Pure Poetry, Baby – Cape Blanco, OR
Steadfast, serene, immovable, the same,
Year after year, through all the silent night
Burns on forevermore that quenchless flame
Shines on that inextinguishable light!
The Lighthouse, by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, circa 1848

There is something so very moving about lighthouses, especially those who have never extinguished their light. They remain alive with history, their beams stretching through the decades, their grand towers an ever-steady comfort in a world of change. Coming to such a place is like stepping back in time. Civilization fades, time slows and you become absorbed by the story. It’s the kind of place that sweeps you away and speaks to your soul. It’s the kind of place I can totally get into.

We are at the oldest continuously operating lighthouse on the OR coast. First lit in 1870 it has never quenched its’ light and perches dramatically on the cliffs of a 200-foot cape. It’s also the western-most point in Oregon, over 6 miles from the nearest coastline in a remote and wild spot. There is nothing here but the cape, our campground and the ever-steady Cape Blanco Lighthouse, and we are so far out the weather creates it’s own patterns. The fact that someone once lived here is almost beyond comprehension and yet there’s a unique beauty that draws you in. It’s crazy, it’s foggy, it’s windy, it’s isolated…and it is pure poetry, baby!

We arrived yesterday to one of Cape Blanco’s spectacular sunny days. The weather here can easily go through 20 changes in a day, but when the clouds part and the sweeping curves of the cape are revealed there is no place quite as glorious. After tucking into our large and private host site we bounced down to the beach for a play in the sand. An hour later we ambled back up the hill to see Chris & Cherie from Technomadia (our lighthouse co-hosts for the month) pulling into their site next to us. We’ve wanted to meet-up with these guys for years so it was almost surreal to finally hug and see them in person. Yeah! After lighthouse orientation and more afternoon lounging, we spent the evening chatting with our new friends in “the beast” while Cape Blanco did another weather-jump and rained outside. A perfect start to our sojourn!
We’ll be here for all of September hopefully enjoying the best month Cape Blanco has to offer while we host at the lighthouse. We don’t expect to be doing much except immersing ourselves in the beauty that is this remote spot, doing long hikes in the woods and hanging w/ our buddies. The story is just beginning, but I predict our poem here will be a lasting masterpiece.
Glad to see you’re settled into your next adventure. I’m looking forward to actually seeing the inside of that lighthouse one of these days. 😉
You’ll definitely have to come down and see us. Can’t guarantee the weather tho’ coz you never know what you’ll get hour to hour here.
Hey, I LIVE here on the coast. Crazy weather is not only expected, but loved (except for the sandblasting occasions). I’m working on a couple of trips for this month, but will definitely make time to buzz down to your new location somewhere in there.
True, true…I keep forgetting you spend the WINTER here! There’s nothing that will surprise you LOL.
We stayed at Cape Blanco last Fall. Lovely! The hike up the hill from the beach keeps most from going there. You’ll have it to yourselves most of the time. I thought the lighthouse was at least 20 minutes away. Enjoy!
Yeah, the cliffs here keep most folks away from the beach. I love that it’s so remote. The lighthouse is about a 20-min walk from the campground, but only a 5-min drive.
Since you’re waxing poetic, have you and Paul visited “The greatest meeting of land and sea in the world”, used to describe Big Sur, and Point Lobos in particular?
Oh yes, we know that area well. Spent over 15 years in the Bay Area and travelled Hwy1 many times. Love the area.
I can’t believe those beaches are so devoid of humans. They were lonely when we were there a few years back but that was winter. This is Labor Day. Crazy! Enjoy your time there.
Yeah, I think there were a total of 5 people down there when we went, and all of them were hanging right by the road. it’s fabulously remote here.
Beautiful post, Nina:)
That is just so exciting that you will be hosting with Technomadia!! They seem to be a really neat couple. You are going to have such a wonderful month!!
Enjoy your new lighthouse and beach!!
We’re pretty darn excited…both to be here and also to have Technomadia as neighbors. It’s gonna be a gooooood month.
I spent a year stationed at a light house (Light Station Pt Robinson, Vashon, WA). It was different….
