Adieu To The West Coast – Cape Disappointment, WA

Like the blink of an eye our month here in Cape D is done. Our bags are packed, we’re ready to go and we may not see this coast again for quite some time. It’s always a bittersweet thing, this leaving of a place you love, and yet it’s always intermixed with excitement of places to come. There are both emotions involved, much like the yin and yang of life. A push and pull, reflecting the endless inner turmoil of the endless nomad.
In other words, deeply philosophical stuff.
But without going too far off the deep end, I’m looking forward to the next stage of our travels. On July 1st we’ll be headed pretty rapidly from here to Sun Valley ID mostly following the straight shot of I-84 all the way with only single night stops at each point. We’ve left it loose and open, and will simply drive as much as we feel like driving on each consecutive day, staying in first-come-first serve parks or free overnight stops. It’s not the way we typically prefer to travel, but sometimes you just need to make some miles and it’s good to have easy overnight options when you to.

As for our month here it turned out to be much more “full” than we originally imagined. Of course there was Polly’s unexpected surgery and Paul’s crazy 2-day, 22 hour trip to get that done (I still can’t quite believe he did that). While he was gone, my volunteer job kept “the beast” parked here in Cape D and it was both fun and easy, as it always is. During my time at the Interpretive Center I’ve met a bunch of interesting people and also had a bunch of blog readers come to visit, which is always fun. Thanks much to everyone who came by! I enjoyed both the visits and the chats!
While we were here we also managed to reconnect with several good friends. Around mid-month, the lovely Sue and Dave (Beluga’s Excellent Adventure) dropped in and we shared a relaxing dinner at our rig, plus Paul got to play hookie and go golfing with Dave a few days later (I can’t tell you how happy he was). I also had a surprise visit from an old college buddy, Dan someone I literally haven’t seen for over 20 years and who just happened to turn up right here in Long Beach, WA!!! It was kinda surreal to meet back up, now that we’re both {{gasp}} middle-aged, but we reconnected effortlessly like no time had passed at all. It was a total blast!!

And then of course we enjoyed this area as we always do. Lots of beer from the local brewer(ies), daily hikes to the beach, the fabulous farmers markets, fresh fish from the local fish monger…we never tire of the PNW coast, and this area encompasses absolutely everything we love about it. Whenever we come here we always end up browsing real estate listings for a potential spot to call our summer home. We didn’t find anything this time around, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up here, at least part-time sometime in the future. In the meantime there’s always volunteering, which I’ve no doubt we’ll come back and do.

So that’s it. Tomorrow AM, bright and early, we fire up “the beast” and head on East. Our first half year on the West Coast is done and summer/fall awaits in parts unknown. Let’s see where this adventure takes us….

