwarding address to obtain your health insurance?
Hi Karen…yes, we did. We use it for our taxes and all other official items too. Nina
Nina and Paul,
An excellent posting. Since we are still CA registered, toad and M/H tags cost $229 and $1409 for the toad. SD is a good deal! If I may ask, what is the tag element in #4 above.
Hi Steve, Good question. Actually I think I’ll separate out that cost to make it a little clearer. We originally got our MH in CA so I remember the pain of registration there. In South Dakota registration costs depend on weight and age of your MH. Alternative Resources has a list here: MH Registration Costs. For our MH 1st year registraton was $381 in SD compared to a whooping $1889 in CA. Our car only cost $61 in SD compared to $315 in CA. Nina
When the fuel prices rise I cut back on moving about when they drop I move more. Full timing costs what it costs, if I lived in a sticks and bricks house I would have lots of other expenses of maintaining the house and paying lots of other fees like water/sewer, trash pick up, repairs, lawn care, insurance etc..
The best part is the moving about part; planning and executing the next destination and if I feel a little closed in I move and get that feeling of being free again. That feeling is worth a lot to me. I’m a road Gypsy and I love it 🙂
Kayjulia…exactly!! There’s a real freedom to RVing as long as you’re willing to go with the flow. We’re totally with you on loving the lifestyle! Nina
Great Info, Hopefully in 5 years the cost will be similar and our planning will pay off. Thanks
Happy Trails
Hi Scott, Some costs might be different, but I think the overall idea will hold true. As an interesting comparison check out this article from 2001 written in Motorhome Magazine (Click HERE ). The general cost-range was $1.5K-$5K, even back then which I find very revealing. Habits may change, but with the right flexibility a wide range of budget is possible. Nina
Hi Guys….from Cape San Blas,
Just read this recent post regarding full time expenses….nicely done. Clear outline of actual cost ranges. Anybody thinking about full timing would do well to read your posts!
Hope you all are well. We have been enjoying the beautiful weather here, and have some guests now (Debby’s Brother and Sister-in-law.
Hi Rick, We’re already missing the beauty of Cape San Blas! I think it’s definitely a spot we’ll come back to. Nina
Great info! Thanks!
One question, where are you able to get Health Insurance for $200/month? My wife and I are 40, we are both full timers, in good health, with an HDHP (High Deductible Health Plan) with a $5000/year deductible and our monthly premium is still $750/month.
I would love to get that number down to $200/month!!
Hi Noah, We got our insurance on-line through We just did an online shopping comparison there and took the one that made most sense. Our policy is a $10K deductable (combined for the both of us), 0% co-insurance and $5 million (per person) lifetime benefit. The total cost is $150/mo (combined for the both of us). It’s held by Coventry. The insurance (for us) was also cheaper since we’re residents of South Dakota. Hope that helps! Nina
Hey guys! Loved the blog. Here are the two things that I loved:
1. You’re not making an RV payment. Love, love, love.
2. You have high deductible insurance. That’s what insurance is supposed to be!
I’m excited for you since you’re obviously doing a lot of things to make your money work for you. Love the site too!
I totally agree. We have insurance solely for catastrophic issues, which is exactly what it should be for. High deductable simply makes sense. Nina
I think your last sentence hit the nail on the head…”where there’s a will, there’s a way”. We’ve been at this lifestyle for almost a year and follow our budget pretty closely. When preparing, we used a lot of the same resources and sample budgets that you listed, but you don’t really know until you do it yourself. We budgeted high on some things and low on others. Some months are over budget and some are under budget, but overall, we find ourselves pretty close to what we expected. Of course, we’re still trying to figure out our balance between work and play. When we play (i.e. travel), we spend a lot more than when we’re stationary and working. But the one thing we’ve learned is that we could make it on less than we do and that is a comforting thought. It is doable!!
You are so very right! That’s been our experience and the experience we’ve had from others. So happy to hear you’re enjoying the freedom of travel as much as we are…and making it all work financially 🙂 Nina
I just stumbled on this from reading your newest post (which I saw on Twitter)! My partner and I do the fulltime RVing thing as well, and we recently posted something similar about the costs of living in an RV and our monthly expenses.
