We Meet A Real, Live Cowboy!

As well as being a blogger I’m a lurker blog reader which means I sneak around the internet reading other blogs incognito. I’ve got lots of these lurkers going on and one of them happens to be a lovely couple from Montana who run their ranch in summer and snowbird (a lot of it boondocking) in the SW in winter. Janna writes a daily blog (something that always impresses me) where she takes some lovely pics of landscapes and her super-amazing quilts (she is quite the creative lady). She’s married to real-live 100% born-and-bred cowboy whom she met through a newspaper ad (the story is fabulous…if you ever meet them do ask to hear it all). We’ve never met except through blogland, so you can imagine my surprise when Janna suddenly announced that they were taking a trip to Oregon, in part to meet us!! How coool!!
A few blinks and a mere 2 blogs posts later (I swear) they were on the coast. Remember all those posts I did on careful planning & 150-mile driving & reserving summer campsites and all that business? Well, that don’t apply to free-wheelin’ road-loving cowboys. Just jump in the rig and drive until the asphalt no longer calls you. It’s exactly how these folks travel and it just goes to prove, yet again, that there is no “right” way to RV.

So Sunday night they show up in Bullards Beach, snag a spot and proceed to wander over to the beast with wine, yummy snacks and good company. Talk about full-service guests! As always happens when RV bloggers meet we connected right away and spent a lovely evening chatting. Mike is indeed a real, live gentleman of a cowboy while Janna is a simply lovely southern gal. Quite the fine combo. The next night their hospitality extended again when Janna made a fabulous dinner at their rig, including a smashed potato recipe that I’ve drooled about on her blog for months. We thoroughly enjoyed their visit and have made plans to pass by their ranch sometime next year and pay back the dinner (we promise you a full evening of wine & dine Janna!). Just another fabulous RV blogging event and great meet-up on the road!

P.S. Meetings are continuing in blogland and we have another rather exciting one coming up next month. Technomadia, a young couple whose blog we’ve been following since BRV (Before RV) have taken a hosting job at Cape Blanco. So not only will we be neighbors, but we’ll be hosting together too. Wheeeee!! We’re happy as pigs in a mud bath and have so many questions….Will Kiki accept us as worshipers? Can you really eat off their engine? Will we be able to control our drool when we see their lithium ion bank? Ahhh yes…twill be an interesting time, and I’m sure you’ll see a few blog posts to follow 🙂
Nealys on Wheels is rolling into Bullards Beach tomorrow! We’ll be hunting you down for sure. And now I know to show up with wine….not that I wouldn’t have anyway! 🙂 We were lurkers of yours for years before finally commenting – so we’re really looking forward to meeting you!
GREAT to meet you guys…and your 3 doggies.
Gotta say that meeting up with bloggy friends has been a super 5-star experience. If you don’t have an RV, then living close to where they gather is a decided plus! 😉
Indeed. It’s been so much fun spending time with you here in Bandon!
Thanks a bunch for all your kind words Nina–we so enjoyed meeting you guys and Polly, too! Clicked on your link to Technomadia, read a few lines and realized these folks were parked in a campground about 20 miles from our house on August 14, the RV park is located on the road we take to town–talk about coincidence!
Small world indeed. It was really, really fun to meet you both (and Emmi too). I’m still dreaming about those smashed potatoes. Hope to see you again down the road.
You all are havin too much fun !!! and yes, I believe that Kiki will accept you into her fold !!! as one of her worshippers. That is my prediction. Cant wait to hear how it realy works out !
It’s going to be fun to find out 🙂 just don’t tell our cats, ok?
Squeee….. mud baths AND Star Wars costumes??? It’s gonna be one heck of a month!! We can’t wait.
Lookin’ forward to it.
Yer killin us with all these fun connections! We just spent another week at Winchester Bay, this time with the Old Time Oregon FIddlers–they meet in the community hall right on the harbor, third weekend of each month & visitors are very welcome. And the Crabby Shack has fabulous thick chowder! NEXT time, we’ll be haulin the Aljo…..but wish we were with you all, too! Cheers from Mt. Shasta, ~Kathi & Michael, the youngish fiddler….
Oh how neat!! Last time I heard fiddlers we were in a state park in TN. Probably one of our most memorable moments in that state. There were about 12 folks sitting around playing the greatest music. Good to know about the OR fiddlers. If we ever make it there during that time we will definitely go listen in.
Oh my God I so love your blogs and read all of them! Really appreciate all of them. Love the picture of Emma. We got a dog from the pound that looks just like Emma. They called her a schnoodle. Part schnowcer part poodle. She weighs 24 pounds though so think she is larger.
You also have the best photos. Thanks for the blogs.
Thanks Penny. It was hard to get a good shot of Emmi since she was so excited and happy. Most of my shots were totally out of focus LOL. She loves to be petted and had me wrapped around her paws.
How totally cool that you met Janna, Michael, and Emmi! We’ve never met but are blog friends, as so many of us are. I would love to see their place in Montana. It sounds beautiful. I hope Polly enjoyed her little friend.
I didn’t realize that Technomadia would be at the same lighthouse as you and Paul. Another very cool happening!! John has been loving following their engine rebuild. So glad they are finally on the road again.
Yup, it was a total blast to meet them. Emmi is not much of a dog’s dog, but reaaaaly loves people. She ignored Polly, but spent quite a bit of time in my lap. Very cute girl!
Great story. I’ve found RVers to be pretty good folk and we plan to meet up with a new couple on Fri.
I’ve really not met many RVers I didn’t like. I think the lifestyle draws a certain kind of person. Almost everyone we meet is open & interesting.
That’s what happens when you reveal your whereabouts! I enjoyed meeting you and Paul at the light house a couple of weeks ago!
It was nice of ya to come by! We do enjoy meeting blog readers.
Love it. Cant wait until we get on the road … hope to meet likeminded folks as well…!
I have no doubt you will. Maybe we’ll see ya down the road.
I know what a cowgirl you are at heart Nina, so this had to be a great meet-up for you. 🙂
True, true…I do have a little flutter of the cowgirl in me.