A Side-Trip To Portland, Flip-Flops & Gearing Up For Work

So today I’m off on a quick 2-day side-trip to Portland before we launch full-speed into our new jobs on Wednesday (July 4th will be our first day). The trip is to pick-up my cuz’ Christina who’s flying over to visit from Denmark. For those of you who’ve been following the blog a long (looooong) time you might remember the lovely girl from the time she came over to visit us in Colorado in 2010. She’s a crackin’-fun gal and will keep our free hours well occupied for the next few weeks before she flies back.
The girl is coming at the right time and place too. With most of the country boiling in record temps (thousands of records have been broken over the past few weeks) and crazy scary wildfires raging in Colorado, the Oregon coast is still hovering around a super-pleasant 70-75 °F (~20-25 °C) on a daily basis. This year, more than ever, we’ve managed to stay on-track with our flip-flop barometer and we’re crossing toes that all our RV friends and family are staying safe and comfortable out there too.

As for our jobs we’ve already gone through basic training, received our volunteer vests (which immediately made me feel more knowledgeable) and crammed several days worth of history into our brains. And with just these few hours of “experience” under our belts we’ve been given keys to a National Historic Treasure….wow! I’m nervous, but excited for our first day and will be writing lots more about what we’re actually doing (and what volunteering means) as we get into it. In the meantime I’ll just leave you with a few more shots of our backyard and thoughts of cool weather for wherever you are.
P.S. Paul’s doing better and better. He’s still pityfully limping and sore, but good to go for our jobs and is managing short walks, controlled stretching and McKenzie Exercises. With a bit of luck and perseverance the ‘ol boy will be limble as a snail within a few short weeks.
Thanks, always, for sharing your beautiful photos!!!!
You’re welcome! Glad you like ’em!
Vests! Do you need an assistant?
Not only do we get vests my dear, we ALSO get a wooden sign with our names. Oh yes indeed we do!
“With a bit of luck and perseverance the ‘ol boy will be limble as a snail within a few short weeks.” HAHAHA…bring him to Eugene and he can run for Slug Queen this year!
Slug Queen…sounds like the perfect race LOL!
He’s actually limbered up quite alot these past few days. Even went on a walk w/ pooch to the beach this AM.
We left McMinnville, Or yesterday w/67 and rain….. made it into Hermiston by 2pm… and around 80 deg….what a change after only 220 miles east… headed to Idaho tomorrow, on our way to Yellowstone… good wishes Paul for a quick recovery, and your first lob at the Lighthouse…
Hope Yellowstone weather holds well for you guys. It’s one of the spots we’ve not yet been, but really want to go!
Good luck with your new job! I just read your flip-flop barometer post and I laughed. I can’t believe you range it from 60 and 80 degrees. Well, maybe I can since everyone thinks I’m crazy for wearing girls flip flops any time it is above 50 (and yes I have done that in January even if there is snow on the ground). I will have to come back here more often to read about more of your adventures!
How fun…I am rather flip-flop nutty too. I’ve been known to don the “sock in flop” look, which I find both practical and easy. Most folks do not approve LOL…
“and crammed several days worth of history…”
See, that would be my downfall. Memory like a sieve. But other than that, it sorta sounds like fun. Good luck.
The dates are rather tricky for me too, but we have some “cheat sheets” in the lighthouse to help us, so it’s actually been smooth sailing so far.
Thanks for the link to the McKenzie exercises. Eldy is being stubborn about his back pain, but I’m giving him everything I can on it. He’s not going to get any more sympathy that’s for sure! Can’t wait to hear about the job. This is something I’d really like to do some day!
The McKenzie exercises are highly recommended for back issues. Paul’s been doing them everyday and they’re been really helpful. I’ll be writing about the job next.
You are at one of our favorite areas to visit on the Oregon coast. If you want to get a great pic of the lighthouse thru some driftwood go over to the driftwood pile that is just to the north of the lighthouse there and off the road a little, look for a stack that has a viewing hole thru it and you can see the lighthouse, makes for some great pics. You have to get down closer to the ground to see thru the opening. keep up the great blog and pics, I really enjoy it. Hope Paul gets better soon!! Doug H
Cheers for that! I’ll have to scope it out next time we get off our PM shift! If I get the shot I’ll definitely post it!
Enjoy your visit with your cousin. Looking forward to upcoming posts on your new “job”.
Thanks. We’re having a blast and REALLY enjoying the job too. More on that to come…