Repairs, Remodels & Reunions – Eugene, OR

We’ve left the coast, and fall is in the air!!! We arrived in Eugene on an uncharacteristically sunny day to rich green fields, a nip of cold in the air and the earthy colors of fall strewn across the ground. Our first stop was our buddies at Elite Repair & Remodel to prepare for all our work followed by a few days at our favorite Eugene park (Armitage County Park). Since then we’ve been on a jam-packed schedule of shop time & shopping time. Elite attacked the rig on Wednesday and completely all our required stuff in one long day. The list of stuff included:
- Window Awning Installation on our front slide passenger-side window. “The beast” has a large awning on the passenger side of the rig which is supposed to shade the window, but we so rarely use it because of the risk of sudden winds especially in the SW desert. So, whenever that window is in the sun it gets very, very hot. Our new, nifty, compact window awning solves this problem. We’ve wanted this mod for years & already LOVE it!
- New Awning Motor. Our large awning motor was dead and we got the new motor replaced under the extended warranty that we bought in 2012 from Wholesale Warranties. I’m happy to say we had a smooth & easy transaction here.
- Re-Aligned, Re-Sealed Drivers Side Slide. This is our big “problem” slide that leaked in Cape Blanco. It’s now been completely re-aligned and re-sealed including some brand new rivets (in areas that were coming apart). We should be good for at least a few more years now
- New Water Hose Installation. Our old water hose looked like it was about to burst any-day and although this sounds like a super-simple repair, it’s actually not at all because of the ridiculously difficult placement of the hose. Why manufacturers don’t think of these things, I don’t know?! Anyway without going into too much detail Elite cut out part of our water bay access panel and fashioned a new entry which should make this 100 times easier in the future.

We also tossed around ideas for getting rid of our horrible Sharp convection/microwave which had fried (yet again) while we were in Cape Blanco. Sadly, the warranty would not authorize a replacement (only repair…and there are no microwave repair shops within 100 miles of here), and my bright idea of replacing it with a regular household microwave did not work out because of the required installation clearance for side & top-vents (our current device is front-venting). So, we had to trash the whole idea of rebuilding that cabinet and will be (once again) trying to repair the stupid thing when we get to Tucson, AZ sometime in Feb. So, until then we get to travel around with a 70lb chunk of useless metal in our cabinets (do I sound jaded or what?)
Overall our boys at Elite took great care of us, as usual, and we are now, once again, leak-free and fully functional. Yeah!

With our girl spiffy we motored on over to AM Solar for a new set of rendezvous and an old reunion. As many of my long-term blog readers know AM Solar were the guys that did our solar installation in 2010. Back then we got the install done by one of their mobile authorized installers (“Marvelous Marvin“) in Florida. We absolutely love our solar install and have recommended AM Solar many, many times over in the past years. These guys live and love solar power, are RVers themselves and are constantly experimenting & looking for ways to improve solar for the RV community. Honestly, you cannot go wrong with them.
We’ve also had the pleasure of chatting to the owners on the phone, but have never actually been to their Springfield, OR location to meet them in person. So, we were overjoyed when we got the invitation to come over here and spend a few days with Greg, Deb and the team.

As luck would have it (or, rather as devious planning would have it tee hee) our buddies Technomadia are here too. Yupiiii!! So, we’ve been introduced & reunited. Plus we’ve met AM Solar “shop doggie” Sammy which only raises our esteem of the place (any shop that has a shop dog is even cooler in our books). Great folks all around, and we’ve got all kinds of ideas knocking around in our heads for future upgrades.
From here we join wheels with Technomadia and are going to be doing a bit of caravanning down the Eastern Sierra’s. Should be goooood
Related Posts:
- Good RV Repairs & The 80/100/100 Rule – Elite Repair & Remodel, Eugene, OR
- The Ins & Outs of RV Extended Warranties
- Our Full Solar Series (4 Parts) -> Click HERE
MOBILE INTERNET UPDATE – It’s the end of the month and for those of you who were waiting for Verizon to contact you regarding the old Millenicom plans you should ALL have gotten a text on your device with a special number to call. Former Millenicom customers are being given until Nov 8th to continue their plans (which basically means free internet until then), and are being given the option to sign-up to either $89.99/mo (with a 1-year contract) or $99.99/mo (without contract) for 20GB. For those who were happy with the 20GB bucket this is a very good deal indeed! For those of you wanting more data, the “double data” specials are still on offer at both AT&T and Verizon until end of the month (tomorrow). You can get all the latest news & updates on this for free on the RV Mobile Internet Resource Center News Page.
