Sea Kayaking La Jolla, Taxes and Losing A Bike

It’s been a busy week-end at the beast headquarters. It all started with puuuurfect weather (what else, this is San Diego after all) and another meet-up with our new intrepid RVing buddies Lu & Terry from Paint Your Landscape. Our mission this time was to go kayaking at La Jolla Sea Caves.
Now this little expedition is something that’s been on my list for a while. La Jolla boasts 7 littoral (formed by wave action) Sea Caves that are part of the massive San Diego-La Jolla Underwater Park which spans 6,000 acres (24 km2) of ocean bottom and tidelands in La Jolla Cove.

The area is a pristine ecological preserve that allows snorkeling, scuba diving, kayaking, paddle-boarding and swimming. Because of it’s status as an ecological preserve (no fishing, littering etc.) and an abundance of reef and underwater Giant Kelp this area has a uniquely high concentration of sea life. It’s one of the must see things in San Diego, but you can only go inside the caves with a guide. Since we were only going once this seemed like the thing to do, so despite my natural avoidance of all things touristy, both Lu and I agreed to go in with a tour.

Now if you’ve read Lu’s post on the day you already know what’s coming. It was literally the puuuurfect day for kayaking -> blue sky, light breeze, calm water and warm T-shirt weather sunshine. The water was fabulous, the views spectacular and I had moments of pure ocean bliss paddling the water with my feet pointed to the wide, blue horizon.

But the tour, sorry to say, was a bomb. Despite the company claiming they only take out “small groups” we must have had ~20 kayaks in our group, and once we got to the sea caves there was a back-up of at least 3 other groups to get in. We waited, and waited, and waited….and then paddled in for….less than 30 seconds of sitting inside one cave before being directed to go back out. That was pretty much the tour done. I fear all the tour companies in the area are similar in this respect.

