Stormy Goodbye’s! A Wild Adieu To Cape Blanco, OR

So finally (finally) we are leaving Cape Blanco. I know I said I probably wouldn’t take anymore pics of this spot, but can I help it if the gorgeousness of the Cape just sucks me in and captivates me? And as if that wasn’t enough she decided to send us off in style, with a little something to remember her by if you will. It was the Cape’s special way of making sure we knew who was in charge. She sent us a storm, and not just any storm but one of those famous Oregon Coast storms that are only supposed to happen in winter. It was crazy, it was exciting and it…was…AWESOME!

It started out with total calm, the kind of eeeerie, weird calm where not a blade of grass was moving. We had our full-day shift in the lighthouse that day and almost sweltered under the oppressive weight of the pre-storm. Something was coming and the world was deathly silent in anticipation. That night it started slowly…a breeze here, a gust there…just a touch of the thing to come. When the morning dawned the storm awoke with her and the wind took hold. She stretched her grip over the Cape claiming her presence…building, growling, moaning and finally all-out howling. We did our morning shift in the early craziness and shut down the lighthouse when winds topped 50 MPH and we could no longer stand straight in the gusts. Can you say wind mullet, folks?

The afternoon continued with gusts and bursts, hitting 64 mph (103 kmh) before the rain took over and dominated the play. That evening we cozied up inside “the beast” with Chris & Cherie combining some home-spun margaritas with a Fabulous Fritter Fiesta (zucchini that is) followed by yummy-to-die-for avocado chocolate mousse. Somehow the crazy weather made the whole thing so much more intimate, so much more profound and we expounded on life philosophies and deeper thoughts alongside the sound of gusting rain slashing on the roof. Connections in the storm. Amazing!
The following morning was just a second taste…torrential, pelting sheets of rain followed by gusting winds back up to another peak of 61 MPH. Oh MY! Our sheltered campsite kept us safe and allowed us to weather the nuttiness and peek out at the thrashing trees without even having to pull in our slides (I already told you how much I love this campground, right?).