Great to see you got everything done so well. I pinned Elite in Eugene so I don’t forget it if we happen to need some kind of complex RV repair. So far so good, but the rig IS 7 years old and going strong. Also good to see you survived our big storm. Man that was some wind, even over here on the back side of the mountains, although nothing like the Cape.
Thankfully we had some protection in the campground, but it’s still the biggest wind I’ve ever experienced in the Cape. Maybe we’ll see you down south sometime this winter?
So, Paul will need to take up fishing, to use that piece of metal in the kitchen as an anchor!! (Might as well re-purpose it for awhile.)
Thanks for the notice that a “C.o.C” (Caravan of Characters!) will be working down South, we’ll alert the appropriate authorities…
Glad the repairs went so well, minus the microwave… What awning did you end up going with?
Travel safe, have fun, and get those Solar Panels down South to get some more juice in the batteries…
(We’re sitting in Prescott, AZ for the last three weeks, and have had just perfect weather. Heading to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon next week, so we should exercise our heating and insulations with temps forecasted for 18 degrees on Monday night!)
Best to all, and Nina as always – thanks for you fun and informative posts,
An anchor!! The perfect use for it!
We ended up with a Carefree awning, mostly because all our other awnings are Carefree and we wanted it to match. It looks great.
Stay warm out there!
Our Sharp convection/microwave also fried last winter while we were on a four-month trip across the southern US. HOW Frustrating!! We couldn’t find anybody that was willing to work on it, so ended up replacing it to the tune of $500 (or was it even more than that?). So sorry to hear that these appliances are known for having “issues”. Yikes! I hope ours doesn’t fail us again!!
Yeah this is the third time this unit has fried since we got it. We’ve always repaired under warranty (never replaced) and I believe our MSW inverter is a big part of the problem, but it’s still really, really frustrating. Finding repair facilities for these microwaves is like pulling teeth.
Love Eugene and the area and I envy you your drive down 395. It should be beautiful.
We’re SO looking forward to the drive. Looks like we might have to time it around a few snow storms, but I think we’ll have some good windows.
The window awning!!! That is precisely what I told Mike I need! That window is my new office and I need that awning for exactly the same reason you gave! I love it! I want it! Ok, now that I’ve calmed down I can wish you all a good time on your caravaning. Enjoy!
Well Paul is still drooling over your new desk install, so I think you might still have the edge on us. But yes…I can’t deny…the window awning is awesome
Did you get a ride in the electric car?
No, but we did get to admire it. What a sweet, sweet ride!
We were down to Springfield Oregon about 6 weeks ago and had AM Solar put (4) 160watt panels and (4) AGM batteries on our new WGO Adventurer….Marvelous Marv was running the installations so we had a good meeting with him….a really great guy! This is our second go around with AM Solar as we had solar installed on our 2015 WGO View about 5 years ago….great folks plus free 2 days camping at the local mall…thanks for that tip!
whoops…I meant to say 2010 WGO View
Jim – we have a 2011 Winnebago Adventurer 35P and would like to add solar. Do you mind sharing what the cost was? – we would do the same configuration.
We were one of the “unlucky” ones. On the 28th I turn on our jetpack and was unable to receive any cell signal. All it says “Verizon searching”. I spent over 1&1/2 hours on hold waiting for someone to talk to. No luck. Fortunately I already bought a new jetpack with Verizon and got 12gb on Oct 20th. $70 plus $20 access fee. I hope 12 is enough. The connection is no faster than millenicom. Glad I didn’t wait.
Geez! Your MiFi literally stopped working! Well, it’s a good thing you planed ahead. Hope the new plan works out for you.
Nina – We have a 12 year old Sharp convection/microwave. It works very well. My wife even has gone to a couple of classes on how too cook better in it. Maybe ours is a different model because it is older, but both the convection and the microwave work really well. If these things “fry” it usually is bad power. Maybe you are sending it power spikes or low voltage? Or Sharp could have switched to cheaper components. Have you tried internet searching to see if others have your same problem and if there is any solution or something to minimize the problems.
The most likely culprit is our modified sine wave inverter. Microwaves (magnetrons) really don’t like them and literally sound like they’re dying on them. We don’t use our microwave a lot while boondocking, but maybe even moderate use is too much. Upgrading our inverter is on our wish list.
