Getting Online On The Road -> The Mobile Internet Handbook

One of the questions I get asked alot is what we do about internet on the road. Internet is key to our RV happiness since it not only enables our on-road income (Paul’s investing, my little bits of writing), but also allows us to keep in touch with friends, family & blog readers. We can handle a few days off-line but long-term, like it or not, we need that Internet IV-line. For the past few years we’ve actually been using the same thing, a Millenicom 20GB/mo plan which runs on the Verizon network and which I wrote in detail about HERE. Since I wrote that post the price has gone up somewhat (our plan now costs $89.99/mo), but I still consider it the very best deal out there for the kind of nationwide coverage we need. We also still use (mostly) the same boosting equipment, although we’ve upgraded our main booster to a Wilson Sleek.
The point is I actually wouldn’t have known about ANY of this if it hadn’t been for our buddies Technomadia. Their blog article on Millenicom was what alerted me to the company originally, and their info on Wilson Sleek did the same. When they released their first book, I was all over it and when they started an Indigogo campaign for their second book, I was naturally all over that too.

Sometimes being first has it’s privileges…well, and the fact that we’re currently parked right next to them 🙂
Just a few short days ago I was honored with the first, fresh-off-the-press pre-release proof of their printed book. I’d already gotten their e-version, but there’s something about the heft of real pages that was even more enticing. I’ve spent the past three days devouring their 223-page tome of mobile internet wisdom & now it’s time for me to let you know about it too.
Bottom line, if you’re trying to decide what to do about internet on the road, or looking to upgrade, or just want to learn about the options which are out there this is the book for you. The book goes through just about anything you can think of including cellular, satellite, boosters, routers, bandwidth management, antenna mounting options (a super-cool guest chapter by Jack Mayer), gaming and even a chapter on crossing international borders. Chris and Cherie do an outstanding job of laying out the options, both in layman’s terms (for folks who like it that way) as well as offering more advanced geek-like stuff (for the folks who like that). Amongst other things, they give tips on the various cellular options out there, and why a mix of carriers may make the most sense for those who can’t live without internet; they go through satellite internet and explain why it’s a tough option for new RVers; they explain why some things (like watching movies) take up alot of bandwidth, and offer alternative options for folks who are movie-addicts; and they wrap it up nicely in the back with an overview of the best options for low, moderate and internet-addicted folks.
Honestly, I can’t think of much (anything?) they didn’t cover.
Click for a pdf preview of the bookEven though I’ve been following their blog posts & think I know quite a bit about this stuff myself, I learned several money & bandwidth-saving tips from the book. And even though I’m a friend and just darn amazed that they wrote a book (it’s quite an accomplishment), the result is so good it’s something I’m excited to announce to others. So, before dishing out mucho $$ for a plan & equipment which may or may not work for you, I recommend spending the $9.95 to buy the Mobile Internet Handbook. It’s pretty much the only resource you’ll need to figure out your mobile system & it’ll pay itself back many times in RV internet happiness. Wheelingit and paw-approved 🙂
P.S. For the techo-hungry, Technomadia has also started a members-only website called Mobile Internet Aficionado’s where they release the latest news/tips/updates on everything to do with mobile internet. Plus you can ask and get in-depth guidance on the forum with the “guru’s”. I’m a member & have totally enjoyed the site resources so far. If you’re not sure, they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee so there’s absolutely no downside to giving it a try. Check it out!
Excellent! I’m all over it too! We just started our full-time journey in a 45′ Entegra in June and have been frustrated with the internet at the places we’ve been so far. With the exception of here in McMinnville, internet has been spotty at best. Thanks for the heads up on the release. I’m constantly reading your blog for RV tips and hints on where to go next. Love the blog and the hugely helpful hints, they’ve helped us newbs immensely.
Yeah, campground internet (with a few exceptions) is notoriously poor. We discovered that within our first few months of RVing too. This will definitely help you find a better option. Enjoy!
That is great! All the current wandering internet info in one place, by people who have tested and understand it. Thanks!
Exactly. This is written by folks who have been doing this for years. Plus they’re hooked-into all the latest news too. They typically find out about stuff way before the rest of us.
Don’t bother me. I’m busy reading your Solar articles and changing out my tires (date code 4705). 🙂
Actually, Becky at Interstellar Orchard beat you to the punch. I’m reading a sample of their book right now on my Kindle.
This is all in between communicating with “Friends of Moran”. We’re not just aspiring full-timers planning our Great Escape, we are Stalkers. I’m looking up Cape Blanco right now. Wohoo!
LOL…well you definitely sound busy enough. Good luck with all your plans!
Looks like I’m going to get an early holiday gift. We’re happy with our set up but who knows, maybe it could be even better. You should be part of the book marketing staff with this great review.
I have a sneaking feeling I will be getting my marketing money’s worth with free salsa (Chris makes some pretty darn awesome salsa)….well, that and hugs 🙂 It’s a worthy exchange.
you are one of the only blogs i follow and I’m not even an RV’r ha ha. You’ve got me hooked and one day I might just have enough knowledge and bravery to do it myself! I’m intrigued.
Well I feel HONORED to have you on here as a follower Gina!!
Okay, you’ve convinced me! I’m definitely getting their book. We have the same Verizon Mi-Fi as you do, and have been making do with the annoying little antenna that we bought along with the Mi-Fi. (I think a piece of aluminum foil made into an antenna would work just as well.) We’ve been considering adding a Wilson booster because I need reliable internet for my work. Sounds like the combo works well for you?
The combo has worked very well for us so far. There are new boosters coming out (discussed in the book) which may be even better in the future. I don’t think you can go wrong reading through the material. It will give you lots of ideas.
Huzzah! Hip hip hooray! Superb book (I have read it twice) and posted 5 star review on Amazon…. its great!
Oh and I almost forgot…. love the Wheeling It Blog too!
Happy to hear you like the book as much as we do…oh and our blog too 🙂
We are so grateful that Cherie and Chris put this book together. We grabbed our copy some time ago. Excellent post Nina!
Cool! Nice to hear you enjoyed it too.
Before I take the plunge….is the info in this book relevant to Canadians? DH and I will be spending time south of our border more and more and are trying to figure out the best (and cheapest!) way to stay in touch with family while on the road. We both LOVE to ‘surf the net’, watch Neflix and use facebook to communicate with family and friends daily. But, due to our be Canadian, and spending time there too, we don’t need a yearly plan. Hope this book could be the answer (s) to our questions. Thanks for any advice!
I would say there’s lots in here that could benefit you -> all the sections on boosters, film streaming options, bandwidth management, antennas. ALL of these are relevant to anybody that travels in the US. The data plans which are discussed are mostly for US-based travelers, but I do know some Canadian’s that use them too. However, there may be specifics in there (for non-US) which are not discussed. Hope that makes sense.
The subtitle of the book is ‘2014 US RVers edition’ – and we definitely wrote it from the perspective of US based RVers like our selves. That said, the book has been reviewed as ‘having at least $10 worth of useful information for Canadians’. Not being a Canadian ourselves, I can’t attest to that… but there it is.
Definitely a great resource – love our Kindle version 🙂 I think the hardcopy looks good on you!
Thanks! I love my Kindle, but it’s nice to hold a “real” book every now and then.
In your book did you mention that cable operators are installing WiFi Hotspots all over the country. example Comcasts has over 800,000 spots.
I didn’t write the book (Technomadia did), but YES it’s in there. They even cover 2 other services (similar to this) that are in the US.
I’m wondering if I should buy the book now or wait until our launch date gets closer. We plan to begin our FT journey June 2016. Technology seems to be advancing very quickly these days.
I would have to agree that technology moves fast. I think there’s lots in the book that will remain relevant, but it’s also very likely Technomadia will refresh everything by 2016. Cellular plans, boosters & costs will all change in that timeframe. In the meantime their MIA (Mobile Internet Aficionado) site might be interesting to you.
Oh.. indeed… don’t even start contemplating your mobile internet setup until about 6 months before your launch date. As a co-author of the book, I say.. wait for the 2015 or later edition 🙂
I purchased Technomadia’s earlier Mobile Internet book and I “crowdfunded” both the 2014 edition and Mobile Internet Affectionados in the Indiegogo campaign — and I’m going to disagree about waiting for a later, updated edition for three reasons.
First, the book represents a lot of work and the more copies sold, the better Cherie and Chris will be able to devote the resources to produce an even better updated edition.
Second, while the equipment mentioned in the book will almost certainly change, the basics won’t and it is a pretty complex story compared to just calling your friendly neighborhood telco or cable guy. It helps to have time for all the stuff you need to consider to sink in.
Third, surely no one is thinking about starting to full-time like jumping off a cliff… at least I hope not. You’ll be using your RV and the mobile internet for a time before you actually embark on full-timing.
I’d also put in a plug for the MIA subscription service. It’s awesome.
Thanks for your thoughts. And I did pitch the MIA subscription service in the post (bottom of the post). I too think it’s awesome.
I am retiring in May 2015 from teaching and my husband, retired, and I are selling house and contents, buying a travel trailer, and going on an adventure. I just purchased the Mobile Internet book,a hard copy so I can highlight. I wanted to thank you for your insightful, inspiring, informative blog.