I’m so glad I randomly came across your site; it’s always fun to follow the blogs of other RVers! 🙂
Christy, great post and wonderful to meet you and discover your blog too. We’re on our way West. What about you? If we’re close I would love to meet up. Nina
I am in my 3rd week of research on RVing fulltime. Out of all the forums, blogs and other RV sites, your blog of information is one of the best I have seen. One thing consistent is the monthly budget and your numbers are not only explained well to this accountant but also accurate and within what I have been reading everywhere else. For the past 12 years I have been tracking every penny I spend or make on a spreadsheet and can see were I can control my variable costs.
Your post on budget, and your post on 10 things you wished you knew, confirm to me I can start immediately and either boondock in a class A, workcamp at times if I want to and basically follow the weather. I can’t wait to get started but have a list of things to do before I go. One is to buy my RV and the rest is to downsize, which I have been doing for the past year.
Sorry this is a long reply. Great blog and great information.
Thanks so much for the lovely comment. It’s always great to know my posts can help others to get their dream going of being on the road (definitely part of my “grand plan”!).
Enjoy the ride and let me know if you start a blog!
I’m on blogger right now at
I may transfer to WP. I used them in the past.
Oh excellent! I’ll be following along on your journey. Beautiful bloodhounds you’ve got there by the way!
We are seriously considering full timing for at least a year. I have a couple of questions I’m hoping you can shed some light on.
1. As our trip will mainly be to see this beautiful country of ours including cities, museums, etc. we wondered about the pros and cons of pulling a vehicle behind the class a.
2. We have a large dog (rhodesian ridgeback) which requires consistent exercise. Do most campgrounds accommodate or have facilities that will allow us to run with her or at least take brisk walks?
We have never RV’d but really feel the call of spending time with our family and experiencing America. Thanks for sharing with us!
Sorry for my late answer to this (I sometimes miss comments!). Regarding your questions:
1/ We LOVE having a tow vehicle. It gives us the ability to sight-see and drive around a smaller vehicle while “the best” is in camp. If you’re planning on travelling in a smaller RV it may not make a big difference, but in a big RV the smaller tow comes in very handy. There are alot of places we would never see without the tow simply because we’d have no way of getting there in the big rig. I do know folks who rent and that is an option, but we prefer the ease of having the tow with us.
2/ If you’re travelling w/ a large dog that needs alot of daily exercise I’d recommend looking at public parks (state parks, national forest, COE etc.) instead of private parks. Public parks typically have lots of space and green including hiking trails which you will not find in private parks. We travel and stay 90% of our time in public parks for this very reason.
Hope that helps!
Want to tell you first that I really appreciate your site- its great.
I was wondering about the propane. when you say you only use $20 to $40 a month, can you give some idea as to how much, and what kind, of usage you are referring to? I’m getting a lot of extremely divergent numbers from different sources.
We use propane mostly for cooking and our fridge (when dry-camping). We sometimes use it for heating (furnace), but not often. You’ll find the BIGGEST usage of propane is the furnace, and that’s where you’ll get the big divergence in numbers. Cooking & fridge don’t use much even if you cook at home everyday. Our 40-gallon tank will easily last 6 months on that kind of usage. But the furnace is a different story -> If you run the furnace constantly you could easily gobble through a single 40-gallon tank in 4-5 days. Hope that helps!
Yes, that fits exactly! That makes so much sense. Thanks, and keep up the good work and forge ahead with the great technomad experiment.
I am interested in doing this while in college. Is it possible for me to be able to stay in one place?
Sure. There are some RV parks that will allow full-time living and some will even have special month/year rates. I would search around in your neighborhood to see what kind of rates you can get and what the parks are like. If you’re really creative you may even be able to barter some work at the park in exchange for a discount or (even) a free site.
I spent almost 5 years all in and around work site… So, for classes it should be no different.
