Just A Walk On The Beach (And A Few Life Musings…)

I’m not quite done with my musings on food, but today I thought I’d take you in another direction and go for a walk on the beach. It just so happens it’s the perfect day for it, and exactly the kind of day you should ditch everything else and go dig those toes in the sand. Sometimes nature just calls to you.
The morning peeked through at a cool 60F (~15C) with no wind and elongated, fluffy clouds. Doggie was already up at 6AM, but stayed diligently in coiled rest (that’s her special “fake” sleep where she lies quietly in tense anticipation, ready to “spring” at the first signs of life) until yours truly had her first cup. As soon as the caffeine coast was cleared she was prancing around, licking me in the face, rushing over to the door, panting and butt jiggling from supersonic wags of her tail.
Okay, okay….I get the message, I’m coming.

We all drove down to the beach and piled out bare-foot and paws for the first sweet light of morning’s glory. And there she was. 15 miles of completely deserted beach (we were quite literally the only car there) with soft waves crashing brilliant white and deep blue sky reflecting the sun’s shallow rays. Long clouds swirled and stretched to the horizon while the lonely sound of the fog horn echoed in the distance.
You were right, doggie…it was definitely the right moment to come.

What followed was a wonderful hour of photography, running & playing in our own little wonderland. The sand was morning cool & slightly damp, the light oh-so-lovely and the water chilly & sharp (who needs espresso, right?). We had open views to Cape Arago 20 miles north and brilliant reflections of the sea stacks from Bandon in the south.
Ah yes, life is good…
It’s days like this that I am thankful to be able to live the life I do. Rather than being shut in a cubicle with fluorescents sucking the life out of me, I’m out here bonding with nature and the reviving smell of the sea in my nose. Rather than stress so intense it caused me to get sick for weeks and faint (true story), I’m so relaxed I can feel the ebb and flow of the ocean in my bones. Is it worth the sacrifice of my former income to do this? Is it worth living a life perceived by some as folly or downright wrong (yes, I’ve been told this)? Is it worth the uncertainty of the future?

In more ways than I can express for us the answer is 100% yes. This life may not be for everyone, but for our purpose, our wants and our dreams it is the perfect match. My hope is everyone has that moment, where they reflect on their life and find peace, no matter what your dreams. And if you’re not there yet? Just take a walk on the beach and you’ll be well on your way.
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How do your cats do in new places? Have they ever run off? I would be so worried that one of them would disappear if they were mine! I long to live your life! Gail
They do fine. When we first started out RVing we kept them on a leash 100% of the time (we use a special cat jacket and leash) so they got used to keeping close to us. Now, they mostly just hang by our camp chairs and enjoy the sun. My orange cat (Taggart) still likes to put on the jacket and go for longer walks with the dog. We never leave them unattended, of course and they’re only out when we are.
Folly? I think not. Who wouldn’t want to be at peace with life and happy to just be alive? “You’re too long dead”.
True and sage words. I’m sure Lewis and Sasha would agree 🙂
Its post like these that keep us motivated to live that lifestyle. Were younger and get a lot of negative feed back for our decision but oh well. Less then one month to go and we will be on the road full time ! We love your pictures!
We did too…especially since we both had “good” careers. In the end you just have to follow your own heart.
You’re finally getting some of the delicious weather we all wait for. Beautiful shot of Cape Arago off in the distance and such a flattering shot of you!!! 😉 (I took one of those last night!)
Apart from the skeeters in camp it’s been GREAT! Just perfect days on the beach right now.
I have been following your blog for about a year+ now and appreciate all the campground information as well as the many activity recommendations. We only have 4 paws with us (an energetic springer) and also enjoy biking and hiking (and paddle sports as well). We are currently staying at Cape Blanco (per your recommendation) and I was wondering if you have done any mountain biking in the area?
Thanks, Ga
We’ve done a lot of hiking (Humbug Mountain, Shore Acres etc.), but no real mountain biking. Mostly we just ride to the beach and such. Maybe the hosts have some ideas? If you come to Bullards drop by and say hi.
Oh one of my favorite parts of the country. Seeing your beautiful pictures really make me jealous. I’m so glad I found your blog and will anxiously await your next post. Someday I will take the leap to relax and see the countryside.
Thanks for the lovely comment, Liz!
You only have one life. Why not enjoy it! This is such a wonderful lifestyle. Look at all we have experienced.
Your morning at the beach was perfect, especially on the Oregon coast. So glad you were able to be there all alone with your family.
Indeed…all we can count on is this life we have, and none of us know how long that will last. I’ve lost many friends at far too young an age, and I know many that wait until they are far too old to do what they’ve always dreamed of. I like to think we timed it right.
Being able to take that morning walk on a secluded beach and get your nature fix has to be the perfect start to your day. We are a few years away from going fulltime and reading your post today makes me want to go now! Thanks for all the great information!