We’ve met several lighthouse keepers in the past few years. One of them was stationed up in Alaska in a very remote spot. Definitely takes a different kind of person to do that job. Gotta be tough both physically and mentally. I have lots of respect for lighthouse keepers both now and in history! Nina
Would be truly interested in hearing of your daily responsibilities. My wife and I did a 10 week guest host at a light house just north or Roger City, Michigan. It is called “40 mile point park” and is in the county park system. A really enjoyable time and most of the Co-host that were there were only for 2-3 weeks. Responsibilities were enough to keep you busy but we still had enough time off to see Mackinaw Island and other areas as well as pick huckleberries.
Sure! This is actually our 2nd year lighthouse hosting so I’ve got several older posts describing our activities. Each lighthouse is a little different depending on who owns it and hours etc. We’ve volunteered at Coquille and Cape Blanco. Here are our posts on the two jobs:
Volunteering as Lighthouse Hosts -> What Do You Actually DO?
Volunteer Hosting At Cape Blanco Lighthouse
Back on The Job – Lighthouse Hosting At Coquille River Lighthouse, OR
I can’t believe we’re here!
I can’t believe we’re here!
I can’t believe we’re here!!
This unbelievable location. Finally meeting you two. This month is going to ROCK!
My sentiments exactly…I love this area!
We sooo loved Cape Blanco! One of our very favorites. Enjoy! Wish we were there…
It’s one of our favs on the coast too. Never know about the weather there, but that’s also part of what makes the place so alluring.
I just want to follow that green, green path into the woods…..sigh.
The weather here has finally turned from hot and very humid to cooler and dryer days. Sasha and I can sleep much better now.
I would love to have you two (and the doggies) out here. I can just imagine Lewis & Polly bouncing around on the trail, with Sasha smelling her way into the woods.
Looking forward to reading about your adventures at Cape Blanco.
Hey Nina & Paul. Hard to believe we got to meet you a year ago already at Cape Blanco. Love the reminder of how beautiful it is there through your pictures. Funny how the weather could be different just between the lighthouse and the campgrounds. Enjoy your time there!
PS. Got to take the camper to RAGBRAI (bike across Iowa) for a week and had a ball. Looking forward to making this a full time adventure.
Blessings, Deb & Jeff
I can’t quite believe it’s been a year either! Glad to hear you’re getting the rig out & attending events. Are you still planning fulltime move-in next month?
Beautiful post and pics of our favorite lighthouse! So very true! Out there in the lighthouse, you can get lost in the history of it! If only walls could talk! Molly is jealous of Polly at her own beach! lol Enjoy!
So very true, Kathy and if anyone would know you two would be the experts! Loving the Sept weather so far. Hoping it holds up.
Another beautiful place. Sounds like you will have an awesome mnt. Kim and I are busy doing yurts, or should I say Kim is busy, I do the inspection. It is all good. Look forwards to see you here in Bandon for the Farmers Market. You left a couple of items behind. They will be here when you come to Bandon. We so enjoyed getting to spend time with you, and hope to meet up again, wherever our paths will take us. Enjoy, Else.
Oh thanks so much for picking up our items!! We realized what we’d done when we got here, but just figured it was too late. We probably won’t make farmers market this week (we’re working Friday AM), but we’re free next week and will definitely come by. Also happy to hear the yurts are working out 🙂
This looks like pure delight especially in the fall.
This is definitely the “sweetest” month to be here. Winds are in a lull period (the fall calm before the winter storms) and sunshine peeks through almost everyday. So far the weather here has been amazing.
It’s so much more fun reading about Cape Blanco after actually experiencing it’s magic last month.
You two are very good at manifesting an enchanted life! Enjoy!
It’s something else when you’ve been here indeed. Hope I can properly capture it’s beauty over the next month.
Another beautiful place! I’m looking forward to your stay there as much as you, to hear about your experiences. We are in North Carolina tucked back in the mountains next to one of those fast flowing streams, just enjoying a cool, foggy morning. Isn’t life good?!
We love foggy mornings. Something so very special about them. It takes me back to all the years we lived in San Francisco (where I learned to love the fog, amongst other things). Your spot sounds heavenly.
Can’t wait to hear about a “crazy” project you and Technomedia dream up. 🙂
I love what you’re doing, the lighthouse is beautiful and you have taken some of the prettiest pictures I’ve ever seen. Keep it up!