Want To Be Lighthouse/Museum Hosts This Summer in OR?

We interrupt our usual programming to bring you a quick public service announcement. I received a message from the ranger at Cape Blanco State Park that he still has openings this summer for interpretive host positions in both the Museum, the historic Hughes House and the Cape Blanco Lighthouse. These positions are on the Central Oregon Coast and openings are for May and June this year.
Those of you who follow the blog know that we are HUGE fans of Cape Blanco. We’ve been lighthouse hosts there for the past 3 years and it is, simply speaking, one of the most beautiful spots I know. You get a full hookup (very private, very pretty) site in return for ~17 hours/week of “work”. Cape Blanco has miles of deserted dog-friendly beach, even more miles of gorgeous wood trails and just north in Langlois and Bandon there is fresh farmers market produce. I wax poetic about this place and if we weren’t already committed for this summer we’d be on this in a heartbeat.
If you’ve ever wanted to try this job, now is the time. I am not the contact here, just passing on the message. So if you’re interested please contact Greg Ryder 541-332-6774 x 27, Greg.Ryder@oregon.gov.
Read more about Cape Blanco & Lighthouse Hosting here:
- Volunteer Hosting at Cape Blanco Lighthouse, OR
- Back At “Work” – Lighthouse Hosting At Cape Blanco Lighthouse, OR
- Sun, Wind, Fog & Love – A Week In Living Pictures, Cape Blanco OR
- Pure Poetry, Baby – Cape Blanco, OR
- Daily Life At Cape Blanco
- Mood And Views Of The Cape

What a wonderful opportunity! I wish I could take advantage of it. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Feel free to pass this onto others if you might know anyone that’s interested.
Hi Nina,
We met at Bishop outside your rig the morning you and Paul and the Wandertopia boys were leaving. Soon after, my wife and I saw your post about the Cape Blanco lighthouse opportunity. I contacted Greg who was gracious and grateful, and now we’re scheduled to host during the month of June!
This sounds like great fun, and we have you to thank for putting the word out. So . . . thanks!
Whooooo hooooo! I’m SUPER excited for you. Hope you love the area and the job as much as we do.
I would be applying if we were heading there. Maybe next year.
It’s a great job for social butterflies like you. We may well re-apply next year too.
We would like to do that but we will be volunteering for the summer at Cape Perpetua just outside if Yachats starting next week.
Oh SWEEEET location!! Are you guys going to be camphosts there? You should have a FABULOUS summer there!
Great opportunity, and something we would be very interested in. But we’re just not there yet, although 2016 is fast approaching.
Thanks for the post. I sent an email to Mr. Ryder. I think June in Oregon would be perfect for me.
Awesome! It’s a fabulous job and s great place. I think you’ll love it.
Unfortunately they were not interested in a single. 🙁 Ah well…..maybe next lifetime.
Sorry to hear that. He does occasionally take singles, but I guess he must have enough applicants for the position. Bummer!
Yeah, I was shocked how sad I was by that. I thought I was completely over the whole “single=inferior” thing but apparently not. 🙂 Ah well, I would have had to cut some things short to make it, so it’s probably for the best.
We are biting at the bit to volunteer at a lighthouse, and love your posts/video on your time there with Technomadia…but we have to get a little experience under our belt first since we pick up our coach mid-June and then head out for FT adventure! Cannot. Wait. For. This.
We tried to find you last year here, and at your campspot, but missed you. Mt. Shasta couple here again–remember our communications? Somehow we fell off your subscript. List so joined again. Still hoping to hear from you one of these times and to invite you all to our place!! Happy trails, -Kathi & Michael
Boy am I envious of those who can take advantage of this. We were supposed to be in Oregon this summer and would have jumped on it. I’ve done guiding at several places and really love doing it. But…..well you know our story. Thanks for posting this although it really makes me yearn.
I think we’re going to do May. I spoke with Greg yesterday and we’re getting our application submitted today. Thanks for the heads-up. We’ve talked about hosting and never got around to moving on it. This fits with our schedule (our granddaughters visit in June/July so we wouldn’t be available then) and with the spouses maritime interests. I learn so much from the blogging community! I hope we cross trails one of these days in our travels…the first round is on me!
Awesome!!!! Enjoy your time there. We always do.
Nina, thanks for posting this opportunity and all of your brilliant stories on this blog. I sent in our application today for the month of June at the Cape Blanco lighthouse. I have traded emails with Greg and it sounds like it might happen. We will be leaving our NC home in early May and visit our way out there. We will be spending the rest or the summer in Seattle/Tacoma. We hope to cross paths with you some day. Be well.
Steve & Rebecca (the Dane) Hall
Outstanding!! Hope you get the position!!
We will be hosting at Cape Blanco in June. We are looking forward to it. Thanks for sharing the opportunity.
Be well.
Excellent!! Enjoy the area. We’re actually quite bummed were not going to make it there this year. We just love it so much!