The Storm That Came….And Passed…

Our forecast was dire…a weather alert of 30 MPH winds with gusts up to 60 MPH, possible rain and snow, and who knows what other kind of craziness. These are the mountains after all, and anyone who’s spent any time in the mountains knows that weather is as fickle as a raging mob.
So, naturally being the boonie rebels we are we decided to stick it out and see the show. Although our RV buddies erred on the safe side and left, we felt it was too early to abandon our newfound boondocking paradise, and somehow we had an inkling we’d be protected tucked in the hills as we are. After all, we’d survived spring in New Mexico by following the very sage advice of “just put your ass to the wind and wait it out”, and our “beastly” bottom was already pointed in the right direction for a southern blow so how bad could it really get?
Well the morning certainly started in grand theatre style. Dark, ominous clouds packed the Sierras, rolling blackness sucking the light out of the morning sky and creating deep red streaks across the horizon. And yet, there was a brilliant rainbow….gorgeous, fabulous and bright as a morning smile, stretching her luminous colors like a loving arm across the black and around the RV. In my excitement to capture the color I rushed out of the rig and managed one of the worst ankle twists I’ve done in years…good thing we were staying inside today! I was laid up in pain and we might be blown away any minute, but man this was going to be pretty!

And so we waited…and watched….and waited…and watched, all the time tracking the craziness on the satellite tracker on our handy WeatherBug app (the best weather app EVER). There was snow pounding the north, rain spewing in the mountains, wind whipping up the valley and kaleidoscopes of angry clouds passing on the peaks. The mountains were going bananas!
And right here? Well here there was nothing, nada, barely a drop. A few gusts of light breeze, a few cloudy moments, perhaps a sprinkling of light rain, but otherwise nothing at all. Just a grand ‘ol show from the couch with a front-seat view. For all the “action” we got we could have been watching it on TV, although this was much….much…cooler.

