Thank You
“Life is mostly froth and bubble
Two things stand like stone.
Kindness in another’s trouble,
Courage in your own”.
Adam Lindsay Gordon
I’ve been overwhelmed and humbled with all the kind words and personal stories that people wrote on my last blog post. You’ve all opened your hearts to me and it’s been an incredible pillar of love and support. So much of what you shared is so much deeper than my own issues. This past week has been tough, but I’ve been deeply touched by everything that you’ve shared and know my troubles are but a passing wave on a large ocean of beauty and calm. You’ve all helped me see that perspective and understand that no-one is (ever) alone.
I’m not quite ready to get back to regular blogging, but wanted to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for everything you’ve shared. I have read every word, taken in every story and am truly honored to have you all as friends.
Still thinking of you guys,
Be well.
You are such a beautiful writer. I hope you are doing okay. 🙂
I think most of us have had to deal with a trials and tribulations at some point. What it is, isn’t important. It is how you deal with it and what you can learn. I will tell you that while time does heal, my brother died tragically at 41 years of age on 5/28/01 much time has passed but it is never far from my heart. But I learned from that to remember what is important and things that in the past would have caused much stress – just don’t matter. Thoughts and prayers are with you.
So sorry for your loss. Those that pass are forever in our hearts. And I agree it’s a lesson to remember what’s important in life. That is true indeed.
Keeping you both in our thoughts.
Thinking and praying for you both!
Thanks Marsha! You always have such kind words and support. Nina
Praying for you both, I also love your writing of your life on the road. It is one of my dreams to one day do the same thing. Last July I lose the love of my life unexpected, so I have been traveling with your stories. Thanks
Oh goodness. SO sorry for your loss! I’m honored to have you along for the journey on the blog. Nina
All of us out here wish you both well. I’m glad you decided to drink the wine — and thank you for the reminder that we should all do the same while we still can.
Good wine is definitely worth drinking 🙂 Nina
You have a basic joy in life that shines through in your blog posts. It is perhaps shrouded for a while, but all of us out here are working on helping you lift that shroud. Thank you for sharing your life with us, whether it be joy or sorrow.
Thanks both. I’m still following your travels and love having you along for ours. Nina
I hope you are both well. I enjoy your posts. Being a younger (as in not yet retired) RVer, I especially enjoy reading and meeting others in similar circumstances. I have to agree with Jerry and Suzy — your basic joy in life shines through.
I do try and spread joy in my blogs and life. It’s something I work at always and hope to rub off on others. Glad you are along for the ride.
Can we help? 🙂
Sure appreciate the offer, but this is one path I need to tread on my own.
May you find peace with each passing day. My grandsons are in the hospital and their Father was killed when their car was hit by a Cap Metro train here in Austin on April 30th. People from all walks of life are praying and supporting my Daughter and these two boys, it is amazing to see. Your message that now is the “perfect time” is so very true.
Oh dear! My heart and love go out to your and your daughter in this very difficult time. I do hope your grandsons get well and that you all manage to pull through. Best of thoughts to you!
Here with you. Hugs and more hugs.
PS- I’m a good listener. Just a bit of info to tuck away for a rainy day. xo
Thanks Ayo. Appreciate the kind thoughts! Nina