Gone A-Golfin’ (With The Paws)! Face Rock Golf, Bandon, OR

If you’ve been following the blog for a while you know we’re nutters for our paws. Pretty much all our decisions, from choosing a Class A when we first started RVing to where we stay and where we workamp are all made in deference to our furry friends. We consider this a privilege rather than a sacrifice and love seeking out interesting and new activities to do with our animals. Our paws are our family, they’re an integral part of our RV experience and we’d never exchange them for anything.
But they do…sometimes…put a bit of a damper on things.

One of the few non-paws activities that Paul enjoys is golfing. I’m not much of a golfer myself having the hand-to-eye coordination of a puffer fish combined with the patience of a ground squirrel (yes, I’m quite the special package). And since Paul can’t bring pooch he really doesn’t golf nearly as much as he’d like. It’s a dilemma for sure, but his eternal optimism has ensured he’s carried around his golf glubs for over 4 years waiting for the opportunity to persuade an RV neighbor to play or….as it so happens…for a golf course that allows dogs.
It’s a long-shot I know, but since Bandon has just about everything else, wouldn’t you expect that THIS would be the spot the entire dream comes together?

As it turns out Bandon is actually a bit of a golfing mecca. It boasts a world-class, fabulously high-end resort (Bandon Dunes) just north of town, a smaller resort (Bandon Crossings) just south of town and an old-style 9-hole links course (Bandon Face Rock Golf) right splat in the middle by the beach. But the best and absolute coolest bonus of it all is that Face Rock allows dogs on the course. The story goes it was owned by another couple for many years who had an on-site doggie that pretty much became their mascot. Given the popularity of the little guy they decided to open the entire course to paws, and it’s remained that way ever since even through a change of ownership.
T-O-T-A-L-L-Y awesome!!!

