Beach Bumming…And Destruction Of The RV (Sort Of)

So these past few days we’ve been back to the gorgeous San Diego winter weather that I know and love. Crisp, clear sunny blue days with picture-perfect shoreline and sea to match. That means beach-time for all of us, especially doggie, and since we’re such social butterflies we’ve been taking our friends along too.

Yesterday we took some hangtime with our good buddies Lu & Terry (of paintyourlandscape) who are camphosting up north at San Elijo State Beach. We met in the middle of our two locations and went for a 6-mile hike in our old “hood” by Del Mar. It’s a local hike that winds through canyons and across secret paths, through a scenic stretch along train-tracks and sandstone cliffs and finally onto Del Mar beach itself. A totally perfect day with clear skies, no wind, and (bonus) few people on the trails. Plus the extra bonus of good company, of course. We hadn’t seen Lu & Terry since our caravan trip down 395 so it was fabulous to catch up and spend the day doing something we all love.
Then today we recieved a package that we’ve been anticipating for a long time. For the sake of good blogging suspense I’m not going to tell you just yet what we got. Suffice to say it was large, boxy and so very exciting it prompted us to whip out tools and start ripping up parts of the RV. While Paul went golfing with Alex today I continued the destruction so that we are now at a “blank canvas” stage and ready to begin re-creating. And a thing of beauty it shall be.
All very inspiring, I know….and assuming we survive the end of the Mayan calendar you’ll just have to come back here to figure out what we’re up to.
Are you putting in a new bed?
Hope you don’t have to remove the valences to install your new MCD’s!
I’m guessing new window treatments. I think that photo is a clue. 🙂
Sounds like you had a great visit with Lu and Terry. The mystery package… new blinds? Just guessing. Your little weather widget looks like outright bragging to me. 😉
Just a guess but MCD?
I was thinking, new cupboards. But having seen the other comments, probably a bed sounds more likely…
Nina with a handful of tools…now that’s a scary picture!! I’ll go with new a new air bed???
This is worse then a teaser of news just make you come back… Ha ha ha…… Hmmmmm I am thinking new window coverings.
Yea something to look forward to! We are leaving on Sunday to spend Christmas at Sam’s family spa! Can’t wait and hubby is looking forward to doing the hike you posted about!
Yea for us too!
Oh DO enjoy our favorite desert spa! Let me know if you have any trouble finding the hike and I’ll try and direct you. Love that place!
I’m voting bathroom. Nice little blizzard up here in Mt. Shasta now, but come late spring it’s a great place to camp! Some boondocking possibilities. Jingle bells! ~K&M and our 17.5 ft. Aljo….
Have fun with your new surprise! We have had ours for a month now. We just love everything about them. Can’t believe we waited so long. Good Luck!!!
I know, I know…pick me, pick me…..(hand flying in the air)….the new bed configuration….am I right, am I right?
Hmm, I like suspense and surprises, cant wait to see what s in that box and what’s up with the tools.
Love the photo of the happy beach dog, my beagle misses the coast. Nothing makes her happier than a free run on a ocean beach, stinkier the better. 😉
Yeah, what’s even better is when Polly finds a nice stinky piece of seaweed to roll in. What could be better than that? At least that’s what Polly thinks haha
I too was just admiring that handsome beast, Polly. The camera always seems to love her. Good dog!
I must admit she’s a great photo-dog despite being practically all black. She started life as a mangy rescue mutt (literally) with no hair, skin issues and all kinds of other ailments so it’s always amazed me that she turned out so pretty. Not a bad doggie life!
Love the beach beauty photo….we have been doing a few new stuff to our rig I am thrilled with…got my mystery package today too:)
Oooooo…exciting!! Take pics and send me your mods. I love to see them!
Lewis was drooling when I showed him Polly’s picture in the sand! We’ll be there on the 23rd. Tell her to save some romps for him….
Polly is dying for a good romp w/ Lewis. In fact I told her he was coming today and her ears perked right up.
Another young RV couple just arrived at the park yesterday and have a lovely ‘ol lab who loves to roll in the sand. Plus a third couple should be arriving soon w/ their doggie. So, it’ll be doggie heaven here in MIssion Bay.
Thanks for introducing us to more hiking in the San Diego area, a hike that only the locals could begin to find. Although you have let us in on the surprise, all I will say at this point is good luck and no trips to the hospital, seeing as Paul was not around at the time and you did have sharp objects in your hands! 🙂
It was great to have you both along for the hike!
Hi Luann!!! 😀 Have fun traveling, and be safe!
Will do!
Have to agree with Paul- the shag blue is hideous!!
But it’s so soft and pretty! All i can say is it’s a good thing I have hubby to keep me in line 🙂
Greetings! Learned of your blog from LuAnn, whose blog we ran across from another RV blog. Such is this wonderful world of bloggers! We had the pleasure of meeting LuAnn and her husband Terry in San Elijo this last week, and they mentioned their wonderful Del Mar hike with you two. It sounded lovely, and now I can read just how lovely it actually was.
I look forward to continuing to follow your journey via this blog, and I definitely look forward to reading details at your The Journey link.
I have one quick question if you don’t mind – are you familiar with Campland by the Bay, which I believe is directly across the bay from where you currently are? We checked into their monthly RV rates recently, and they seemed pretty reasonable at @$900 a month for a site backing up to Mission Bay. The sites are pretty tight, but the views are expansive. Is this on par with where you are, or are Campland by the Bay’s prices still crazy expensive by comparison?
Welcome to the blog! The winter rate at Mission Bay is $800 (elec. included) so just a bit cheaper than Campland. There are a few significant differences between the two spots -> Campland is *very* popular with families so it tends to get busy, plus the sites are tight, but it does have a nice beach and amenities. The biggest issue for us is that Campland doesn’t allow dogs on their beach. This makes it a total no-no for us. Mission Bay has larger sites and is much more calm (less kids) than Campland plus it allows dog on the beach (within certain hours), but the views are not as nice and there are no amenities (no pool, etc.)
If you have kids Campland is perfect, but we prefer Mission, mostly for the dog access and relative calm.
Love your images, Nina. That Beach beauty photo is whoa-some.