Boondocking Site Review – Government Wash, Lake Mead, NV

A very scenic but also very popular boondocking spot just east of Las Vegas on the shores of Lake Mead, NV
Location: Government Wash Road, Lake Mead, NV
Coordinates: Entry to boondocking area around 36.1385681,-114.8399551. Link to map location HERE
Cost: Lake Mead NRA Fees apply ($10 for 7 days, $30 for a year or America The Beautiful Pass). 15-day stay limit.
How We Found It: We heard about this spot from other bloggers (Aluminarium and Watson’s Wonder) and also found it on
Nearest Dump/Water: Nearest dump & water is at Calville Bay Resort & Marina. There are on-site garbage bins (for household garbage) and flush toilets at Government Wash.
- Access – 3.5/5
Pretty decent/easy access here depending on where you go and how close to the lake you want to get:
Gravel Parking Area -> Government Wash Road is an easy paved road that ends in a large, gravel parking area (with toilet facilities & trash) There is easily space for 20 rigs of any size in this area and it’s super-easy to access. For those worried about the dirt roads, just park here and enjoy. However the best views are further down.
Lake Area -> Once you leave the paved area the road becomes dirt which is hard, bumpy & very rocky (lots of small. embedded rocks). There are several forks which lead you to different areas. The first fork on the right has lots of flat, easy sites with good views but no direct access to the lake. The second fork further down leads to sites closer to the lake. The closer you get to the lake the more bumpy, rough and potentially sandy the road so be sure to scope out before you bring in your rig. Big rigs are probably best keeping near the top whereas smaller rigs can nab some of the juicier sites further down. Since this is a popular boondocking spot some of the larger sites often end up with several rigs parked in the same area so keep this in mind when choosing a spot. - Nature – 5/5
This is a pretty gorgeous spot. You are right next to Lake Mead within easy walking distance to the water and with several large washes & spots to hike/explore around the boondocking area. The desert is dry & stark, but the lake is shimmering blue. A lovely contrast! - Isolation – 1/5
This area is close to Las Vegas & Henderson and is a popular fishing/boating spot with the locals (there is a boat put-in area down the centre dirt road). Plus it’s a well-known, well-used boondocking spot. For this reason you are very unlikely to be alone unless you come well out of season. There were probably 30 rigs in the area while we were there, plus the lake-front got full (and quite rowdy) on the week-end. - Pet Friendliness – 5/5
Excellent spot for doggie. Lots of space in camp, swimming in the lake is easily accessible just down the road plus there is plenty of space around the area to hike/explore. Desert is dry and cactus-free so easy on the paws. Be aware there are lots of coyotes around so don’t leave small pets outside alone.
Overall Rating = 3.6
BONUS ALERT = Camp with a full view of gorgeous Lake Mead, NV!
Summary: It’s not often you find a boondocking site right next to a rocking town with full lake-views and for that reason this is a popular spot. Government Wash lies within the Lake Mead National Recreation Area just east of Las Vegas, NV. There is a fee to entry ($10 for 7 days, $30 for a year, or you can use your America The Beautiful Pass), but for this small cost you’ll get some outstanding views. The road is an easy, paved street down to a large parking area by the old boat ramp (now closed) with 3 main dirt roads (bumpy, hard, rocky) leading to obvious sites all the way down to the water. You can either boondock in the parking area or along one of the dirt roads. The closer you get to the water the bumpier & rougher the road, so big rigs are probably best camping near the top, while smaller rigs can get further down. Lots of sites in the area, but the biggest ones often get filled by several rigs camped side-by-side so keep that in mind when choosing a site. The best things about this spot are the gorgeous views, the excellent Verizon signal, the on-site garbage cans (what a treat) and the easy proximity to all the shopping/eating you’ll ever want in Henderson & Las Vegas. Plus there is lots of nearby hiking & sightseeing. The worst things about this spot are the crowds, especially on warm week-ends. Also, the area is very poorly patrolled and it seems several rigs stake out spots here long-term. We loved all the positive aspects of this area, especially the proximity to the lake (daily swims with doggie!) & nearby shopping/eating but the traffic started to get to us after around a week and we decided to move on. Despite this, this is such a good location there’s no doubt we’ll come back here in the future.
Extra Info: Excellent Verizon signal (full bars of 3G, plus some 4G LTE with booster). On-site garbage & flush toilets. NO dump or potable water (nearest dump/water at Calville Bay).

Awww..thank you for the wonderful photos and the info…it has been years since I last visited…you brought back to mind fun memories…!
Seems like this is an old-time favorite for lots of boondockers & based on the prime location I can certainly see why.
When I was in the area 3 years ago, Government Wash was just too crowded for me. So I opted for the area just east, which had an unusually gravelly road, too gravelly to mountain bike.
As an added bonus, on numerous occasions, I was treated to the sight of old guys running around naked on several occasions *rolls eyes*
(Now I know why they say, “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas”)
Funny you should mention that. We actually saw a naked guy sunbathing (quite openly) by his rig near the water at Government Wash while we were there. Brian and Leigh told me there used to be a naked beach somewhere near here, but they shut it down, so I guess those folks just took it elsewhere LOL. Like you said…it’s Vegas baby!
great review of great boondocking, Nina. I am sorry to ask this question on a particular post, but I seem to have misplaced your email address. I wondered if you had ever boondocked in the Mojave Desert Preserve. As we wandered around checking out boondock sites, I just couldn’t help thinking of you two. Let me know, I’ll send you some info if you have yet to explore this place.
Just thinking of you guys & just sent you a note!
Another great review Nina. It is so helpful that you give such details. Don’t know that there is any other better boondocking in the west info than you provide. Thanks!
Thanks. I do my best 🙂 If you get the chance to use my Amazon link in return every now and then I’ll be super happy.
Nice group of photos. Good work. Always a joy to see.
Did you happen to explore some of the other roads in the area? Looking at the map I’m wondering if the areas off Lake Mead Bl offer any boondocking opportunities.
I enjoy reading your blog. Lots of good stuff.
Yup, we’re actually boondocking in a second spot off Lake Mead today, and I believe the park allows boondocking down most of the roads here as long as you can safely make it down the road and pick out an established campsite. Many of the other dirt roads are very rough, so I would definitely scope out before bringing in a rig.
Again, another great review! I paid attention to see the cell/3G/4G service that was available in the area. That is a great extra that I normally don’t see on other reviews…Thank you!
Yeah, the cell signal was a big draw for us. We do need to be online for Paul’s investing.
Hi, Nina,
I had to make an unplanned stop in Henderson, NV to get a “check engine light” tended to today, so I needed a place to stay over the weekend. I got a late start out of Prescott on Saturday, and didn’t arrive at Hoover Dam until sunset, which had me searching for Government Wash after dark. I just wanted to thank you so much for your excellent details and directions. As a “solo navigator” (looking and driving at the same time) I would have NEVER found it otherwise!
Glad you made it there and got your repair taken care of. Enjoy the area!
We have yet to purchase our first RV, but are seriously looking. After reading your blog, I can’t wait! It is bound to be the most helpful resource, as we enter this next adventure completely ignorant of “land cruising.” We’ve passed your site on to our son, who will be traveling across country next March in a “pop-up.” Thanks for all the information.
Very informative, thanks for sharing! We are considering staying here a few days next month!
Thanks so much for this info. My dog, Jack and I are heading there this week. We live in San Diego and would love to go hiking or SUPing with you and your dog if you are still here next week!!
Thanks so much for the info. Heading here this week with my dog, Jack. We live in SD, would love to go hiking or SUPing with you if you are still here next week!