But!!! You must keep moving maybe a mile or so a day which really is not that hard. after a while you make a pattern, today here… tomorrow there… and so on. Just keep it low key, no outside lawn chairs and coolers, no trashing up the place, making a scene, loud music etc.
About every two weeks I would check into an RV park, charge the batteries, clean the rig, etc.
Much better to have stories to tell than student loans to pay!!!
There is certainly an art to stealth camping in populated areas. It’s easier to do the smaller your rig (e.g. vandwellers), and it’s important to know the city parking rules, but if you’re creative and flexible it can be done. Cheers for sharing your story.
Nina I am currently pouring over my finances and researching budget projections. I am looking at potential RVs in the 36-38 foot range. Just a quick question, do you really get 10 miles to a gallon in the “beast”. I have heard very conflicting statements on diesel mileage anywhere from 5 to 12 mpg. I realize there are a lot of variables at play here, but if I can get 10 mpg on a 40′ rig I will be tickled ****less. Thanks so much. Totally enjoy your site. Best
It depends on the terrain, but yes I think we average close to 8-10 mpg. More on downhill, much less uphill.
Also, the wind and your speed are important factors… Good Luck!
is it possibly to travel in a 24foot rv with 2 people and 2 dogs for $1,000 a month and still be comfortable…
$1000/mo is the very low end of what I’ve seen folks do on the road. For one person I would say it’s possible, for two it is a stretch. You’d need to plan for low miles and fulltime boondocking or camphosting. One person I know who manages on that kind of budget is rvsue. You can connect to her blog and finances here:
I think if you can manage to find part-time jobs to supplement the income either through paid workamping, Amazon, beet harvest, online work or such you’ll be much, much more comfortable. Good luck with everything!
I’ve been thinking about full timing for years, I have a six year old who lives with me 4 nights a week. I have a full time job in the town my childs mom lives. Im ready to buy a 5th wheel and simplify our lives and gear towards travel when schools out for the summer. Anybody living with little ones and full timing..your advice would be appreciated. ….thanks
Still in dream mode
I know lots of families who fulltime. Highly recommend these resources:
1/ Website for Fulltime RV families: Fulltime Families
2/ Another website: Families On The Road
3/ Fulltime family blog: Boyinks4Adventure
4/ Fulltime family blog: Mali Mash
Many, many more out there, but that should get you started.
I am retired and have gotten the bug to see the country; Do the things that normally are done before law school. I have a few “different” questions:
1. I am 62 and divorced. Is there a singles life within this lifestyle/ability to meet other singles?
2. What if you have prescriptions. I have one that requires office visit every 30 days. Appears to be a deal breaker unless I can figure another strategy. But what about even “regular” prescriptions?
3. I’ve had six back surgeries. Can this life style be lived with a limitation of driving to 3-4 hrs of driving in a day and then staying put for at least three days? Note: I would have no time frame for the trip. Years.
4. Having a bad back and being tall, I don’t think I would survive in less than 35 ft. Is that reasonable?
5. Does a Class A require so much owner upkeep that any inabilities to do your own work would make the lifestyle much more expensive. Like I own a house and have to hire a handyman for many things that other owners might do themselves. Are such people available at campgrounds?
Thanks for thought provoking writing.
Gosh that’s alot of questions. I’ll try to answer them here:
1. Yes, there are lots of ways to meet other singles. In fact there are even travel groups that specialize in this. You can join rally’s or look at these guys who are very active Wondering Individual Network.
2. For prescriptions I honestly don’t have any experience, but I’ve heard others who are able to get their doc to send prescriptions to a nationwide pharmacy (e.g. like CVS) and then just pick them up at the local store wherever they happen to be. Don’t know if that would work for you, but talk to your Doc about it and post the question on one of the RV forums.
3. YES. In fact I would recommend a slower pace over a faster one. We typically drive only ~150 miles (sometimes much less) and typically stay at least 4-7 days in each spot. We’ve found we get more enjoyment out of a slower pace.
4. Sure. 35-feet is possible. It all depends how comfortable you are driving a bigger rig. Try a few out and see how it works for you.
