Want To Be Lighthouse Hosts This Summer? Cape Blanco Has Openings!

As most of you who follow the blog know we were lighthouse hosts last year on the OR coast and enjoyed it so much we are going to do the same job this year. If you like people, history and gorgeous coastal locations, then it’s an absolutely fabulous job and you get a free full hookup site in the State Park in return. Unfortunately some of the parks are short this summer due to last-minute cancellations and health issues. I got a call from the ranger at Cape Blanco who told me he has multiple openings. If any of these speak to you DO call Greg right away and let him know.
Cape Blanco Openings:
JUNE – 1 Lighthouse Host couple
JULY – Port Orford Lifeboat Station Museum opening
– 2 Lighthouse Host couple openings
– Junior Ranger opening (single or couple)
AUG – 1 Lighthouse Host couple
– Historic Hughes House Docent opening
CONTACT: Greg Ryder, greg.ryder@state.or.us, 541-332-6774 ext. 5

I should add that Cape Blanco is one of the wildest, most gorgeous locations I know and as a lighthouse host you get a HUGE, lovely full hookup site separate from the main campground and only steps from the cliffs and panoramic views. The job requires around 15-17 hours/week and you get 3 days off. NO prior experience is required. If you want to see what our lives were like as lighthouse hosts read THIS POST, and if you have anymore questions feel free to ask or shoot an e-mail to Greg at his contact above.
As for us? We’ve been hanging out and “hiding out” in Portland this past week-end. There’s been a full day of sun which we spent visiting with an old friend, cleaning battery terminals and trouble-shooting a starting problem in our engine (turns out one of our starter batteries was bad), a full day of rain (which we spent inside) and a mixed day (which we spent walking downtown Portland and finished with the most amazing late Peruvian lunch at Andina Restaurant – WOW!!!). I was taking a mini-vacation from blogging so I have absolutely no pics to tempt you which means you’ll just have to take my word for it.
And next? Well, we’re hitting the coast BABY! We’re going to one of the places with the foggiest weather, the most dangerous coast and a heap full of crazy history. Oh and likely ZERO Verizon signal. Why would we do such a thing? Well, because we can and because it will undoubtedly be brilliant fun. Just don’t expect too many blog posts this coming week 🙂
Oh boy some folks lucky enough to be on the west coast have got great possibilities. Isn’t it illegal to put those great teasers out about where you are going and then mention that there’s no signal. Patience is not a virtue of mine. LOL Guess I’ll have to learn some.
LOL….I run a fine line of teasing versus legality on this blog…haha
Wish we could do it sounds like fun….hope your engine problems work out…I really like Portland…have fun on your coast trip…
The engine problems worked out great. Thank goodness we were able to trouble-shoot and figure it out (I have to thank the guys on the iRV2 forum for that).
If that home buyer would land on my doorstep today or SOON, I’d run out there as fast as I could and sign up! Sweet of you to share…maybe next time.
Well, here’s hoping that house sells SOON even if you can’t make it to the coast this summer.
Wow- what timing! My husband & will be picking up our new fifth wheel sometime in June and plan to travel around Oregon for the month of July to figure everything out. We are in the process of applying for volunteer opportunities for the month of August! I have called and emailed Greg.
Thanks so much for the information. You have been a continual source of incredible information through our transition to full time on the road & continue to be an inspiration:)
Whoo hoo! Outstanding! Its such a fun volunteer job. Wish you all the best!
So, when’s a good time to catch you folks?
We won’t be in Bandon until July, so I’ll definitely touch base when we get there.
I can do Blanco, too… as a matter of fact I’ve been getting a wee bit bored with Bandon for the moment. If you can believe that? And I’ve been wanting to do some more exploring further south.
If you’re still in Portland, did you check out the shops and restaurants on Hawthorne? I found a wonderful Lebanese restaurant called Tarboush there. It was very difficult to settle on just one dish.
Enjoy your time on the coast. Zero service isn’t exactly a bad thing for a while. We’ll be waiting to hear about your time away!!
Glad you made it to Andina’s – great food! Enjoy the coast – looks like we’re going to get a break in the rain, so it should be spectacular!!
Andina’s was AMAZING!! So happy we made it there. And yes, the weather has been fantastic this past week. We’ve been very, very lucky!
I love the Oregon Coast. I come ever summer from Las Cruces, New Mexico…
DO look us up if you happen to be there this summer. We’ll be on the coast for 3 months.
Hi Nina
Its been a long time since we’ve wrote you. We sold our
home bought a 40′ Tiffin Phaeton and are on our way to
SD to get our drivers lic. Sure wish we would have known
about the lighthouse job last week. We just took a host job
for the summer in MT. You may have been there.
It’s Quartz Flat campgrounds in LoLo National Forest.
It’s north west of Midsoula. Hopefully we can hook up
with you and Paul next winter.
Wow…congrats on the Phaeton!! That’s just wonderful news!! Sorry you didn’t get to be lighthouse hosts, but looks like you found yourselves a pretty sweet volunteer job in MT. We haven’t been there, but it’s on our list. DO look us up if ever we’re close.
We live in the columbia gorge – on the Washington side, in White Salmon, WA. It’s a beautiful area. Hope you love it. We did some rving a few years ago. I would love to do it full time. How do you handle your mail?
We signed up with a mail forwarding service in South Dakota called Alternative Resources. Most of our mail is electronic now, but the little bit that comes by snail-mail goes to them, and we get it forwarded once a month or so to wherever we are staying. Our mail address also acts as our domicile address for drivers license, voting, taxes etc.
Paul and Nina,
What timing, we are headed to Oregon in mid-june and would be available for any of the volunteer openings. I just called Greg and followed up with an email. We would love to begin our fulltime experience as volunteers on the Oregon coast! Thanks for the heads up!
OUTSTANDING!! Do hope you get the job. Also look us up if you happen to end up in the area. We will be just north of Cape Blanco in Bandon for all of July/Aug.
Thanks to all you have sent an email or phoned and thanks to Nina and Paul too! The response so far has been wonderful! I am looking forward to meeting some of you this summer on the south coast of Oregon.
SO HAPPY you got some responses, Greg. We’ll see you in Sept at the lighthouse!
Boo hoo, wish we could sign up! Look forward to hearing more about your time at Cape Blanco.
We’ll definitely miss seeing ya here on the coast. Hopefully soon we’ll meet again!
Have a great summer! 🙂
Its too bad that I couldn’t make a decision to fulltime or not, or I would be in Oregon for that job.
Thanks Nina for the heads up on the Oregon coast. Just may be we all can hook up. We have been in touch with Greg and this is just what we need for our new lifestyle!
Awesome!!! So happy I could give ya the tip.