Easy RV Mod -> Oxygenics Shower Head

I’ve always got about 20 blog post ideas knocking around in my head, but don’t always get around to all of them (too many posts, not enough time?). One of my long-term ideas is to do a regular series of “easy RV mod” posts. The idea behind this series is to highlight super-easy, inexpensive and hopefully super-useful RV mods which anyone can do. My other idea is to make this an interactive series too, one where I invite readers to send in their own mods to highlight in future posts. After marinating on this idea for a while I’ve decided to kick it into action and we’ll see where it goes. So….here it goes….
One of the best all-around easy mods we’ve done to our RV in the past year is to switch out our factory-installed shower head with an Oxygenics head. Now, I’m usually not one to gush about showers, and even though I’d seen the mod on RV forums (with super-rave reviews) I resisted it for a long time. I mean how much real difference does a showerhead actually make? Well this winter we finally relented and I have to admit I absolutely LOVE this thing.

Oxygenics uses a cool technology that accelerates and injects oxygen into the water flow which does two totally awesome things -> it increases water pressure while decreasing water usage. What this means in practical terms in the RV is that you get a more powerful shower, especially in low-pressure areas (e.g. low-pressure water supply or while using the RV water pump) PLUS you get to take longer showers for the same amount of water (excellent for boondocking!). Even though our shower came with a pretty decent head we immediately noticed the difference and have been totally hooked since we installed it.
Here’s how we put it all together:

1/The Shower Head: We bought the Body Spa Oxygenics “kit” from Amazon since this was the best deal on the net when we looked ($26.21 at the time with bought it with free Prime shipping). The hose and fittings that come in the “kit” are horrible (really poor quality plastic) so we just used the head and tossed the rest. The head fit directly into our existing hose and holder so all we had to do was screw it on and go.