Now we did get to see dolphins, sea lions and amaze ourselves at the Giant Kelp that grows in the cove (one of the few spots in the world!), but all of that would probably have been more relaxing without the tour group. My advise is most definitely to go, but to bring your own kayak or rent without a guide and take your own fine time around the bay. You can explore and enjoy the whole area except for going physically inside the caves.
Back home we wasted away the rest of the week-end doing taxes (oh, the joy of it all). All I can say on that topic is that I am, yet again, incredibly thankful to be resident of a no-tax state and have full-time RV tax benefits that we take advantage of. Our other little hic-up was that someone stole my 15-year old mountain bike right from outside our RV. Now this bike, if you’ve ever seen it, might well be the ugliest and most rusty thing still turning on wheels so why anyone would want to steal it is beyond me. And in 2 years of RVing (and being quite lax about our outdoor equipment) we’ve never had a single item taken. It’s a total freak event and won’t likely change how we operate, but for purely sentimental reasons I miss the old girl. Then again, it’ll probably be nice to get a new bike…oh, and did I mention it…the weather is puuuurfect 🙂
Awesome pics!
Sorry about your bike being stolen. Your day out at the Cove looks like something Bob and I will do, but in our Sea Eagle. We can manage not going into the cave. I, too, hate those big group outings, but you picked a fabulous day to do it.
The area would be perfect for your Sea Eagle. GREAT place to kayak around and take your time.
Is the tax credit on installation only, or on components, too?
Bummer on the bike-stealing. It’s not just the loss of the item, there’s a dramatic dip in the way I see the world in the aftermath. I usually rebound, but I feel that loss more than the thing stolen. So, if that happens to you, I hope you’re also rebounding quickly.
The Good Luck Duck
You can take the credit on the whole enchillada, baby!! We deducted all equipment and installation from last year’s taxes.
And I know what you mean about seeing things a little different after something like this. It definitely bums me out to have had something stolen. It was an old item and I’ll recover quickly so I’m not worried, but I did feel my heart drop a bit when I saw it was gone.
Try to think of the bike’s disappearance as someone needing emergency transportation feeling grateful to you for providing it. And/or as creating an opportunity for you to upgrade your transportation. Or anything else you can tell yourself to make a perceived negative into a positive. After all, it’s all small stuff–except maybe to the person who had that emergency.
Well, I’m not sure I can be magnanimous enough to think of it going to someone with need, but I can definitely manage to think of it as a chance for an equipment upgrade 🙂
Absolutely beautiful! Howard and I experienced our first Kayak adventure a couple of weeks back at Rainbow Springs State Park in Dunnellon, FL. What a fun activity!! We rented a two-sitter; I want a Yellow or Lime Green one of my very own.
Nina, so sorry about losing “the old girl”! How shameful of someone.
PS. We don’t always write, but know that we always read your blog and appreciate it very much!!!!!
So happy you guys are still reading. And GREAT that you got to experience your first kayak in FL!! You know here in San Diego there’s even an outfit that does kayaking w/ dogs. We’re looking into doing that next w/ Polly.
I don’t comment often, but having a bike stolen is just the pits. I don’t care how old or rusty it was. We had someone steal a tool box from us but it had a big hole in it where Jim had melted it somehow and only a couple of tools he hadn’t moved to the new tool box. But it was still the idea that someone would take it from us. Love your pictures. I really don’t like tours with lots of people unless there is no other choice.
You’re so right Sandie. It’s not the object that bums me out so much as the act (stealing). I’ll get over it, but can’t help feeling a little down.
As trusting as we are, and being ex new yorkers…we always lock our rv…if nothing else it is a deterrent(sp) cause if someone wants it bad enough they will find a way…bummer about the bike…but like you said bad news…good nes…the kaying tour sounded horrible too…we like you would rather rent a kayak and go on our own….as for taxes….enuf said….
We usually lock the RV too, but I have to admit I’m lax about the outside bikes esp. since they’re both old and rusted. It’s wierd too…no-one locks their bikes in this RV park and yet mine was the only one stolen? They even left Paul’s bike which is a MUCH nicer bike than mine. Go figure!
We love your sea kayaking adventure! We don’t like your stolen bike 🙁
We are fellow paddlers, in an Old Town Discovery 167, “Red”. We purchased Red 25 years ago slightly used for $300; I believe the best investment we’ve ever made. Had too numerous to count priceless experiences like your sea kayak expedition. Keep havin’ fun!
$300 for a kayak…GREAT deal. We’re seriously thinking about getting an inflatable kayak. We’ve spent so much time (esp. this past year) near spots with water that I’m sure we could have gotten alot of enjoyment out of it. If we can get Polly to go along I think we’ll do it! She’s had her first ride last year in a friend’s kayak (back in Astoria OR) and did real well.
We do agree it was a perfect day, particularly the company. Thanks again for joining us. So sorry to hear about your bike. We have not had anything stolen while RVing but have lost a bike to theft some years back. Hopefully you can replace her with something great.
Wonderful post Nina, as always. We thoroughly enjoy everything you write.
Ow there were only two of us when I was there in La Jolla. I knew there plenty more of natural beauty La Jolla offers, just didn’t know exactly like what you shared here. Anywho, I still enjoyed my visit there watching the birds and the seagull, and my stop at the Birch Aquarium.
Definitely enjoyed your pics from the acquarium on your blog! Nice that you had the place to yourself when you were here.
Nina, a little sad to read about your bike…but you have a good attitude… Kelly
Bike thieves just make me want to SPIT! And that’s all I’ll put in print! Gah! I had “New and Shiny” stolen within the first two months of ownership when we were living in the Netherlands, and I was vacillating between anger and disappointment. My wife was much more laid back about the whole thing with her “It’s only a bike” attitude, but I was pissed!
Seems there are some 700,000 bikes stolen in the Netherlands each year. That wasn’t much of a consolation.
I replaced it (hey, it’s KIND of important to have a bike in the Netherlands?) and have been damned vigilant ever since. I’m sure if anyone even looked twice at the new “New and Shiny”, I’d probably lose it. You’re much more laid back. Of course, shopping for and replacing a 20 year old bike is something to look forward to.
Sucks about the “Tour”. I’m not much of a tourist, for just that reason.
Enjoy your sunshine!
What a beautiful but disappointing day! We’ve had similarly lousy tours, but not that bad. At least you did enjoy much of the kayaking.
What a great place to kayak. I put it on my Pinterest board to get to some day.
Glad to read your kayak adventures in San Diego, where our daughter lives. We carried our 14.4 foot Necky kayaks on top of our Lazy Daze motorhome for seven years. Many, many great adventures with them including camping/kayaking for ten days on the Green River (Moab) and more recently ten days doing the Bowron Lakes Circuit out of Quenel, British Columbia. We tried an inflatable for three days (Sea Eagle) in the beginning and promply bought it back to Costco. The difference was night and day, especially if you compare it to a first rate hardshell kayak like a Necky. IMHO, wait for a good buy on Craig’s List or go into a first rate kayak store in the spring (demo season), try some out, and select the best money can buy.
Lots of room on top of your “Beast” for racks. We just climbed up our ladder and lifted them (kayaks) up by rope and secured them for safe travel. Never had a problem! Sold them and the RV a few months ago. Miss them dearly as we have two ten foot Eddyline kayaks that grace the living room in our apt. We love kayaking and canoeing so much that we have reframed the whole concept about apt living with renaming our cozy apt … our boathouse. Sofa, comfy chair, dining table, plus bedroom set and desk supplements the furniture. With no garage available one has to focus on priorities. Happy kayaking!
Sounds like you’ve had some amazing kayak adventures! Every time I go out in one, I enjoy it and always end up thinking we should do it more often. I don’t know why we don’t! I’m not sure we’re ready to buy, but hopefully there will be many more rentals in our future.