Walmart sells microwave ovens for $50. I love it when people spend $500 on a pure sine inverter for a $50 device! I’ve had two microwaves (in two different 5ers) over my twelve years as a fulltimer and both have worked just fine with modified sine.
The problem with those $50 microwaves is that they require 3-12 inches of clearance side and top, which means we can’t build a cabinet around one. At least that was my original plan, which is now trashed. I guess we could probably do without a microwave altogether, but it’s nice to have one. These are all minor issues though…we could do much worse than having a puny microwave problem
I would starve without my microwave! 3-12 inches of clearance sounds ridiculous. The secret might be a “trim kit”, which allows ordinary microwaves to be installed in tight spaces—something done all the time, not just in RVs. EBay has nearly 300 trim kits right now.
Thanks, I’ll have a look around. Maybe I just need to do more research. We can get the current one repaired under warranty again, but I’d much rather have a smaller, cheap version.
Doesn’t feel great things fixed and working again:) We need to do the same
awning shade on our passenger side.
Yeah, the window awning has been on our wish list for a long time. So happy we finally got it installed!
You have inspired me to look into a small awning for my large rear picture window, which almost always faces south. Awesome idea!
Window awnings really help keep the heat down. We use them constantly, lots of installers able to do them on-site in Quartzsite, AZ if you go to the big show there in Jan.
Small awnings are one of the best additions we have made. Provide privacy, sun protection and you can keep windows open when it rains. All good!
Please give Deb and Greg a big hug from us! They hooked us up with our roof full of solar. The 30% tax credit sold the idea of getting it all done at once and we have zero regrets.
If you happen to go to Voodoo doughnuts, the crew at AM Solar really like apple fritters, buttermilk bars, and maple bacon bars. Just sayin’.
I’ve passed along the hello. That 30% tax credit is a huge bonus. We took it when we first got our install done in 2010. It’s neat that it’s still running.
Regarding the VZW deal, the current consensus is that the $90 contract deal is no longer being offered (and VZW is now denying it ever existed). Only the $100 month-to-month—opening the door to an inevitable price increase in a few months. If you rearrange the letters in V-E-R-I-Z-O-N it spells T-H-E D-E-V-I-L.
Yeah, I’ve been hearing reports the $89.99 deal is gone, although I also heard from one person who got it yesterday after raising the issue to supervisor level. So, not sure what to think here. The $99.99 deal is firm.
Hi Nina and Paul – Well, we certainly have never received anything from Millenicom, or from Verizon regarding Millenicom. However, we have been Verizon for a long time and – though there are some glitches occasionally – have been pleased with the coverage, and especially with the customer service (in my past I have had two experiences with ATT. We may have to add some small bit of backup ATT internet connection for when there just isn’t any Verizon coverage to be had, but will never, never again have them for primary). So we jumped on upgrading to the 40GB double-your-data opportunity; in the process we also found that we were qualified for a decrease in the activation charge of both our iPhones, from $40 to $25/mo each, and of our MiFi device from $20 to $10/mo – so we’ll save another $40/mo there. Our monthly connectivity expense, using both Verizon and Millenicom before, and only Verizon now, has dropped from $375/mo for a total of 36GB, to $210/mo for 40GB of data – so we’re pretty happy with that.
We are very bummed that we are not going to be able to get away from the Bay Area until my last gig on Nov. 13, so are fearing winter will be in full swing on 395 by then. Because I have been a very active musician in the Bay Area for a lot of years, I have been able to really fill up my calendar with gigs around here – and we have a lovely place to park on former neighbors’ very beautiful 2 acres here in Sonoma. Have been working on recording another CD, too, since I had a bunch of credit at a very nice Berkeley studio. Also great to catch up with my sons and our many friends – but the Bay Area is really the Southern fringe of the Pacific Northwest, and we are eager to follow the sun south. Looking forward to seeing you in Q in Jan! Still buzzing from the few days we got to spend in Cape Blanco…
Pete & Frederika
Very interesting info on the discounts. You’re the first long-term Verizon customer I’ve heard from being offering discounts like that without a fight. Sounds like the final result is more data for less money and you can’t beat that! Good luck with the new CD. Looking forward to hearing it.
Hi Nina, really have enjoyed your blog. We were with Millenicom, called VZ was on hold for 1.5 hours and then got cut off, went to the store they couldnt help either. Finally called VZ at 5am Pacific time and only waited 20 min, they had my info already on my jetpac after i identified myself, we are a VZ phone customer already. got the jetpac transferred over and now all is well in the world! for some reason they want my drivers license number, cant figure out that one. I recommend calling them early in AM if possible , less people calling them I guess. enjoy the trip south.
