A Bike On The Boise Greenbelt
Nothing much to report today except I deep-cleaned the RV carpets (thank you very much Mr. Rug Doctor), and I biked 15 miles on the Boise Greenbelt (thank you not quite so much from my buttocks). My rather sore derrière will remind me of this ride for the next several days, but for the rest of you who are not quite so lucky I figured I would just give you a simple gallery of some of my shots. All-in-all a superb day and fabulous bike-path. It’s hard to believe this thing goes through downtown Boise…
One of the nicest city bike path systems we have encountered to date. Guess we’ll just have to keep exploring to see if there are any that can top it!
Totally agree Lisa. Haven’t seen a match to this anywhere we’ve been.
Thanks for sharing your pictures. It looks like a great place bikes, you would never know you were in a big city. Don’t work too much while hubbie is away.
I’m totally amazed at this bike path. One of the best I’ve seen in a big city.
Ahhh…what nice spring photos! We just arrived in Colorado and are up above 8,000 feet where spring is still in hibernation. Love the baby chicks in the green grass
Brrrrr…..! I’m thinking it’ll still be cold up there? Should warm up soon though. We’re hitting a heat-wave here in Boise this week-end. Normal temps are 70 and we’re gonna get 90!! Maybe some of it will transfer over to CO for ya.
What a beautiful day! Sunshine, blue sky, flowers, boat on the water, biking! Gee, you certainly aren’t in southern UT!! Glad you are enjoying yourself. Get yourself a biking pant liner. Boy, that pad really saves your butt. You can ride for hours.
Yeah, I should get one of those pads. I’m sure it’ll help. It’s definitely feeling very NW out here. The green is growing on me
Very cool looking bike. Does Paul have something similar? What is it?
It’s a TREK Navigator 2.0. I got it last year after my (very) old bike got stolen. TOTALLY in love with it. It’s a hybrid cruiser/mountain bike, so it’s got the comfort of a cruiser, but with extra shocks and mountain bike rims. I’ve used it in the city, desert, beach…everywhere. Highly recommend it. There’s a men’s version too.
DREAMY!!! So love a nice bike trail…this one looks like a jewel!
It’s a real treat to be so close to it too!
nice way to keep busy…
Great images. Wish more cities thought to do this sort of greenbelt. I haven’t explored it, but I’m pretty sure Eugene has similar bike paths along the river. I’ve seen small bits of it, but don’t know if it is as extensive as Boise’s.
Ah yes, the Eugene trail! Why didn’t I think of that? The Riverwalk there is awesome. We’ve walked small parts of it, but never biked it (we’re always too busy doing RV stuff in Eugene) so gotta do that next time we breeze through town. I would say that trail definitely rivals the Boise one.
Really nice bike path for a city. Good find! We have a trek “hybrid” with shocks etc but the tires are way too narrow to do sand or even much gravel. Should have gotten the one you chose. Nice Job!
Yeah, I got the Trek with the wider tires. We’ve done a lot of sand/gravel biking (nothing extreme, but we do get out there) and it’s really been nice to have the extra tread. The bike goes everywhere I’ve wanted to, and since I’m a slow biker anyway I don’t miss having the skinnier “road” tires.
Nina, glad you had fun on the Green Belt. A friend’s boy scout did the whole route from Lucky Peak to some where around the fair grounds and they had the mileage at 26 miles. I live by the Boise Train Depot & if I go out Federal way & link into the Green Belt, to Lucky Peak & back home on the path. I have 26/27 miles. It is a great ride. There is another bike path up in Coeur d ‘Alene, ID that is suppose to be just as great. Liz-Boise, ID
That’s some great, detailed info and a long ride! I had a hard time figuring out exactly how long the greenbelt was (seems different websites give differing lengths), but I gather they keep expanding it. Very cool to know about the trail up in Coeur d’Alene too. We’ve never been that way, but keep meaning to. Gotta go visit!
By the way if you fancy a visit you’re welcome to drop by the RV park. We’ll be hanging until Tues at least (and possibly more since we just discovered a problem…more on that to come). Happy hour is always a good time
Great bike trails. It reminds me of our time in Eugene.
Yeah, the Eugene trail is fabulous (don’t know why I forgot to mention it in the post). Have yet to ride big portions of it, but I’ve loved the bits we’ve done.