The day ended in grand style, clouds whipped into long lenticular tufts (the famous “Sierra Wave“) and a deep red glow of sunset. It had been glorious, colorful, exciting…and totally relaxed.
This morning the Sierras have opened in brilliant sun with snow-topped peaks and the promise of another gorgeous day. The storm had come…and officially passed, and we got to see the whole fabulous thing in our own private viewing chamber right here. Did I mention I love boondocking?
P.S. Turns out RV Sue decided to stick out the storm too. She got a bit more wind in her spot, but also snagged some gorgeous shots of the show.
Hey you Boonied Rebels, I’m delighted to see that you can, and do, appreciate nature in Her wildest moods as I also do. The photogenic opportunities are at a maximum in such times, as proven with the awesome photos you’ve shared. Thanks for that. And a big plus-one for Weatherbug. I use it on my iPhone and pc daily.
Totally agree! Nothing like a mountain storm for some photographic magic! Was particularly psyched we got to see the elusive Sierra Wave.
Good for you to hunker down and enjoy the scene from the comfort of your rolling living room. The photos are spectacular – as always. Thank you. I sure hope RV Sue was as comfortable and une-eventful as you all were. Am heading over to her blog now to check on her.
Yup she got through ok! Just saw her post a few mins after me, and managed to catch her for a quick hug goodbye on her way out this AM. I think she got a little more wind in her spot, but her rig rode it out well.
wow – glad to hear you guys dodged the weather bullet – great story and outstanding images. only rain here north of you but lots of it – finally left the OR coast (thanks for the tips) and then a short stay in OR wine country but now your post makes me more anxious to head south as soon as possible – want to head down that way too but first need to see your friends at Elite Repair for some work – will be getting a late start but hoping the weather holds up for me too. safe travels and thanks again for all that you share
You’re definitely hitting the beginning of that OR “rain season”, but hopefully it’ll hold up for you. Glad you enjoyed my tips for the OR coast…it’s a fav spot of ours! Good luck w/ whatever work you’re getting done at Elite. They’re a great group and I’m sure they’ll treat you well.
Thought it was time to say “hi” as I have been following you for awhile, attracted by your incredible photography! Loved the pictures! A blogging friend just taught me about right clicking to see the enlarged pict. Enjoying your shots even more.
Happy to “meet’ you on the blog. I forget to mention to people that they can click on the photo’s for a bigger view so thanks for bringing that up!
I can’t imagine such beauty front side and LIVE! I’m drooling!
It was quite the special show! We were very happy we got to see it.
Oh, be sure to check out my post for today…. I can’t help but laugh! However my bravery took two days to pick up the camera again. Hobble along with me! lol
I forgot to leave the blog address.
LOL…very funny (in retrospect!!) and quite the coincidence. I had to hobble around for those sunset shots. Paul thought I was nuts, but I dragged myself out there with “must….get….picture” approach.
alls i can say is wow! or big wow
Great pictures! I love em!
Wow, what a show! “just put your ass to the wind and wait it out” Love it! Sorry to hear about the ankle but thanks for capturing the entertainment.
Glad you enjoyed the pics! Yup, the ankle was a bummer. I’m much improved today, but still sore.
Just started a WP blog & somehow it’s blocking my comments to two of you I follow!?. Trying again on the library computer! Anyhoo, we just got a skiff of snow, too, here in Mt. Shasta. We’re getting our new ‘giant’ 17.5 ft Aljo ready for southern climes. Love your jaunty posts. More please about the pets! Hooray for boondocking!
Brrrr….Shasta has got to be COLD right now. Time to head that engine south! Thanks for following along!
We’re in shock from warm sunny days to thck low clouds and a small bit of snow. Trying this from home again…do you purchase the ‘premium’ WordPress for this blog? Happy trails!
I’ll say those skies were grand! You might not have received the main show, but you did receive quiet a preshow.
Yup, we were very happy we got to see it!
Hey, Nina! Sorry to hear about the ankle. Well, Fossil Falls is . . . um . . . interesting. Turns out the ground is fine for doggie paws; the volcanic rock is ground down to pea-size.
Fabulous photos! Enjoy the rest of your stay.
Lookin’ forward to your post on the area! Glad we got to meet you here and best of travels!
I am positively drooling over those pictures! Hopefully the ankle recovers quickly so you can get outside again.
Thanks Brenda. Ankle is much better today, but it may still be a while before I’m out hiking 10 miles in the mountains. Thankfully I’ve got a great view right here.
Ok, I try not to have regrets in life but man, when I saw your photos (frikkin’ fabulous by the way), my first thought was we should have stayed! We will just have to go back there again someday. So glad that the storm did not get any stronger where you were. How is your ankle? Hopefully it is getting better so you can go out and do some hiking before you have to move on. And thanks to you, we love boondocking too. Imagine how we will feel about it when we are better equipped. BTW, there is a sweet Allegro Bus in the campground where we are staying. Terry has already checked it out. 🙂
Actual hiking may be “out” for a little while. I twisted it pretty badly silly me. Happy to hear Terry is checking out “the lay of the land”…did you manage to get inside for a peek? Miss you guys!
I am so sorry to hear about your ankle Nina. I guess there is nothing a photographer will not risk to get that perfect shot and you certainly did. Terry did not get inside the Allegro Bus but there has been some web surfing going on on both our computers! Take care and see you in December.
Nothing like a good storm to help produce great photos….we love watching storms….operative word here watching but we have been in a few along the way….sorry about the ankle but hey no pain no gain and you certainly gained in these photos….:)
Yeah, the gain was definitely worth the pain this time around. Really enjoyed the show!
Hope your ankle is not too bad and feels better soon. I so enjoyed looking at your pictures today. Wow doesn’t begin to convey how wonderful it must have been to see this in person. We really need to get more adventurous with our travels!! You are an inspiration.
Glad to be inspiring…just as long as I don’t “inspire” you to an ankle twist LOL
What’s better than boondocking? It’s rhetorical, ’cause there’s nothing. Beautiful shots.
Indeed…well said as always Ducks
Great pictures! I always feel like I’m right there with ya! Thanks for sharing your adventures with us.
Happy to have ya along for the ride!
Great name–“boonie rebels,” Weather changes are among my favorite natural phenomenons. Wonderful photos!
Sure agree. And the mountains are just GREAT spots to photo crazy weather if you can hold out.
Fantastic photos and I just learned what a Sierra Wave is. You are fortunate you dodged the storm but managed to capture the show. Steve and Betsy felt the strong winds in Sparks, NV and had both slides in during the storm. While I missed it for I am/was in the Bay area visiting family and friends.
Wind in the desert is definitely a thing to experience…and no getting away from it if you spend winter here 🙂
Amazing hues of bad weather and beautiful colors of its aftermath. 🙂
Thanks…we SO enjoyed that day in the mountains.