5. Class A’s do have upkeep, particularly oil changes, filter changes, air system upkeep etc. Many, many people simply go to spots that specialize in this. It costs more than doing it yourself of course, but it’s totally possible. There are lots of mobile RV techs who’ll do work on your RV on-site too, although “messy” things like oil changes are best taken to a truck shop.
Hope that helps!
What do you do for Mail service?
We use Alternative Resources in South Dakota. Many other mail services in SD, FL and TX.
Thank you so much for what you do here. We look forward to visiting often as we plan, plan, plan for our summer of 2015 RV purchase and transformation to fulltime Rv’ers. Take care and God speed
Hi there 🙂 Me and my husband are thinking about living in an RV full time but we have a few questions.
How does the mail thing work?
Did you have to learn any maintenance skills for the RV?
While shopping for an RV, whats the biggest things to look for?
What big life style changes (if any) will we have to make?
Thanks so much 🙂
How did the affordable healthcare act affect your monthly expense?
I wrote in detail about the ACA costs we incurred in this post:
Also, for reference this post:
It’s complicated because costs vary so much based on which state you’re in, what the options are on the ACA exchange and whether you qualify (or not) for a subsidy. For us specifically, because of the poor choice of plans offered on the ACA exchange in South Dakota we ended up signing a short-term insurance plan for 2015. This will only last us a year. We are hoping that insurance options for pre-Medicare in SD improve in 2016, but if not we will be forced to switch domicile.
Our plan costs have altered as follows (all are $10,000 deductibles, both of us combined):
-> 2013 (pre-ACA) we paid $190/mo (South Dakota)
-> 2014 we paid $260/mo (grandfathered plan in South Dakota -> no longer offer in 2015)
-> 2015 we are paying $265/mo plus ~$80/mo penalty (South Dakota -> the penalty is because short-term plans are not considered ACA-compliant)
Thank you so much for your blog, it has been such a help. We are in the process of selling our house in South Lake Tahoe Ca, and going full time in a rv. Two of us, & 2 cats. Your article on traveling with pets was perfect. Having a hard time with scammers when looking at rvs, but will win in the end! Thanks again for all your hard work, it really helps us.
Hi Guys,
How come no one factors deprecation on their RV? Surely, if you want to do the full time for more than a few years you will find yourself paying too much in maintenance or having to upgrade. A typical class A loses about 8%-10% in value from year 3 to 6 and 6% after (about 22% for first year if you got a good deal) so, assuming you have a $120,000 RV and will buy a 3 year old RV every 7-10 years, you are looking at about $1200 per month!
The money folks put into their rig is soooo individual. Some folks fulltime in big Class A’s, others in small trailers, and even others in vintage buses. There’s no standard as far as the $$ put in and there’s certainly no standard as to how often folks upgrade and what year of rig they buy when they do. So, for fulltime RV costs I consider that an initial outlay rather than an on-going cost.
If you decide you need/want to upgrade your RV regularly you can certainly add that into your budget, but I find few fulltimers do. The vast majority of fulltimers stick with one rig (or at the most 2) for the time they are on the road, and then sell it when they come off the road.
Oh, and I don’t recommend buying new. In fact if we were to do it over we’d go even older than we did. Lots more value in older rigs.
I agree with older is better. While the mileage in older RVs may be low(er), they aren’t stuffed full of so much high-tech in their engine compartments that you can’t work on them yourself. A simple pre-1990 Chevy 350 or Ford 351 is a snap to work on and fix yourself for cost of parts and downtime, excepting major engine repairs like head gaskets, manifold gaskets, bearings, rods, pistons. My intent is to go with a mid-80s Ford/Chevy/Dodge based RV in the 24′-27′ range. Class C rules. No special license, smaller and easy to maneuver, cheaper to insure and register.
My concern is regarding the typical 2-week limit on State or Federal campsites, and the need to book weeks & months ahead will turn a delightful adventure into a never-ending competition for a parking space. Even when I tent camped boondock style in the days before mobile data, I was always looking for the next place. How do you relax and enjoy knowing you have to always be in planning-mode?
