7,000,000 Views & Counting…
Today we’re sitting in New York City, the Big Apple, The City That Never Sleeps. I have Frank Sinatra playing in my head and the crazy hum of the big city buzzing all around me. It’s a place I never, in my wildest dreams, imagined we’d take “the beast” and yet here we are. It just goes to show that life is unpredictable, but can also be the most amazing adventure as long as you allow yourself to go where it takes you.
We passed another wild milestone on our way here. Well, technically we passed the milestone a little while ago, but somehow I managed to miss it. The views on the blog roared past 7,000,000 and it just so happened in our 7th year on the road. I hadn’t planned on writing about it either, but that 7/7 combo was just too irresistible to ignore. The only thing that could have made it better was if it had happened in the 7th month of the year, but then again I might have fainted and stopped blogging altogether had that been the case. Those of you who are slightly OCD in nature will understand the immense sense of calm and completion that kind of symmetry presents.
So, here we are. Another place I never imagined in my wildest dreams I would get to. When I started my little blog back in early 2010 and got my first 5 clicks (4 of which were from my parents, no doubt) I certainly never expected to end up here. And when I hit 1,000,000 in 2013 I certainly never expected it to accelerate as it did from there. It’s thanks to you, my faithful readers and followers that I’ve gotten to this point and I can only send my deepest thanks and love to all you that have supported us through this journey thus far. Your readership and interaction continues to motivate me to put out my best work, and that in itself is a deep and beautiful thing.
So thank you all my dear blog friends, from the bottom of my heart! Hopefully we can continue to inspire and entertain, and perhaps even lead you on your own journey somewhere down the road. After all, you never know where life will take you if you allow it to lead the way…
7,000,001 – and counting:)!
Keep them coming, and ongoing best to you, Paul and the critters!!!
We read all of your adventures and store away your campground reviews until our launch date 11-1-19
Happy for you! And lucky for us that you’re willing to share – and aptly, I might add. My favorite blog of all!
Enjoy the energy rush that city will bring!
Awesome and those of us who follow do so with great joy and a little jealous too! Keep it up..
New York City? I’m looking forward to that blog! I’ve wanted to see the Thanksgiving parade in person & going to NYC is part of that.
Congratulations on the viewing milestone, you sound surprised, you shouldn’t be as you’re a great writer.
Wow! What an accomplishment. Congratulations. Thank you for sharing your adventures!!
It’s a testament to the quality of your writing and photos, Nina. Plus, you go to the coolest places!
Congratulations Nina! What a fabulous milestone! Your writing and pictures are so good, interesting and fun, I hope your blog goes on forever. Even if we never get in an RV, I love reading about your adventures.
Yowsah!! I love these number things and so did my dad. Although it’s a sad one, he died 4/4/74 at 4 pm age 54 and I am convinced he waited until 4pm for it to work that way.
Thanks for all the TERRIFIC work you do and your inspiring photography. I always look forward to your new posts.
BTW, I realized of you do venture north to the Hudson Valley when everything had been done with Taggart, try to make it a week day. The colors now will be spectacular (peak is usually Columbus Day w/e) but the leaf peepers jam the highways. Weekdays are much easier.
Looking foreward to the next leg of your trip as we are doing the trip next year.
Where are you staying in New York?
How are you getting around the area.?
Enjoy the blog.
We’re staying right across from Manhattan at the Liberty Harbor RV Park in NJ. It’s $$$$ and a very basic park, but I can see the Statue of Liberty from my RV window!! Plus we can take the ferry, lightrail or bicycle directly into downtown. This stop is aaall about location.
Congratulations to you, Nina! We LOVE your writing style and you bring laughter (and tears) to us so often. It is no wonder you have so many followers!
You guys are the blog rock stars for fulltimers and all other RV’ers for sure! I don’t know how you get it all done, but congrats and make sure to report when you hit 10,000,000!
Congratulations! Thanks for all the info, pics, and the maps were you stay that is very helpful.
We are originally from NJ so enjoy the east. We are full-time for 6 years with 2 of the 48 states to go.
sort of reminds me of a song…”I will follow you…wherever you may go…there isn’t a mountain too high…etc etc….and who wouldn’t follow you for all these years with the fantastic photos, camp reviews, all those insights to rv’ing (the do’s and don’ts) the sharing of your deepest thoughts and feelings…look at what you have given to so many people…I applaud you, and thank you and glad to call you my friend…
Congratulations! The quality of your blog speaks for itself. 7,000,000 wow! You do us all a great service…!
Congratulations! Your blogs are fun to read and present information in a fair, balanced way. Thanks for taking the time to write–it isn’t easy to do that.
Congratulations! Your blogs are fun to read and present information in a fair, balanced way. Thanks for taking the time to write–it isn’t easy to do that.
Way to go! If you plan to visit Chicago let me know if it’s ok to ask the local radio/tv station WGN (radio audience nationwide) for interest to have you on for the human interest story.
