Fancy Hosting On the WA Coast In June?
Pre-Post Note/ What an fabulous response to my Alaska post! If you’re at all interested in Alaska and haven’t checked the comments I highly recommend you do. There are far more people going this year than I imagined and many more that shared their insight & memories. Love it!

We interrupt our regular blog schedule for another quick public announcement. The ranger at Cape Disappointment State Park called me a few days ago to tell me he’s gotten some last-minute cancellations for June (next month). These are interpretive host positions at the Lighthouse (North Head) and the Museum (Lewis & Clark). The museum will take single volunteers, but the lighthouse prefers a couple. We volunteered at Cape D last June and enjoyed it so much we’ve signed up again for this July/Aug. It’s one of the lightest/easiest volunteer jobs we’ve ever done and the location couldn’t be better.
The park at Cape D is one of the most coveted areas on the Washington, known for it’s amazing beaches and dramatic cliffs. Nearby Long Beach, WA is a cool beach-town while Astoria, OR (just across the bridge) is one of our fav towns on the Oregon Coast with an outstanding weekly farmer’s market, excellent food (and BEER!) and super-cool Victorian architecture. Plus there is tons of Lewis & Clark history here as well as hiking all around Cape D and across the bridge near Fort Stevens.
So, if your schedule is flexible and you’re interested in the job please contact the ranger(s) at Cape D ASAP:
Steve Wood or Erin Webster
Cape Disappointment
(360) 642-3029
If you want to read about the lighthouse job read on here:
On The “Job” At North Head Lighthouse
And more about the area here:
Cape Disappointment WA – It Most Definitely Does Not…
Beer & Buddies – Astoria, OR
Eleven more months in the salt mines for me/us….maybe next year.
I would agree it’s a great place to spend the month of June.
A dear friend from our former FMCA group owns Streetside Tacos in Long Beach, WA. Say Hi if you go for tacos. He’s a great cook as we know from many meals cooked at our rally’s. Nothing like being a member of a club with two members who are Pro Chefs!
Oops! His name is David Allen.
Yummy! Thanks for the share. We will definitely be stopping by when we go in July/Aug.
Ohhhhhhh, damn! We would be all over this but for my niece deciding to get married back in South Carolina in July…. Thanks for the heads up!
Oh, this sounds fantastic! We can’t do it this year because we’re heading for Lopez Island, but will keep it in mind for another year. You’re such a wonderful source of all kinds of great information. 🙂
Well Lopez is pretty darn amazing. I don’t blame you for going back there every year.
Sounds fantastic! If we only weren’t a continent away with severe travel restrictions. I’m sorry to hear that the lighthouse job is only for couples. I’m not much of a museum person but I love to do tours. It’s just the sort of thing I’ll want to keep me going when I’m alone.
Yeah, the ranger at Cape D really prefers a couple at North Head Lighthouse since there is only ever one host couple on duty at a time. So, one person mans the lighthouse entry (and accepts the entry fee) while the other mans the lightroom. With a single one or the other would go un-manned.
Some of the other lighthouses are different. At Cape Blanco Lighthouse, for example, it’s a bit easier to accommodate single hosts since there are always two host couples on-duty at the same time. So, it’s possible to re-shuffle the tour to do it with 3 people instead of 4.
Dang it, I just about had the cowboy talked into doing this but we just have too much going on, meeting with realtors, getting Nat squared away, doctor appointments, etc! Maybe next time!
Bummer! No worries though. The job will be there when you’re ready.
He called us as well, so we will be hosting there in June. We read about your previous experience there before we accepted the position. Thanks for your blog!
Oh awesome!! Enjoy the area. We really do love that spot!
Looks like you’ll be there for the Kite Festival at Long Beach. I’m hoping to go this year. I’ve been several times and absolutely love it. My husband, Tom, and I are working toward full-timing it. We just bought a peice of land (1.6 acres) with hook-ups between Sequim and Port Angeles, WA for a home base.
YUP! We’ll be there for the Kite Festival! I’m looking forward to it.
Sounds like you guys found the perfect spot for a piece of land to park the rig. We really liked that part of the WA coast (Sequim, Port Townsend) when we traveled through there last year.
Just spoke to Erin at Cap Dis: Hosts still needed for June. The volunteer coordinator will be calling us back tomorrow to see if their unfilled windows work for us.
Thanks for the update. We also talked to the ranger yesterday and agreed to come a week early to help out with the lighthouse. If a few more folks like you pitch in, they should be covered.