Those morning walks are just delicious. Had another great one this AM. Seems we’re one of the very few who get out there so early.
We, too, are living such a life. This summer, it is in the high mountains of Colorado. The freedom to enjoy the outdoors whenever you want, to go where you want, and to live in only about 400 square feet–meaning very little house work–it a great way to live our retirement.
Great photos, by the way.
Ahhh..summer in Colorado. Wonderful! Sure glad you’re enjoying your retirement to the fullest.
Do you ever shoot film? You shoot lots of landscapes and there are just some colors and details you cannot get with digital. I have a Nikon similar to yours btw, but the colors are just better with some slide films like velvia. Under magnification you can see that film paints like an artist with brushes and oil paints and a good dslr looks like a high quality litho print.
Oh, you have more courage than I. We have a motorhome like yours but also a house filled with years of things we like. Mostly I like. My wife would rather keep 400 sq ft neat.
No, I admit I’ve never done slides. I used to do black-and-white film back in the day (and also did my own developing), but digital has just made it so easy. I totally agree that film is still the best medium, but I guess I’m just too lazy 😉
Nina – for your blog work a good DSLR like you have is the best, but if you shoot landscapes with some slide films the results are really wonderful. The colors just pop more than digital. I kept about half my old film cameras and so I still use them with film. I also like having to adjust the camera myself as it makes me think about the picture being taken. Really good film cameras from the 1980’s and 1990’s are very cheap right now if you were ever to want to get one. Good film developers and scanners are popping up all over as film is making a comeback.
You mentioned you were too lazy to shoot film. IMHO digital is harder or at least as hard. Normally with digital so many shots are taken that it is a lot of work to weed out the bad ones and fix up the ones you like with editing software. With film you just send it in and they send back mid size scans by email or dropbox, and mail you the actual slides. You edit the results digitally just like shooting regular digital. My latest scans come back about 25 megs each. So very detailed. When you blow them way up though they look really different than from a digital camera.
Might be to space consuming in a 400 sq ft motor home. Next you would need a slide projector.
I certainly love the idea of large-format film, but it’s hard to manage in an RV with all the equipment (and then, on the other side, getting the results mailed back (we rarely stay anywhere that accepts mail) and/or making sure you have the bandwidth to download). I’ve been using photoshop so long now that it’s almost second nature and I have everything I need right here. I can shoot, process and publish in one day and all I need for the latter is my laptop.
Maybe one day though…I love the detail of those big shots and it’s always fun to dream 🙂
What an awesome day at the beach and great pictures. We are just a few months into our year long full time adventure to “test the waters” and I enjoy reading about others that are living the RV dream. I can relate to the cubicle drain. So far l would have to agree that the sights and sounds and smell of the ocean sure does give us a sense of peace and fulfilment.
Happy Trails!
I think anyone who’s ever worked in a cubicle knows that feeling. I only did it for 12 years, but it felt like an eternity.
What a perfect day on the beach! Yes, this life we live is something special. It cannot be taken for granted.
Metamorphosis Lisa
Too right Lisa. Maybe we’ll see you guys again in San Diego this winter?
Well said Nina, so true. It is coming up to a year on the road and we are loving every minute of it. Your just have a way of putting it. Love it.
Happy to hear you’re enjoying your travels! The lifestyle clearly suits you.
Do you ever worry about Fukushima? We used to really enjoy seafood. But between Deep Water Horizon and Fukushima, I kinda feel safe only eating Atlantic seafood. I know oceans are enormous… but still.
Also be aware about what washes up on the beaches. I have seen photos of a lot of debris from Fukushima. Mostly Northern CA, OR and WA.
Honestly can’t say we worry about it.
We are still just down the road, south of you. Hopefully, we will see you tomorrow or Friday as we move north a bit. What wonderful beaches we share as well as such marvelous lives. We wish so much that we would have done this 20 years ago. Monday was our anniversary and were joking around. We said “what would have been our response if someone told us we would be doing this later on in life?”…..Just wish we could spread the idea to younger families how rewarding this lifestyle is.
Oh cool! Do come by and see us. We’ve got Friday and Saturday off, but you can probably catch us in C loop.
Oh, what is that “stuff” that is on some of the trees that resemblesspanish moss of the south? It is in your cats photo.
Yoy know I’m not sure. It does look like sone kind of moss and we see it on many of the trees here, but I couldn’t tell you more.
AMEN! Nina your gift of expression is magnificent. I felt like I was there on the beach with the 3 of you, how BLESSED we are, yes life is good!
We are indeed blessed. Nina
Just reading your post makes me feel calm and at peace. The ocean is so relaxing. Love your pics.