We generally only plan for summer. Fall and Spring there’s not too many campers out and we’re generally able to find open sites, or enough campgrounds with first-come-first-serve sites that we don’t need to worry. In winter if we stay in the SW (which we generally do) we boondock in the desert so we never need to plan ahead there. Florida is a different story. If you go there for winter you DO have to book months in advance, but we’ve only done that once so far.
So really, summer is our only “tough” season. Once kids go back to school things open up and it becomes much easier.
If you want to read more about our planning method I wrote a detailed 3-part series starting here:
That’s great advice and clears up many of my questions. I also think that being single makes a difference since 100% of the workload will be on me. Take care,
True “boondocking” (dispersed camping) in National Forests is free. You just find a nice spot that isn’t a designated, improved campsite and set up. As far as the time limitation, you can usually get by with just moving a little way away from your last spot you camped in and the rangers will generally not make any fuss, particularly if you happen to encounter one early and start to build a good rapport with them. In other words, BE NICE! Engage them in conversation and ask intelligent questions about the area.
For true boondocking most National Forests have 14 day stay limits after which they ask you to move to another forest (exact limits can vary, so always check beforehand). There are places the rangers will be more lax (and it’s *always* helpful to be nice to the rangers), but many forests have cracked down over the last few years and are actually getting more serious about fining people if they overstay. We love NF boondocking and take advantage if it whenever we can.
I’ve been considering doing the FT RV thing for a couple of years. I put a slight twist on it though in how I will go about it. Instead of a car, I will be towing a motorcycle on a small, enclosed trailer behind a 24′-27′ RV. This will allow some extra storage space and the 50 mpg I typically get on my motorcycle is better mileage than ANY 4 wheel vehicle on the market today. I have the gear to ride in rain or cooler weather, and since I won’t be anywhere near snow during winter, I don’t have to worry about being holed up in the RV when it’s that time of the year. I do not have an excess of property to dispose of before setting out on this lifestyle. No furniture to speak of, just my automobile to sell. The proceeds from that sale would be set aside as an emergency cushion for repairs to either the bike or the mobile domicile. I intend to do the “workamp” alternative for income, volunteering at National Parks to earn an annual pass each year. Never staying in one area more than 2-4 months and essentially following the weather, as you mentioned in your article. Southern states in winter, Midwest/northern states in the summer. I am also a photographer and will be photo-documenting and blogging my journey and visits to wherever I may find myself at any given moment via my website. Monetizing the photographic work can certainly be a challenge, and selling prints would be decent income if I can get the business. Creating and selling themed calendars with my photographic work is also an alternative source of income but does require an initial investment to get a quantity printed. Online sales through my website would be the simplest way to deliver product since the printing company I use does drop shipping, except for the calendars, those need to be printed in bulk quantities in order to be cost effective and profitable, so they would need to be shipped by me per order. With winter closing in, I may not start until spring, 2017, depending on whether this contract position I work at right now continues beyond Benefits Enrollment season or not.
We are planning to begin full time Rving once I retire (about 5-7 years). I will be 60-62 when we make the transition. We have a 5ver toyhauler now but it is 8 years old. thinking Class A, and toad. Lots of great info on this site, which provides the genesis of my planning. I’m retired military, and will also retire from Civil Service. My biggest concern is: 1 – the cost of the RV itself. 2 – How do we transition back to sticks and bricks once we advance in age.
The funny thing is I have managed to find a cheap way to live and travel. My most expensive cost is my RV which is my home. Moving around is expensive, but I always plan ahead now after years of learning why you need to!! I pay about $1700 for my RV life right now. Love to see others expenses and budgeting skills!
my best friend and i are purchasing a 2018 Winnebago and anxious to get out on the road but we know absolutely nothing about this life or expenses. I’m hoping that your expense list will help us figure out what we may need to live on the road. Thanks for all your help
I’m genuinely impressed by the depth and quality of your post. Your unique perspective enriches this community, and I’m thankful for your active participation.