Ahhhh, Out In the Boooonies Again….And We Meet RV Sue! Alabama Hills, CA

Oh to be in the boonies again. It speaks to my primal side, opens my horizon and makes me want to skip & yodel with joy (thank goodness no-one is here to see it). I do LOVE boondocking. It can take some skill to pull it off “beast”-size as we are, but it’s always worth it when we get there, and winter in the SW IMHO is simply the absolute BEST place and time to do it.
We’re currently on BLM land in the Albama Hills just outside of Lone Pine, CA. This outerworldy landscape of rocks and mountains has been the background to endless Western Movies making this one of the most filmed areas in the US. We scoped out this area last year while we were staying at nearby Tuttle Creek and immediately decided to stay here if we came back. With its fascinating clusters of rocks and endless dirt roads there are plenty of places to find a quiet spot here. And what’s even more fun is that we got to introduce Lu & Terry to their first bona fide boondocking experience! It took a few weeks of cajoling (can you say bulldog Nina on the case?), but we finally convinced them in the end…and as expected they are loving it!!

As an extra bonus for our little pack we got to meet RV Sue. After just barely missing each other several times on our trip down 395, we finally caught up to her right around the corner and snuggled into the rocks here in the Alabama Hills. She’s just as lovely as I imagined. A very laid-back gal from the East Coast who’s fallen in love with the West and become a total desert rat…I can dig that.
And her doggies are just as lovely too. When we arrived on our bikes Spike and Bridget tumbled out of the Casita to meet up, touching noses with Polly and giving us plenty of welcome licks (Bridget is quite the lover). RV Sue is quite the inspiring woman, living simply, travelling alone with her 2 best pals and boondocking most of the way. We’ve had a few good chats and expect we’ll find her again somewhere out in her beloved desert this winter. Very cool lady!
Sadly BOTH RV Sue and Lu & Terry are leaving today. RV Sue is at the end of her 14-day BLM limit and Lu & Terry are getting out to avoid a wind storm we’ve got forecasted for tomorrow (plus, they’re due to start workamping in San Diego next month). After almost a month of caravanning and being total social RV butterflies that means we’ll be on our own again….almost wierd….can you say happy hour for two? We’re sad to see our buddies go, but have enjoyed our time together and have no doubt we’ll meet back up on the road.

