Back-Roads & Caravaning to The Sierras – NE California

A few weeks ago I had a cunning plan…in fact a brilliant, one might even say genius plan. It was the scheme of a camping route, a journey of elegance and pure beauty carefully crafted along the back-roads and by-ways down south with the promise of fantastic drives, stunning vistas and…yes…even a secret absolutely-to-die-for boondocking spot.
But alas, all went awry with our little slide delay, I ended up flying to Mammoth instead of driving there and the best-laid schemes o’ mice an’ men twas not to be.

Or was it….
Turns out one delay encountered another. People showed up, or rather more specifically Alex and Ellen popped up (seems we just can’t seem to get rid of those folks), the weather, in a surprise move, co-operated and we decided the plans should be brought back to life. Only this time we were going to caravan the whole thing. Two big, happy 40+ foot “beasts” for a few weeks on the road in one big monster-fest. What could be cooler than that?
So we decided to make a go of it.

Since our little visit at Henderson’s we’ve been on a journey of sweet 2-lane back-roads down to Reno. We’ve driven through the southern dry forests of Oregon, the Medoc valley of Northern California, stopped at several lakes and ended up in a gorgeous State Park in Nevada. Along the way we even managed to discover the hidden gem of the Lava Beds National Monument, a huge park in the NE corner of California packed with more than 700 lava-caves, remnants of the Medoc war of 1872-1873 (“Captain Jacks Stronghold“) and one of the biggest concentrations of Indian Rock Art in North America at Petroglyph Point (who knew?).
And so far all is well. We still like each other (those sticky caravan buddies and us, that is), the boondocking spot WAS amazing and we’re well on our way to the scenic drive south on 395 in California. I’ve teased you with just a few shots of the drive, so in the next posts I’ll relieve the tension and give you details of where we actually stayed. If I’m feeling particularly generous I might even tell you about the boondocking spot. Well….errr, okay…I admit it, I’m a total push-over and will tell you all anyway. So, stay tuned. Secrets like this don’t get out everyday…
You better upload your next real soon…I can’t stand the suspense!!!
Hehe…I love to tease 🙂
Nina, is it the least bit possible that Mo and I passed you yesterday on Highway 139 going over the mountain down to Susanville? We were in the Lexus but I am almost certain I saw Paul at the wheel of your rig. Glad to see that you enjoyed Lava Beds and Upper Klamath Lake, home country for us. Safe Travels
Oh it probably was!! Paul was driving and we did that exact route yesterday so most likely we DID cross roads! How fun is that!
You’ve been traveling in some glorious country. We’re all a-twitter waiting to read more. An d no, we don’t mean “Twitter!”
Hehe…nice play on words there! Nina
I am a Florida “full time” RV’r and have travelled Hwy 395 several times. It’s absolutley my favorite. Be sure to visit Bodie (ghost town) and boondock at Tuttle Creek BLM Campground in Lone Pine, CA along the way. Looking forward to your travels.
Daniel, YES Lone Pine is one of our definite stops! Heard so much about it but never stayed so this is our chance at last. Can’t wait to explore the area around there.
Sure am looking forward to more of the journey. Beautiful pictures.
I’ll be doing my best 🙂
What’s for breakfast?
No comment 🙂 Nina
Did I already tell you that I envy you? if not I am telling you now…as non residents we HAVE to leave after 6 months and that is what we are doing for the last 10 years: Summers RVing and winters at home.
Just stored the rig in NC for the winter and are making our way back home through Toronto.
Will be back to pick it from the place we left in Spring 2012 to explore new territories.
Have a great winter hope one day to hook up with you both.
I REALLY enjoyed seeing the route you took this year in your rig. And yes, I’d love to meet up some day on the road!
Sounds awesome, can’t wait for the rest
So I haven’t been able to find the article where you reveal your boondocking site. We’re heading in that direction and would love to stay there! More information please 🙂
It’s just a few posts after this one, but here you go: