A Brand New Clicker….

There’s a well-known saying that the camera doth not the photographer make, and I do believe this to be true. Many of the shots I share on this site I capture with my trusty point and shoot, and I did professional photography for years with my good ‘ol Nikon D80 (not considered a fancy choice by any means).
But I’ve been drooling over new cameras in very much the same way that Polly looks at squirrels. You could almost call it a Pavlovian response. I’d gotten to the point of limits on my D80 and was feeling a sudden, overwhelming need for 39 focal points, 6 frames per second, 16.2 MP and well…so much more.

Excuse me for a minute while I wipe the slobber off my keyboard….
It was a fabulous surprise therefore when my parents decided to put me out of my misery and make it a present for my…shall we say…twenty plus-plus birthday (one of the big ones anyway, and women’s ages are approximate after all). I hunted around for a few months looking for the best deal and finally scored a brand new Nikon D7000 with the very blissful and sexy list of specs I wanted.

The new camera is a good step-up from my old one and it absolutely rocks! I took it out for a bounce around the park with Polly and my cheap macro-cheaters. After some hours lying in the grass and clicking away I most definitely feel like a new, happy doggie.
It may not make me a better photographer, but it sure is a nice treat 🙂
Note/ If you’re looking for a new camera I highly recommend dpreview.com and Ken Rockwell’s easy-to-use site.
I’m drooling alright. I hope you enjoy it. I know I would.
Congrats on the new “point and shoot”, looks like a real beast. I decided to leave my Nikons and go to a Canon with a fully articulating rear screen, which helps me stay off the ground with the rest of the bugs for those low, closeups. But you have a great eye and your stuff is super regardless of the equipment.
You know you can’t go wrong w/ the Canon’s. They’re great camera too (my point & shoot is the Cannon S95)…awesome little device!
Hurray for parents and the BIG, HUGE birthday that scored you this gift!
I think this may be my biggest pressie ever…very impressed too!
Tillykke med det nye kamera og de ekstremt gode “skud”
Mange tak!! Nina
Nice Camera, and I was happy just to pick up a new D3000!!! quite the upgrade for me. I’m no pro, but do enjoy taking pics and the new Nikon should help out in that aspect abit.
The D3000 is an awesome camera too! Do check out Ken Rockwell’s page. He’s got a great “primer” on the Nikon cameras as well.
Ok I’am drooling: very good investment, Enjoy and share more photos.
Cheers! Definitely happy w/ the new equipment. Nina
Congrats Nina!! We can’t wait to see many more beautiful pictures.
And, Happy Birthday whenever that was.
It was a while back, but thank you!! Looking forward to sharing some shots!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! WOW…they must really love you…LOL I can’t image you taking better pictures. Yours are always wonderful! Enjoy your gift. It will be a gift for all of us to enjoy.
Shucks…thanks so much. Definitely enjoying the new clicker.
won’t exactly fit in the pocket….:)
It’s the camera for a bigger pocket 🙂
Gorgeous photos you captured with it – excited to see what else you come up with. 🙂
Thanks guys! Nina
Happy Birthday! Maybe with the new camera you could post a few DSLR tutorials for us 🙂
Great idea! Can’t say I’m an expert, but it’s always fun to share and I’ll put it on the list! Nina
Nina — what a fabulous gift from your parents! Our parents are long ago in Heaven, so they send a different kind of gift for us. I know what you mean about cameras, as we have gone through a wide series of them,.and the ones we are using this summer don’t match the heavy old Canon Rebel we left behind. When we get home, I’m gonna drag that out and dust it off for sure!
I’m always torn between a “big” camera and the small pocket-size. I love the pics I get out of the big one, but soooo enjoy the portability of the small. Often I end up taking both!
Wow. Nice. These kinds of things make birthdays worth having. Now I have to wipe the drool off my keyboard.
Hehe…you and me both! Nina
So what lenses are you starting with?
Still haven’t got any new lenses yet, so going w/ my good ‘ol 50mm and 18-200mm for now. Looking to add a dedicated wide-angle soon though.