We discovered Bandon Face Rock Golf (originally called Old Bandon Golf Links) last year right after Paul did in his back. It was quite possibly one of his biggest disappointments that he did not get to play that summer with Polly. As men will do he whined and pined about it for months on end (honestly, it’s a good thing guys don’t get PMS). So, when we came back this year AND we discovered Alex loves golfing too we decided to combine all of us together for a family outing to the course.
All I can say is what a TOTAL BLAST!!!!
We arrived at the course on a lovely Monday morning with just a small whisk of wind, spectacular sunshine all around and 9 gorgeous holes of green golf with nary a person in site. For a mere $18 for Paul, $15 for Alex and ZERO for me and doggie we engaged with several hours of excellent fun on the course. I amused myself with photography and munching on wild blackberries (which are everywhere along the course) while doggie studied the ball (and did a few crazy runs) and Alex & Paul played (rather beautifully I might add) through the 9 holes. It was a gorgeous course too with lots of shade trees, a pretty meandering river and plenty of interesting curves and bunkers. A totally excellent day on the greens and one we’ll repeat in the very near future. Who knows, at this rate I might even become a golf lover…and pooch will too!
Your committment to Polly is one of the things I really like about reading your blog. I often wonder how can we enjoy the RV lifestyle and be committed to our pet dogs, then you post a story like this and I say “Oh yeah, that’s how.” You are still # 1 on my fantasy team!
Honored I’m able to make your fantasy team 🙂
Leave it to you to find this gem.
We’ve had our eye on this place since last year. Paul was SO HAPPY to find out the new owners still allow dogs on the course.
Nina, I love this post! Everyone, including Polly, looks so happy. However, Polly always looks happy.
Wish you would be in more shots!
Your devotion and love for your “paws” comes through in all you write and in the photos you capture. Love the black and whites!
I love my paws and they are family!
She is definitely a very, very happy doggie. Not a bad life for a pooch who was abandoned in a box as a pup.
Wild Blackberries and a “multi-canine chaos hazard” would definitely make that game more interesting! You might even improve your score with a well-trained pup who could carry the ball to the correct hole.
Paul spent some time last winter training Polly to fetch the ball in the desert (so he could practice his chipping while boondocking) LOL. She’s actually pretty good at it! I kept her on a leash most of the time for the Bandon course, but let her off for pics & runs when we were far enough back.
“Dog-A-Matic Ball Return System” — Brilliant! 🙂
How fun! Golfing is one of our passions and it is great to know that Face Rock lets our pals come. My Westie would love to go golfing! When I lived in Bandon, my very good friends, Bill and Laura Weiner, owned the last piece of property that is now Bandon Dunes. Bill said he would never sell, but they must have made him an offer he could not refuse. If you run into them (they still live there) please say hi from Margie!
There’s still a bunch of private property around Bandon Dunes…or intermixed out there. Not sure exactly how far their reach extends. We took Polly for a hike out there a few weeks back. At Bandon Dunes they don’t allow dogs on the course, but they do allow dogs on the trails. Pretty nice for such a fancy golf resort!
Wasn’t the first paw dog a blonde Cocker? Don’t remember its name tho. That part of the beach is my favorite and where I go to fly my stunt kites.
The one I’ve heard talk about was Bandit, a Border Collie. At least that was the latest info I could find dating a few years back. Seems he had quite the fan-following amongst the local golfers. Could be they had a doggie before that who was a blonde Cocker? I think they’ve had a penchant for dogs for a long time.
Nina, this is great to know. I have to look on my blog…I came across a breeder who was making a list of dog friendly beaches and asking for contributions as far as places his readers knew of. I think I’ll let him know about the golf. Thanks–happy life is such fun for you, Paul, and Polly. We, too, bought three motorhomes over the years because of our pups; and of course I have my trailer because of them (now, Jack), too.
How cool! If your blog-friend wants more beach info I have a couple of posts with more specific details.
San Diego paw-friendly beaches (I even made a map):
Paw Friendly & Off-Leash Beaches – San Diego, CA
Florida Panhandle paw-friendly beaches:
Paw Friendly On The Panhandle Coast
How sad. I just went to the site to leave the news about the golf course and learned that because his wife died, the owner will no longer be updating the beaches list.
Oh gosh….so sorry to hear that!
What we don’t do for our furry friends, and what wonderful things they give us! I can’t imagine life without them. We bought our first house for our Goldens, and then Beluga came along because we don’t want to have to leave them behind. Life is so much richer with them along.
Loved the picture of smiley Paul and Alex. What a great smile he has.
So true, so true! You guys are just as dog-nuts as us which is why we love you 🙂
I really miss you guys. Paul, glad you can play without back pain and wiith doggy too, how cool.
I can’t wait until we can play again. Hugs to you all.
Dave ( beluga)
We sure miss you guys too. In fact you two are one of the main reasons we’d consider making the big drive to the NE. Hugs right back at ya!
What a fantastic family day for almost everyone! I notice a few paws are missing!! Haha! Glad Alex enjoys golf also. Made for a good time for Paul.
Yeah, we’ve tried to persuade the cats to go but they’ve not been too interested. Taggart loves to walk on her leash, but it would be a slooooow round of golf LOL!
Yahoo! What a find! Affordable and beautiful course allowing dogs thank you so much we absolutely will stay there for awhile. We have also been carrying our clubs and not playing much. Seems like it is easier to use the bikes kayak and tennis racquets than to go play golf. Love that our Mexican rescue hound dog can go play golf with us. Thank you thank you!!!!
It’s a definite “find” for dog-lovers. Not too many courses we’ve come across allow dogs….and the rest of the town is very pooch-friendly too.
Sounds great! We came thru and walked all around your camping village, but missed you in camp and lighthouse. Come on down to Mt. Shasta when you’re on the road again!
Oh total bummer we missed you! Hope you enjoyed your day here anyway.
We meandered all the way to Astoria and then went up the Columbia to see sorta-gramma and home again for another heat wave! Someday we’ll catch you & share a laugh or two! We’ll make room for you here, too.
Great for all of you…i must have missed a beat who is Aex and why did it cost him less?
Alex is Paul’s niece (the young gal in the pics). It cost her less because she’s under 18.
We have 12 paws in our 40′ home. Finding paw friendly beaches in S. CA is not easy. Now, we are heading up the 5….maybe we will find friendlier beaches.. How did you keep the “kids” from chasing the golf balls?
Well once you hit OR you’re going to love it! The entire coastline is public property (by law) and ALL of it is pet friendly!
Polly is pretty good about listening to commands. If I tell her to “leave it”, she’ll do it. We did a lot of training with her as a pup and she’s turned into a fine adult 🙂
Oh, I so wish we could walk our 3 crazy dogs on a golf course. Unfortunately we only have one that sticks with us – the other two wild boys would be all over the place! By the way I just booked our nights at Bullards – we’ll be there 8/21-8/26. And we’re staying at several other of your recommended places along the way – I feel like I owe you a travel agent fee! Looking forward to meeting you!
Didn’t know you played golf, Paul. Should you get to Mammoth Lakes again this fall let me know. Will be there again teaching chemistry at the JC. Can’t promise it’s dog-friendly though!
Bandon may be just the perfect spot on the west coast. Cannot believe dogs are allowed on the course but leave it to you to find this course Nina, and I’m sure Polly was the perfect golfing buddy.