Guest Blog: Taggart Meows About Life On the Road

Allow me to introduce myself. I am Grand-Master-Exceptional-Supreme-Highness of this establishment. You may call me Highness or Grand Master for short (we shall not be so uncouth as to use anything less formal, after all). My Kingdom include my sister, Princess Rand and 2 Feeders (who also double as petters and warming pillows). Oh, and one rather large, insignificant furry subject whom we call “Dog”.
I have worked hard to establish order in my Kingdom over the last 9 years. My Feeders are sufficiently trained although they do lack on some points and are sometimes over 3 minutes late at mealtime (I am working on it). They have however learned on-demand petting and serve adequately in both body-warming and walking.

My life has been an adventurous and public one as is expected of royalty. I have travelled to all corners of the world including Asia and across the USA. Our current home is smaller than our last one, but comfortable enough although the Feeders insist on moving it frequently, an exercise I find entirely pointless. Nonetheless I have adapted and feel it best to allow them some expression of freedom (it does make for peace in the Kingdom you know).

While on the road we engage in daily walks for my figure and become acquainted with the local subjects, as befits a Queen and emissary of the Feline species. I am of course exceedingly good-looking and quite irresistible to all sexes and sizes of humans, a fact I take in stride. My attractive coat is maintained by many hours of beauty sleep, daily sun-baths and careful grooming. I also get a premium diet and will accept nothing else (believe me, the Feeders have tried).

“Dog” can sometimes be annoying and insists on walking and sleeping with me, but has been schooled sufficiently to step aside when I pass and acknowledges me as the natural mistress that I am.
Overall my life is rich and satisfying. Should we perchance meet I advise you that I prefer scratches under the chin and near my tail, not being in a position to reach those areas myself. Should you serve me well I may even reward you with a purr.
What a life
It’s a tough life….:)
That last shot is exactly how I looked on the couch today! Love the post.
The best pose is the most relaxing one
we bow to you your highness!..we have our own prince here!..Prince Oliver!!..or PO for short!..and there is a ‘dawg’ too..but the PO rules the roost also!!
From one royalty to another…I give you my salute
At our house, I rule supreme and tolerate (barely) Skittlez. I do know my people would be great under the chin scratchers from personal experience.
Good on you. The right attitude for sure.
You are awesome! What a great blog today! Love it! Makes me want to get another kitty.
As the former servant of a king, I recognize your story as a true thing. I hope your feeders do a good job of maintaining your facilities as well as we all know how well you can demonstrate displeasure if they should fail in this important duty.
Indeed…I keep them on a short leash
That paw photo is way too cute! I haven’t lived with a cat in years, but spending these last few weeks with Chairman Miaow (our housesitting kitty) has made me miss them so much. Well, I could do without the plaintive mews waking us up in the morning when he doesn’t think we’ve provided his daily tuna early enough, but the cuddling makes up for it.
Those kitties sure know how to run your life. Glad you’re enjoying your house-sit w/ Miaow. Nina
Toooooo Cute!!!
My Feeders have put me on a diet. The doc said I am one pound over weight, and they went hysterical! I don’t understand them. I am told by other humans that…I look MARVELOUS! And I do. Grand Master keep those humans in line. If they are anything like mine, they tend to think they are the “boss”. I quickly put them back in their place. Continue to reign your castle, and I will continue to reign mine! Chow…Bella
Oh noooo! I’m sure you’re simply Purrrfect the way you are! Tell your feeders that rolls are simply extra pretty fur.
Oh Taggart, your writing is stellar. You should really get your own blog. Drop the dead weight. Those feeders are just riding your coat tails. You are a star!
You make a very good point, Hunter. I have often felt that my creative writing deserved a unique outlet. I will give your royal comment thorough thought after my nap.
Love this post! Awesome your highness! Sounds like a good life, similar to what I have learned to expect as Princess Sammie. Luckily, I too have two petters to cater to my every whim! When I let them away for a spell, we have agreed on my going to my country house, also known as Club Med. I believe the petter there is the father of my #1 human! Life is good. I look forward to spending the holidays at Club Med – love watching the squirrels and birds – they amuse me so!!!
While my petter shares news of her adventures (, a simple essay on a day in my important life can be found at Life is tough being a princess, how ever do you cope your Highness???
Oh Taggart, you are indeed awesome. My sweet Cleo has met her match and is now requesting one of your pet warmer blanket recommendations from the gift guide. I must tell you that your name holds a special place in my heart. My first two cats were named Taggart & Rosewood (after the cop team from Beverly Hills Cop). Where did you get your name from?
Well wishes friend.
Thank you for your kind words. It’s nice to meet people who recognize my natural wonderfullness. My name is from the lead character in Atlas Shrugged. An independant and very good-looking character, of course. I hope I get to meet Cheo-queen at some point.
Just made my day… I have had a kitty in my house for almost 50 years… several of them over that time. My favorite, most beloved was Matilda, a rescue kitty from Australia. She lived to be 22. You are a wonderful writer!!
Awww…22. That’s just wonderful! Glad you enjoyed the blog post.
We are in the process of purchasing a larger motorhome, WGO Adventurer 32H….so now we room to take our 16 yr old cat, Charlotte (we call her Charlie). A few questions….how do you handle the kitty liter and how is your kitty when you are on the road? Do you put her in a kennel, let her roam?
Thanks for any insight!
For our kitty litter we keep it in the shower and just put something over the drain to stop litter getting down there. Not the most brilliant of locations, but it works. I’ve seen some people convert part of a drawer into litter-space or buy one of those nice-looking side-tables that hide a litter-box in the bottom. If you’re handy you can do something clever.
For travel, when we first started out we kept the cats in a cat bag, but they HATED it..just wouldn’t stop crying the whole way. After a few trips I got fed up and let them out. They both ran under the bed-covers in the back of the coach and stayed there (quietly) for the entire trip. So, that’s where they’ve traveled ever since. As soon as we’re ready to leave they go under the covers and stay there.
Thanks so much for sharing your adventures with your pets. We are thinking about doing this full time as well. We have 3 cats and 1 dog. When you travel from one destination to the next, what do you do with the pets? Are they caged or do you leave then out? Also where did you end up putting the litter box?
When we travel our cats are in the back of the RV under the bed covers. Our dog is between us up front. We keep our litter box in the shower.
Here’s more cat tips for you: