Leaving on a Jet Plane….
“So Kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you’ll wait for me
Hold me like you’ll never let me go
Cause I’m leaving on a jet plane”
John Denver
By the time you get this I will be 5 miles high in the big blue and flying the jet-stream to Denmark. It’s gonna be a big family reunion in the homeland and we plan to celebrate in full Danish style (a bit of snaps might well be involved).
While I’m gone Paul will be pining away for me in Eugene, OR and hopefully getting the rig fixed at the Monaco factory next-door. He has also promised to work-out everyday, train the dog, wash and hand-wax the rig, scrub the floors, re-organize the closets and become a new man. And of course if I believe all that I’ve been smoking too much of the local stuff (which he’s also promised not to do, of course).

Not knowing what kind of access (if any) I’ll have in the ‘ol homeland I’ve managed to pre-write a few blogs that will auto-post over the next week and have also (with much brushing & grovelling) persuaded Taggart the cat to guest post. If the stars align and species porcus start to fly you might even see a guest post from Paul. Okay, maaaybe there’s a chance :). Regardless he has strict instructions to photographically record the whole RV slide repair and we’ll let you know all how it goes.
So, as we pass our last sunset I blow you a kiss and wave goodbye, but know that you’ll be in my heart and I’ll be back before long. Ciao, babies!
WOW…I didn’t see this coming. Sounds wonderful! Hope you have a wonderful time. Our daughter, Carrie, studied chemical engineering in Copenhagen one summer. She loved the “discos”.
Paul, you BIG shoes to fill. We look forward to your slant on the repair situation. Enjoy the ride.
Wish you the best time in Denmark, it must be exiting and interesting together.
Denmark I’m sure will be fine, but I can’t wait to see the mechanics of how the slide is repaired. Needless to say, but have a super time.
Nina — have a lovely time with your family. Don’t worry too much about your blog babies, we’ll survive and look forward to your return. =)
And here I thought I would have a chance to reply with a be safe and have a wonderful tri messagep. Well, anyway my sincere wishes to you to have a SAFE, FUN and JOYOUS time!!
Peter, Paul & Mary not John Denver! That’s what I grew up with.
How a great trip. So when is CA on you schedule??
Have a marvelous time and we’ll be looking for a full report when you get home.
Have a great trip. And a touch of Schnapps will be delightful!
Travel safe! We’ll miss you, and Yair and I seem to always be a month or two behind you. We’ll be in Portland and Eugene this September and October! 🙂
Have a great trip. We’ll be waiting for your return
Jeg håber det har været rart her i Danmark.
Hilsen fra Anni
PS! Jeg nyder at læse om jeres rejse og især de dejlige billeder
(din mors gamle skolekammerat)
Rigtig dejligt at hoere fra dig paa blogget! Nina