Happy I can pass some of that feeling on 🙂
Sitting here in my cube this morning at working reading this makes it all very clear. Our dream is the same as yours, and we are getting our ducks in a row to ditch this “American Dream” for the real one. As the Counting Crows song goes: “It’s Been So Long Since I’ve Seen the Ocean… I Think I Should” Thanks for sharing
I sure hooe your dream comes true. I wish that for everyone.
Amen, Amen and Amen!!! The simplicity & gifts in life are worth all the material things that we trade for moment like you had this morning! Thanks for sharing it with us!
I have to agree. The more we have simplified our lives the better I’ve felt. Somehow getting rid of the excess has allowed us to see and enjoy the smaller pleasures.
Was that really a picture of you, or a mermaid that crawled out of the sea?
Or maybe I am a mermaid…..hmmmmm 😉
A few years ago we came across a book “Living Rich” I think the author was Steven Cohen. The thesis of living rich is to imaging what it would be like to live as you want. Take that dream and do what has to be done to make it come true. You and Paul are truely living rich.
We have been traveling an Alaska trip since 5/14 and continue to enjoy your writing whenever we have an internet connection.
Thank-you for the wonderful pictures and words.
Thanks Jeff. I reall like that concept and certainly feel “rich” in those terms.
Your “general musings” just got the people in cubes a little bit antsy. I sense a “jailbreak!”
Box Canyon Mark
LOL…I’m a bad, bad influence I know.
Beautifully expressed and from the heart! Reading your words, I can feel your pure joy; it does not matter what others say.
What an enchanting way to spend the morning! Good going Polly!
Love the photos of the kitties, they look so happy.
Thanks Sheila. It was a very meditative morning.
Lovely post . . . beautiful pictures, and so true. We are also so blessed to be able to share this dream with our kids, and every time I hear how “busy” a family member is, or how they “have to” constantly be away from the family for work, I just think, “How sad . . . “, and continue to be thankful that we broke out of that rut!
More amazing pictures. I have those moments, usually on a trout stream, when it all comes together. You’re right. I spent a lot of years in that same cubicle under the same florescent lights. Had an anxiety attack so bad I thought I was going to die. Just about anything beats that. Instead, find a dream and follow it.
By the way, I thought I’d miss the garden when we hit the road but you’ve proved you can still get fresh produce and more variety than I could ever grow. I’m hungry now.
Those feelings of utter peace are special indeed and if you can find that fishing on a stream that’s a fabulous thing. Some people search for it all their lives and never find it. Sure am looking forward to coming your way later this fall.
There are so many things I might never have learned without living this life. Even more I wouldn’t have learned without the last few months, even the ugly parts. The sinking into comfort with the very uncertain bits. I’m so grateful for what is.
The ups and downs in life are what make us (or break us). I like to think they make us stronger in the long run.
Beautiful pictures, beautiful words. What more can I say? Carry on…love your thoughts.
Thanks Donna! Nina
As usual…well said….we so much love living our dreams….
Enjoy your information and pictures are fantastic. My house, old truck and 2nd car are for sale. Would like to sell them before I hit the road this spring. I would prefer to leave before November but the house would need to sell first. I’ve learned a lot from your blog in my 22 month research period. Thanks
Very cool! Congrats on the upcoming travel. Maybe we’ll see ya on the road.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Nina. I love your beautiful pictures and your weather is perfect.
All the best,
Hi guys i was wondering ,,in the course of a day how many people pass through the lighthouse pr day
O an never have had fennel before tried it in a soup ,came out ok now to experiment some thanks
We’ve had some big numbers in the lighthouse recently. Around 150 people per shift (3 hours) which means up to 300 people per day (6 hours). On quieter days we get 100 people per shift.
Not on my normal computer and we are on vacation in Germany. Just wanted to say Hi and let you know we have friends who are hosting right now at Blanco Lighthouse. Deb and Ralph…. We hope to maybe next year make it up there to one of the Light Houses for a month for our first time hosting…. Lee and Shelia……. Take Care Lee
Outstanding! We met several of the Cape Blanco hosts this past week. Wonder if they were one of them? Really fun to have this community of hosts here.
Their names are Debbie and Ralph. Ralph has a USA tatoo on his calf, Grey Beard and tall. Debbie is a Blonde with a ear to ear smile..
We will be so glad when we are able to begin traveling again. Along with the other “stuff” we are working through, sitting still has not been easy. We are ready to soar! Thanks for the wonderful post Nina.
I don’t doubt it Lu. I hope you manage to get back out there soon.
Ohhhhh my Nina …… You are so very, very right…. Life is so very precious and one of these days maybe we will meet and I’ll tell you or maybe I’ll do a blog about these EXACT truths that we’ve found or are finding!
Indeed it is! I’m sure I would love to hear your stories and share some more of our own. You never know what tomorrow will bring…