As for us? We’re going to hang out in our little boondocking paradise for the next week or so, taking our time to explore the cool rocks, maybe uncovering some new arches and perhaps discovering a few more hikes. I’ve got a couple of cool posts scheduled including a little boondocking intro primer (or re-primer if you will) and an update on some of the excellent sights we’ve seen in the area over the past 4 days. In the meantime just imagine me galloping around in my own imaginary Western right here in our back yard “Hi-yo Silver”….!
NOTE/ For a great write-up of this area including the geology and history of the Alabama Hills check out Lu’s post from yesterday. And for more detail on Movie shoot locations check out Bayfield Bunch’s post from 2011 In Search Of Randolph Scotts Campfire.
So glad you got to meet the remarkable rvsue and crew. Looks like beautiful country to spend some time in. Batten down the hatches for that wind storm.
Yup, forecast is gusts up to 60MPH, but we’re hoping the Alabama Hills will give us some protection…it’ll probably be indoors with the slides in for 24 hours here 🙂
Hey Paul, at what angle are the panels tilted?
Believe it or not we’re not even tilted! So far we’ve got MORE than enough power…that would be 600 Watts for you power hogging-type folks hehehe
So glad you finally met up with RVSue and crew, she is so nice and the crew is a riot! Hope to meet up with this winter. Going to Q’site? Regards, Chuck
We’re tossing around Q as a possibility. We’ve got a stop in San Diego for Christmas and may hit the big show out there in mid-Jan. Plans are still jello, but they’re in the works.
I have been there a couple of times and agree, it is the best place ever to boondock. Quite a treat for an east coast guy.
This is definitely one of the nicer spots on 395. So much natural beauty here.
Looking forward to your update on boondocking. We intend to get a generator while in San Diego over the holidays and I am itching to give it a shot. That’s the way I always camped years ago, but Hans is a little leary, having never done it; but reading of your experiences will certainly help with the butterflies!
BTW, we will be at Santee Lakes 11/20 – 12/19 and Mission Bay 12/20 – 1/19 reconnecting with our San Diego roots. Hope to see you if you will be in town.
We’ve booked in Mission Bay right at the same time! So we’ll definitely see ya guys there. Gonna be heading in ~mid Dec.
I love it, you and RV Sue both without power posting your blogs from the same place within an hour of each other. Great minds and all that……. It is hillarious that the crew would pose for you but not for Sue. Isn’t that always the way.
Thanks for more pictures of that great place and you two and Sue & Crew. Looking forward to the boondocking info. Hope the storm isn’t a problem for you.
You are just the bloggin’ fool Nina, hard to keep up with you. We are already missing you guys. Adelanto RV Park is not quite the same as the Alabama Hills (lol). The only plus is that my internet service is quite fast so we will probably hang out here for a couple of days before heading down to SD. 🙂 Thanks for the plug and for showing us the “boondocking ropes”. We are converts so now we need to get geared up! Safe travels and we will see you in December.
We miss you guys too and can’t wait to see ya again in San Diego! Happy travels to ya!
I have a question: those giant carpets that you lay out in front of your RVs… where do you put them when you’re on the move? They must be heavy to move around.
Hi Samantha! I hope Nina doesn’t mind me answering your question about the “giant carpets.” Mine is made out of some kind of plastic/vinyl (that blue thing in the photo). It’s a weave and isn’t very heavy. I roll it up and secure it with a couple of bungees and put it in the PTV, of course. Nina will have to tell you where they put theirs in the motorhome.
Sam, Sue totally has it right. Our matt is also one of those straw-like weaves and isn’t that heavy. We roll it up and store it in our downstairs bin.
It is good to see you riding bicycles there. Now we know that we have a new place to ride!
There are TONS of places to ride here in the hills. Lots of “hidden” tracks too. We’ve really been enjoying it.
we traveled too fast up the 395 which I loved. next time we will go slower but have enjoyed your post so much. thanks for your time.
oh forgot to say we went 12k this summer and it was an experience we never forget. next time we will not do so much in one trip
12K in one summer is ALOT! We only did 8K our entire first year and that was already too much for me. Hope you get to spend more time on 395. It’s gorgeous here.
Looks like a beautiful spot you guys are enjoying. A couple years ago we were boondocking in the AZ desert, friends wanted to see us, we convinced them to come join us, “for a few days” (their words). Two months later they were still out there with us!
LOL…I can totally see that! Boondocking is addictive once you get started. There is a true sense of “freedom” when you’re out here like this.
So nice of you, Nina, to share some boondocking ideas with me, and to warn me of the wind. I noticed right before dark that a lot of clouds have moved in. Hang on!
Another great post. Thanks for showing the photos of the crew. They do pose better for you than for me!
So happy to have met ya and wish you all the best on your travels. Hope to see you again down the road!
Loved your post Nina. You have such a joy of life that shows in your blog. I can see you running through the hills and yodeling with joy as you ride your pretend “Silver!” That is such a beautiful place. Love the morning light on the mountains.
Thanks for the compliment Donna! I do enjoy the light out here. Photographing in the mountains is something really special!
Hi Paul and Nina, You are camped at one of our favorite spots. When we were there year before last we had a daytime and evening air show courtesy of the US Navy…..seems they were training forward air controllers for Afghanistan. (http://runningk-r.blogspot.com/2010/11/lights-camera-action-lone-pine.html)
Enjoyed meeting you all in Eugene. We are at home in Texas enjoying the Grandson. I hope my dog and I were not to big a pain. Happy travels, Larry and Daphne
What a cool event! Thanks for sharing the link. Certainly enjoyed having you as neighbours and chatting in Eugene (and don’t worry, your doggie was fine!). Hope to see ya again on the road.
Hi Nina,
We’re battening down the hatches in Bishop, hoping he weather forecasters are wrong about the high winds. Its too cool that we’re just a jump behind you guys all the way. We met you and Paul at Armitage County Park and I picked your brains about taking 395 south. Soooo glad we did, its the most beautiful ride we’ve ever taken. We’ll be in San Diego for Christmas too! We’ve booked Santee Lakes after your email about the pros and cons of Mission Bay and Santee. Perhaps we’ll run into you somewhere between here and there! Thanks again for all the good tips you provide all of us coming along behind. Sue Bank
You guys ARE close! Hope you managed to weather the storm up there (looks like it might have missed Bishop?), and enjoy your time in Santee Lakes. It’s a great park!
Hope your weather is OK. We are just south of you in Desert Hot Springs and it has been VERY windy. Great to read about your boondocking experience. We are doing something on the oposite end of the spectrum. For the first time ever we are camped in a “resort” RV park – Sands RV and Golf Resort. We had never tried this and wanted to see what the Resort option was like. Honestly…. It is an Ok break from our typical camping style. We have done lots of dry camping but it has been years since we did any boondocking and reading your post makes me want to get back to it.
Travel Safe
You’re in our next stop! We plan to travel from here to Desert Hot Springs sometime this week-end. If you’re still there let us know. We usually stay at Sam’s Spa…it’s a quirky little place, but has awesome hot pools.
Hi Paul & Nina,Hope you guys didn`t get tooo sand blasted,If you guy`s like to fish .You should check out the channels they run all threw that area .We used to go there for mule days.I loved the fishin`. Anyhow use heavy gear .there`s this guy who farm`s these huge fish called ALPER`s giant rainbow trout like 5-10 lbs there huge and fight like a bass.But great eating I caught one took 2 days to catch .Kept breaking my line went back with bass rig caught him.Recomend good bottle of Merlot with that fish.Anyways check it out . Also offer still stands if you want to pass some time in OJAI .We are off the 5 and 126 west 20 mins from beach.have plenty of extra boards. and about 2 acres in back with views of Topa Topa mountains.It`s free just want to pick your brains on solar, fulltiming,and Paul I am working on a project that your masters degree may be helpful. My shop is in my yard also.We have water and electricity ,and privacy and WI-FI. we should be fultime by Nov Dec Also if you are traveling with someone bring them also.We have enough for 3 big coaches or 5th wheels You have an awesome blog .Thax again Joel & Rebecca Woolf
Loved your post. You are such an inspiration and a wealth of wonderful details. I can hardly wait for your upcoming post on boondocking! –Linda and Mike
I agree with Polly’s assessment of his new digs.