Seems like it ought to be October already (sniff, sniff.) So sorry (selfishly) to see you go, just as I point the GPS in that direction finally, but I am looking forward to the beauty, wonder, and healing you discover and experience in Idaho!
Sniff, sniff…we’re sad we missed you too, but I’m hoping to make you jealous enough of all the lighthouses in MI that you might end up pointing your rig that way too 🙂
It’s always so hard to leave a place you love. But, like you say, adventure awaits.
Have a safe journey … and please keep us posted.
Don’t forget Elks Lodges as you travel……. Safe Travels
Definitely! We’re happy Elks members now, so we’ll be looking for those options along the way too. At some point I’ll need to write a post about that too!
That’s a very awesome picture of the golden sunset on the ocean! I don’t comment often but couldn’t help myself this time. Gorgeous!
It is hotter than a pepper plant here in Vancouver Washington, but we do get clouds in the morning..Oh, how I wish we could go where you were in Washington state, we adore Ilwaco and Cape Disappointment tooooo..We love the whole area, went when one had to go on a ferry from Astoria to get to the Washington shore many years ago, it was so much fun. Stayed with people who were more relative to me & my siblings than our real flesh and blood, clamming and oysters yummmeee, they owned oyster beds, we cooked them over an open fire near where the oyster beds were, it was wonderful indeedy..many great memories..Look at it this way the open road is an adventure and people you meet are going to be wonderful, thinking positive thoughts and sending love and best, keep clam and calm and carry on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I admit I’m not looking forward to the heat inland. I could easily spend all summer right here. I’m hoping Sun Valley won’t be toooo bad, but I know it’s going to be hotter than here.
Since we plan to be in the Sun Valley area sometime in August we look forward to you scoping it out for us ahead of time. Especially the beer!
Is Taggart eating the leftovers in the photo with Sue and Dave? 🙂
We’ll do our best 🙂 And yes, the sneaky little cat was attacking the tortilla chips while we were looking the other way. She just loves chips. Go figure, eh?
Safe travels to our friends–enjoy Sun Valley and let’s hope for all concerned (we will be traveling soon to northern Idaho) the temps don’t get too warm and the forest fires don’t happen!
Totally! I’m a bit worried with all these hot summer temps, but here’s hoping the fire season is not as horrible as last summer.
Hope you will visit the little gems in Ketchum which are the museums of Sun Valley ski history and, of course, Hemingway history. He wrote Old Man and the RV — I mean, Old Man and the Sea. (Too much microbrew, sorry.)
Hemingway….huh. I had no idea he had a connection to Ketchum, ID. I’ll be sure to check it out!
If you haven’t you ought to check out Baker City enroute
Not going to have much time en route unfortunately. I know Baker City is a cool, little town.
Sad for all of us, as your West Coast Sunset shots are always a treat!!!
As you head East, keep your eyes out for THEJRNY Country Coach, pulling our ONDROAD CRV – as we are heading West from Rapid City/Devils Tower area starting July 5th. We join some good friends in Bozeman for several days starting July 8th, and this guy always knows where the good beer is:)!
Hope Polly continues to heal well, travel safe,
I’m so sorry I didn’t get here soon enough to meet you at Cape D. We had “trani” trouble with our “beast” today and broke down in the Astoria bridge. We coasted off and waited hours for a mechanic. We finally got here about 4. I wanted to get here in time to meet you at LCIC. We’ll be working there in July. I’ve been reading your blog for at least 2 years, maybe more and always hoping we’d catch up to you somewhere. Happy travels.
Oh goodness! I actually heard about your break down! I was at the LCIC when you called and talked to the ranger about it. I hope all is ok now. We’re here until tomorrow AM.
Oh I meant to tell you how much I enjoy your photos. I too love taking ocean/beach/coast photos. Mine are on FB for my friends to see too. I’ll enjoy trying to find those special views while we’re here at Cape D.
Safe travels to the all of you. Post pictures of Idaho, we’re looking forward to seeing what you see.
Safe travels and fast healing for Polly.. Who knows when our paths will cross again… But they will!
Fair winds, safe travels and continued healing for the paws ahead. Miss you guys, and hoping that future convergences are on the horizon for us.
Hi, don’t know if you have left yet..On the news big fire at the Dalles and I-84 is closed..Don’t know for how long..It’s on the 11:00 P.M. news..
Ride Safe!!
Oh crap. I did see the news on the fire, but didn’t realize I-84 had been closed. We’ll check again before we head out this AM.
Always love coming along on your adventures. Although I know it is sad to leave the west, I’m sure you have some fantastic outings awaiting you as you head east. Safe travels!
We’ve only had one summer there and already feel that way about the PNW – we’re missing those moderate temps for sure! Safe travels and best wishes for a quick and easy rehab for Polly. Wonderful pic of Dave and Sue 🙂
Hope your furbabies are doing well. Thank you for the lovely pictures. As a native Oregonian, currently displaced, I love those pictures. We are on our first trip in months. Doctor has kept us grounded. We are in Kansas right now enjoying Prairie Band Casino RV park and waiting for the storms.
Wishing you happy trails as you go to Sun Valley.
I will be traveling in Canada late this summer with 2 dogs. Any pointers?
The *most* important thing is to make sure you have valid Rabies vaccination certification. You’ll need this both for entry into Canada and re-entry back to the US. Can’t cross the border without it.
Other than that the only other thing you might be asked about is your dog food. Open bags of food and/or some types of food may not be allowed into Canada. The rules are a bit difficult to figure out, but as long as the food is of US origin you’ll probably be ok.
Here’s official info on bringing dogs into Canada from the US:
And more on the pet food thing specifically:
Have you been up to see Alaska yet? If not that is where you need to go. It will not disappoint I think. Once this itch has been satisfied you will have reached balance or what some call Loosh. Where ever you go…it is the journey you trust. Go with God my friends and have a blast.
We visited Alaska many years ago (pre-RV), flew into the backcountry, backpacked for a week. It was awesome! We haven’t been back in the rig yet, but it’s in the plan for sometime in the future.
It was the end of Hemmingway’s adventures.
So how do you like your Nikon 750 as compared to the Nikon 7000? Unless I missed it I have not seen any follow up in your posts.
Oh I LOVE it!!! It’s so much more responsive, so much better resolution. I’ve really, really been enjoying it. Of course now I need more lenses 🙂
I hope Polly is well underway with her recuperation. it seems both you and Paul are handling all the challenges that came your way pretty well.
PNW will always be there waiting for your return and I know one day you will.
Its funny I just realized that you are heading East while we are finally back in the West!
Are you in Sun Valley yet??..I have lotsa hints if you are headed to Stanley then off to Challis Idaho…..Be sure to visit Challis Hot Springs is one of them….
Also the best campground East of Stanley is Mormon Bend..Sites #10 & 11 for beasties…Pull thrus..plenty of space..right on the river…And..quiet!!…All the others prior to Mormon are packed liked Lemurs……….Custer Days North from Sunbeam on the 9th..I think…Old gold mining town…Saturday…Really fun!….
I have been fortunate to get #10 the past 5 yrs…..Great host too..
Just a NFS campground but you don’t need a FHU place….Eh??
Have Fun,
YES we’re here! We’re at Ketchum for the month doing rehab for the dog, but will be taking day-trips north to see Stanley and that area. So, cheers very much for the tips!
Hope your doggie is doing well. Look forward to the posts on your new places. I have bookmarked alot of your places and appreciate you sharing. The pictures are just beautiful and really enjoy those as well. Safe travels.