And finally we come to today, the day of our departure. Rain and wind have finally calmed (there’s even a slice of blue sky out there!) giving us room to take off and head south. The Cape bids us goodbye with a smirk and seductive wink. “How do you like me now?” she says. We hug our friends and respectfully bow to nature’s mistress. You might think you out-rained me, but what you really did is sweep me off my feet. I’ll be back again Cape Blanco, for I’m in love and I want more of the same.
One of my all time favorite posts!!!
We were thinking of you when we heard the weather forecasts but somehow knew you’d be making the best of it. Wish we were there for avocado mousse and margaritas, a match made in heaven methinks….
You would have like the combo Sue, no doubt about that!
Great piece Nina! Looking forward to meeting y’all somewhere on the road….safe travels until then.
Had the same storm last night up here on Vancouver Island, the rig was a rockin and rollin! Looks like you guys had a great stay. Super spot, will ad to my list. Cheers Ray
Thankfully our campground was WELL protected so we didn’t get as much rock n’roll as I expected. Can’t imagine weathering a storm like this out in the open. I was sure happy for the mass of trees that separated our rig from the Cape.
The first time I was in a lighthouse…was after I joined the U.S. Coast Guard. From the lonesome wail of the foghorn to the welcoming flashing lights of Pt. Pinos and Pescadero Pt…..brings back so many memories. And…yes there’s something very special about a Fresnel lens!
Poetic memories indeed…thanks for sharing them. I echo your thoughts exactly on lighthouses!
Fascinating! I am so enjoying your blog. My husband and I will be embarking on our first trip of RVing in November and we will be perusing your blog for recommendations of wonderful spots. Thank you! Laura Star
Cool! Enjoy your upcoming trip. Should be an exciting time for you.
Great post. Glad you’ve enjoyed the wildness of it all. As I live in Wa. we had/are having the same storm here. Unprecedented rain for September.
What app did you use to get that weather screen shot? None of mine provide me with all of that info, I may like to try it myself if you’d not mind.
Oh yeah, I heard the rain was POUNDING up there in WA!
For the weather info I used a NOAA website link and just took a screen shot of the info on the site. The site is not always easy to navigate, but if you can find your area it’s fun to watch.
Here’s the link for the Western Regional website:
And the direct link to the Cape Blanco Station:
Thanks, Nina. I will look into using it a little more to familiarize myself better. I believe they have smart phone apps too. I’ll look I to that for iOS as well.
Continued happy travels.
Lovely post with great imagery! Glad that everyone stayed safe!
That place is so wild….we managed a short visit while in Oregon….I can’t fathom 64 mph winds.
Hope the weather is kinder as you start your southern travels.
Today we’ve got pretty mild weather here in Brookings, only ~60 miles south of our last spot. A bit of sun, a bit of light rain but nothing radical. Amazing how quickly the weather changes here!
I got turned onto your blog a couple weeks ago and are drawn in to your prose. We’ll become extended part-timers in March 2014 taking three month (or longer or shorter) jaunts a couple times a year. Your insight is already most valuable. We have no doubt we’ll love the lifestyle. Have been practicing for years…
Welcome to the blog and you’re upcoming almost-fulltiming! Thanks for following along.
I am so enchanted by the way you share the storms and experience these past days.. and we were right by you! Lovely lovely lovely.
Gonna miss you guys *sniff*… but until next time!
Well I’m SUPER happy you guys were there with us. It made the experience all the more magical. Miss you already and looking forward to when we meet again!
Nice hairdo, there, Nina! Love your photos and description of your experiences there at the Cape.
Yeah, I’m wondering if I should make that “do” a permanent one? It sure highlights my forehead LOL!
I really enjoyed this post…can tell how much you love Cape Blanco. That storm hit inland as well and we had torrential rains but not the winds that were predicted. Just a stiff breeze. Have fun on your travels and keep those pictures coming!!
Yeah, it was pretty wild out here. The wind COMBINED with the rain made it very exciting. It’s taken us 2 days to dry out the RV LOL!
Much of your stormy weather has made it east to Glacier National Park. Rain has turned to snow on the mountain tops. Travel Safe.
Brrrrrr!!! I imagine it’s getting pretty darn cold up there by now? Seems fall is going REALLY fast in some places.
So glad you weathered the storm without any problems.
Your photos do show us how much you love the area. Beautiful sunsets!
Travel safely to your new destination:)
I predict it will be a while before i capture another good sunset like this. We’ve had a magical time on the Cape.
Nina, lovely post. Enjoyed the poetic imaginary you wrote about the storm. Beautiful photos!
Man, I LOVE wild weather! So glad you were safe and got to experience the wildness!
Metamorphosis Lisa
I love seeing wild weather too, especially if you’re cozy and comfortable inside. The protected campground at Cape Blanco made ALL the difference in this storm. Out by the lighthouse I could barely stand straight in the wind, but at our campsite we were able to weather the storm with our slides out. Prety amazing.
You’re not only an excellent photographer, this post shows you are also a poet. I loved your descriptions of the wind and storm and how you coped (thrived) with them.
Awww shucks…thanks for the compliment. I must admit this place brings out the poet in me.
I thought of you often as the crew and I rocked and rolled in the storm! What a way to end a season, right? Great post!
How funny!! We were thinking of you too. Both Paul and i looked at each other and said “wonder how Sue is getting along in all this rain?”. I read your blog and saw you were in the midst of it up there in WA -> a little less wind but a TON of rain!! Stay safe!
What an exciting send off. The northern Pacific coast knows how to put on a spectacular show. Safe journey.
She sure does. Hope things work out well for you at the rim. The shut-down is really a terrible thing for all the federal park employees.
That storm seems to have hit the whole Northwest very hard. Clearly you caught part of it but managed well. Headed south yet? Leaves are turning here in Mammoth Lakes!
We are ON OUR WAY!!! Hope to be in your area around Mid-Oct! Keep those fall colors going for us, will you?
Loved this post Nina and hope to experience the wildness of Cape Blanco again some day. Gonna have to try those zucchini fritters and already know I love the avocado chocolate mousse. 😉
YOU were the one that introduced me to the chocolate mousse so I will be forever grateful to you for that one. I think you’d enjoy the fritters alot, especially w/ the dipping sauce.
BTW, love that mullet! A new look for you perhaps? 😉
This was one of those, “Welcome to Oregon, now go home!” storms. I’ve been here, from SoCal, since ’89 and these types of storms keep telling me to go south old man, go south.
Hi Nina! Nice to see you in Harris Beach. Our fire is going over in C 2 where we ar camped with friends who aren’t in the yurt. Didn’t want to intrude and knock but I did see you walk by. Drop in and say hi! We will be here till Thursday morning
It was SO MUCH FUN to finally meet you last night! Thanks for leaving the comment and keeping the campfire going!
Thanks for the great recommendation! We just stayed there for two nights (in a tent) and loved it.
Cool! Hope those lighthouse hosts down there gave you a good tour 🙂