2/ Shut-Off Valve: When we’re boondocking we take “navy showers” and like having an easy shut-off for the shower. I did not like the included on-off valve that came with the shower head kit (it’s a collar on the bottom of the showerhead that you turn which I found waaaay too fiddly in the shower) so we got rid of it and installed a cheap (~$5) thumb-operated shut-off valve from Home Depot. Much faster and nicer system to use.
The final result? A great shower that feels exactly like the one we used to get in our “fancy” bathroom at our old stix house, even while boondocking. Plus hot water and water tanks that last a much longer time. The head is heavier than our old one so we make a point of taking it off the holder and placing it on the shower floor when travelling, but other than that we’ve made no other changes. Awesome mod for a pretty awesome price…I recommend it 🙂
Got a cool RV mod of your own? Feel free to e-mail me with photos and details and I’ll highlight on the blog in a future post. Full credit will be yours!
We did this exact project a couple of years ago. . .I think we read about the Oxygenics showerhead in a RV Magazine. . .and also added the shut off valve. . .we totally agree. . .a huge improvement in the quality of your showering experience!
Happy to hear you love the mod as much as we do! Nina
We loved the Oxygenics so much in our travel trailer, we put one into our stick house as well. Now that’s a recommendation!
I hear that story quite a bit. I think if we bought a stix house we’ll do the same!
We installed it in our coach and have to add our rave to the reviews. Tremendous difference in pressure that equals a much more enjoyable shower. The water control on the handle is a design flaw that is virtually useless with wet hands. Glad you suggested a shut off valve. Sounds like the answer!
Yup, I found the new shut-off valve was the “finishing touch” for the mod. Glad to hear you folks love it too!
It seems I always learn something.
I mean, I knew about the shower head. I’ve seen it somewhere. Another blog, somebody’s mods? Doesn’t matter. So I thought, “Ya…whatever”. BUT, I never knew about the shut off modification! Pays to keep reading, even though I have the attention span of a gnat.
I hated the stupid shut off thingy in our motorhome shower. It was kinda flimsy, hard to operate, and didn’t completely shut off until I took it apart one fine day to try and sort it out. I maybe improved it by a couple percent, and then just gave up.
Thanks for the enlightenment.
When/if we ever have another RV, it’s gonna be a whole new ballgame.
Cool! Glad I could give you a useful tip!
So glad you did this post. We have talked about these heads and haven’t thought about it for a while. So glad to read from someone with “experience.” We can now reconsider purchasing one.
Oh I SO recommend it! Nina
Someone had recommend this shower head to us last year when we bought our bus – so we put one in. OMG.. it’s been an awesome love affair! Amazing and affordable device that really does increase our quality of life! I never feel guilty about taking a 1-minute shower anymore. And I’ve never had a shower head I enjoy so much.
And great idea for a series. With all of the huge remodeling projects we’ve done on our bus conversion, we forget to talk about the little ones that are also as important!
So happy to hear you guys enjoy it as much as we do! You’ve had some fantastic mods on your bus. I’m sure you could make almost a years worth of post out of those! I always love seeing what you come up with.
I’ve had two of these and they both broke at the base where they screw into the hose. There is a little screw on the inside of the handle that attaches everything together that is put in place before both sides of the handle are cemented together. That screw loosened up and there is no way to tighten it short of cutting the handle sides apart.
Even though it gives a great shower, after two failures in the same place, I’ve gone back to a regular shower head. Dissapointed in their quality.
Bummer! I haven’t heard of alot of failures on these heads, but it does come up every now and again on the forums and rating. The nice thing is that oxygenics has a life-time guarantee. Sorry it didn’t work out for you.
I got the Oxygenics shower a while ago, but need to lower the place it fits into – a bit too high I think. But I love your new mod. While washing my hair, eyes closed, I reach for the shutoff thingie, and with soapy hands can’t get it to turn. That’s not a good design. Every time I want to adjust the spray, I have to dry my hands (and eyes) to find it and get it to turn. What a pain! I’m ordering the shut-off valve today! Thanks. 🙂
I look forward to your new posts with easy mods. You always have such good posts – love it when you pop up on my blogroll!
Glad you like it (and that I could give an extra little “tip” on the shut-off valve 🙂 Thanks for the support too!
Thanks to Technomadia for posting a link to this blog. Love the post – thank you!
Thanks for coming on over! Sure appreciate technomadia’s shout-out too!
I have put it on my list “to do”-Thnaks
Cool! Let us know what you think when you install it.
“I’m not one to “gush” about showers….”
Hehe…yeah I threw that one in for laughs and giggles. Glad you caught it 🙂
I’ve read about those shower heads. I think I’ll look into it. Thanks for the post.
Definitely recommend it as a mod. We resisted for so long, but it was worth it when we finally did install the head.
Hey everyone, Just received the Camping World Internet Specials Ad. The Oxygenics Shower Spa is on sale! Here is the link: Oxygenics Spa (http://www.campingworld.com/shopping/product/oxygenics-body-spa-rv-showerheads/5006) Pricing ends 27 Oct 08.
Awesome! Thanks for sharing that!
Great showerhead, we too put one in our stikhouse. Thanks for the tip!
The showerhead was one of the first mod we made and we went with the Body Spa. We also blogged about it, http://bobandjotravelblog.blogspot.com/2010/06/water-pressure.html. it will be interesting to see your future mods columns
Nice blog post! Thanks for sharing it.
This was one of the first things we did when we got the RV. We put in a cutoff valve as well but have found that in practice for us its just easier to shut off the faucet rather than use the valve. Somehow, using the valve when we turn it back on we get blasted with cold water, unpleasant.
There is a risk of some cold water with that shut-off I do agree. Glad you guys have enjoyed the mod as much as we have.
We did the same thing and the first project Steve did. Steve would love to share his modifications as he had done a few before we embarked on our full timing.
Oh PLEASE do send them over. I’m “collecting” ideas for future posts and will most certainly credit any stuff he sends me. I would LOVE for this to be an interactive column.
Sounds like we need to do this upgrade!
Oh yes, go do it! And then let us know what you think!
I’m interested in a blog from Cherie @Technomadia about how to take a 1-minute shower! Never in my life have I ever been able to get my shower down to one minute…five maybe at the absolute minimum.
Hehe…I’ll have to ask her if she’ll share the secret 🙂 Maybe an idea for a future technomadia blog post?
Sorry… just saw this comment. It’s pretty easy actually – turn water on, rinse. Turn water OFF. Soap up, scrub, sing a song. Then turn water on to rinse. Done. It’s not the time of the actual cleaning, but the time of the water running.
Here’s our full post on water conservation tips:
Thanks for the shutoff valve info at Home Depot…I bought the showerhead last year..But no way to shut the water off, so I just put it in the shop and thought I kissed some more $$$$ goodbye. What would a person do boondockn’?…
Off to Home Depot tomorrow..
Happy I could give ya a good tip!
I have used a similar type showerhead before and it felt like a fan was blowing on me the whole time. Do you experience air blowing on you with this one?
No can’t say that I do. Just feels like a strong flow.
I want to hook up this shower head to a pump garden sprayer like this http://www.walmart.com/ip/RL-Flo-Master-2-gallon-Wood-Masonry-Sprayer/13376326 for use as a portable solar heated shower. Has anyone done this yet?
I just got the RV place to install my new shower head… After reading on here I was excited to see it in action… well
The RV place turned on the water… and take a look at the tiny straight line of water that was weakly coming out.. so darn disappointed.. I’m waiting for the company to respond on what could be wrong..
GOOD: I bought it at the local RV center were I bought my motor home, it looks real cool and works IMHO pretty good but not great, but it does save water, its noisy but I liked it ( past tense ).
BAD: It’s not very well made , it;s cheap and Yo get what You pay for I would pay much more to get a premium metal version.
Mine fell out off the cradle while driving hit the tub bottom and snapped in two at the base and instantly became useless.
PS: So then I was left boondocking with a just a shower flex hose acting as a shower and I really like taking showers under whats left of it which is kind of like taking a shower under a garden hose lol ( I guess it takes all kinds ) cheers
The oxygenics head is heavier than our last head so we take it out of the holder and put it on the floor of the RV when we travel. We’ve not had any cracks or breaks since we installed it, but I do admit the construction quality could be better. We still love ours.
They are poorly made. Mine broke too right at the valve only had it about one month. I emailed them direct and told them I bought it from Amazon and they said they will not honer the warranty because Amazon is not an authorized seller. What a cop out! Amazon is probably one of their largest resellers. I am sure they all end up breaking because they are so heavy and poorly made so they just break as soon as they are dropped or bumped. They have a product that works good just poorly made and they do not stand behind their product.
What?? I’m super surprised they would not honor the warrantee through Amazon. I definitely agree that’s a cop out. Not good business at all!
Our head is still going fine since we installed it. Wonder if I got lucky on the quality? Either way we still love it.
I will be doing mine this winter. One thing I see a lot of people mentioning is the shut off valve and how their old ones leaked, well this is not a design flaw. The reason it continues to flow water is so a build up of hot water doesn’t ruin your day with the flip of a switch.
In my experience, I never get the burning built up water but the ice cold water.
Great write up and have me sold on the mod