Glad to hear you finally got through and got everything sorted out. Very strange about the drivers license. First time I’ve heard that one.
Just wanted to update with what Verizon offered us. When I finally got thru, Verizon offer was $110/mo for 15G + $20/mo access fee, or $99.99/mo for 20G no contract. No brainer, we went with $99.99/mo. After seeing your post update concerning $89.99/mo w/1yr contract, I called them back and they denied ever offering anyone $89.99/mo. So, I am still happy with the no contract we got but not quite what I was hoping for.
Thanks for reporting back Bill. It’s a real bummer the $89.99 deal is gone.
Oh yeah, we will get a awning put over the same window next month (finally!), as well as new sidewalls on the motorhome, new full paint, new roof, new seals, etc. It will be a 2015 on the outside! Life is good- and expensive!
Whoah! That’s some serious work you’re having done! Practically a new RV in the making. Should be looking mighty spiffy after that.
Hmmmmm, “..leak-free and fully functional..” maybe those guys could work on me! I love that area around Eugene, and it’s such a bonus that several RV businesses are there as well. Glad you’re all fixed up and ready for the sojourn south. I’m sure Lone Pine is giddy with anticipation
Eugene is FABULOUS for getting all our RV stuff done…AND for shopping/food. Just a great little all-round city.
Can’t wait for 395
Ooooh, maybe you guys will catch up to us. Still in Bishop for another week or so then down to the Alabama Hills for a couple of weeks. Let us know if you get close.
First winter storm warning of the season for Mono county this weekend but its supposed to warm back up after that, at least down in the low country.
Sounds like we’ll definitely be crossing paths in that timeframe. Cool!
Bummer about your oven but thanks for the tip about the folks at Elite. Would love to hear about your few days with AM Solar. We had ours done by someone wanting to get certified by them. It was a long road but finally it is fabulous.
We’ve always had a good experience with AM Solar and this time around is no exception (I’ll be writing more in another post). I remember the blogs on your install from earlier this year. You guys definitely had a bit of a challenge getting done.
Hi Nina. I’ve been following your posts for some years now. Some time in the past year (I think) you posted about your experiences in an RV park in Nevada, somewhat off the beaten track as I recall. It was in the middle of the state as I recall.
I enjoyed that post and tried to find it again, but for the life of me I just can’t locate. We will be on our way south in Dec/Jan or so, and on our way – either way – depending on weather, that is one place I would like to visit. You’re a good travel writer.
We live in the Pacific Northwest (Brush Prairie WA) and spend time each year down in the Southwestern deserts. Perhaps we’ll see you again this year !! Thanks for your help – oh and by the way, your current features on food and cooking in an RV are really interesting.
We’re on our way to Eugene this next week to make some additions/repairs in anticipation of our trip south. Elite – here we come. They are the best.
For the park in NV have a look under my “RV Camping” tab and click on NV. That should give you a list of everywhere we stayed. We mostly boondocked, but we did pay to stay a few nights at Lahonton State Park in the NW part of the state. Give our regards to Elite!
Hi Nina, hate to nitpick but since it is my birthplace Tuscon is spelled Tucson! You could retrofit alot of different microwaves in the slot that exists in your Kitchen. If you just need a microwave and not a convection oven venting and clearance aren’t much of an issue. Sharp makes about 90% of the tubes for microwaves these days so you will probably end up with a sharp no matter what brand it is. When you get down in this neck of the woods there are lots of suppliers in the Phoenix, Tucson, Yuma area that can fix you up. Happy trails and we will keep the sun out for you!
Ahhh…my dyslexia got me again. I can’t hardly see those c and s letters. Our biggest issue is clearance, at least for the ~10 different microwaves I looked at here in Eugene. When I checked the installation instructions they all required 3-12 inches of clearance on the sides. I’ll have to look at some different models to see if I can find anything better.
We went with Verizon no contract and same price as Millenicom for 20GB. I do not think I misunderstood what they said but I will probably call.
Rich Oliveria
So you got the $89.99 deal? Most folks have said it’s gone, but if you snagged it that’s good news.
I am wondering if you use a RV Gps, what you recommend. perhaps some of the readers have tips on what to buy.
We don’t have an RV GPS, but it’s been on our “top 5 wishlist” for a while. The one I have my eye on is the Garmin RV760. We just like the Garmin GPS’s (in general).