Congratulations! 🙂
Congratulations on this milestone! My husband and I are fairly new to the RV world and I happened across your blog in my search for information. I connected right away as we recently purchased a 40ft class A (I call ours ‘the bus’) and also travel with our two k9 boys so pet friendly is key for us too. We love wineries and breweries and aspire to travel full time when we retire! I have learned so much from your blog and love your campsite reviews. Thank you for sharing all this great information!
I hope you intend to post more about your NYC visit. It surprised us and turned out to be one of our most memorable stops. We stayed across from Manhattan in a very convenient park in NJ called Liberty Harbor RV . We had views of the Statue of Liberty from our RV. Expensive, but so convenient that it was worth it to us.
Congratulations on a fantastic milestone. You have one of the best blogs on the web, not just RV blogs.
Great milestone congrats
Keep on posting
Congratulations or Congratz NY style. We’re right behind you somewhere. 1 1/2 years, actually we just did a little boondocking in Wyoming.
Bitching lighting show last night, amazing! Safe travels
Dave & Kat
I’d love to know where in NYC you’ve managed to take your beast. We have family in NYC and I’ve wondered how we could even get close with an RV.
Congratulations. I get tremendous enjoyment from the blog and it is helping me to work up the courage to spend a few years on the road myself. I especially enjoy your discussions of the practical aspects of the nomadic lifestyle, such as health care. Keep it up! Even if I never make it I am richer for sharing your experiences.
Congratulations Nina!
You deserve a lot of credit for your hard work on this blog. Clearly you provide a lot of value for your readers and it shows with this tremendous milestone. Keep up the great work and happy travels!
That’s a fantastic milestone. Go you! And new York….what an adventure, have the very best time.
Just the other day, Kevin and I were discussing how many things we’ve managed to NOT screw up because we had read blogs like yours before we started fulltiming. We are so glad we found this site and thank you for all the incredibly helpful information.
I LOVE reading your blog. It’s no wonder you have so many people reading it. I’ve read others but you manage to cover so much stuff and keep it entertaining and informative. Great work and don’t stop! Oh and beautiful pictures too
Just the best RV blog on the planet! Your photos are fab, your information is detailed, so useful, and told in your delightful Danish voice. Thanks for all the effort…..it is appreciated by so many.
Many more miles of happy travels to you, Paul, and the paw crew!
Love your blog. Thanks for all your work putting it together and congrats on making to 7 mil mark. You can see my blog that is very amature. I sure would love to know where to get info to make it better. Keep up the good work.
You write soooo well and your pictures are astounding. I have narrowed my blog reading down to JUST YOURS. Appreciate all of the extremely detailed pet info as well, as we full-time with 10 pets.
Huge congrats to you for the milestone, indeed! I know the views don’t necessarily translate to much else, so us bloggers take our pride & joy in the community that chooses to join us virtually.
Yours is one of the few I regularly tune into, not just because I adore you as a friend – but because you are a true artist with your words and photography and story telling. Thank you for continuing to inspire us all!
New to your blog (3 months) and really enjoying it. Congrats on all the hits! Your writing is so honest, candid and with a touch of innocence. 🙂 Please be careful in NYC (and nearby NJ). After living in temperate San Diego, from your posts it was apparent that bugs & humidity weren’t expected elsewhere; neither may you be expecting thugs & thieves! I read on a different blog where a family had to get a locking gas cap during a NY stay — someone siphoned gas out of their rig while they were sleeping in it! Not being negative here, awareness is your best ally. 🙂 Keep your camera, etc. close and walk with purpose in these cities! Thank you for so generously sharing your travel adventures with us all. I’ll be a part-timer myself beginning next spring, and your information — along with Technomadia and a few others — has been teaching me a lot. Keep up the good work!
Heartfelt congratulations on your seven million mile marker! SO well earned! I’m thinking a lot who stopped by for a visit wound up staying for a long time!
We are sitting at a rundown, basically crappy mobile home court that has the nerve to call itself an RV Park (no photos on their website, of course) that works perfectly for us because it’s 16 measly miles west of Kings Canyon National Park. It’s got full hookups and it’s big rig friendly, so here we are, smiling! Are you and I in the same country right now??? LOL
Congratulations! That’s awesome… and couldn’t think of a more deserving couple! You guys rock… you content rocks… and while in NYC you can go to 30 Rock! (sorry… had to come up with a third “rock” for symmetry! LOL!).
Wishing you all the best and continued success!
Very Nice! Congratulations! I certainly love reading your blog, and has learned a lot from it. So I am going to use one of my favorite travel writer quotes – Keep on Travelling!
Kudos on his milestone! I have enjoyed your writing since going on the road in 2012. I have also enjoyed following in your travel footprints many times. I am currently loving Port Townsend WA and will soon be checking out Astoria. Thank you for your lead and for sharing your journey and your talent.
Please tell you left the beast outside the city?
As a person who is happily OCD, I understand the 7/7.
Congratulations!! I can’t think of anyone who deserves SEVEN MILLION views more than you. Your posts are helpful, interesting, funny, varied, and personal. And the informational posts are so well researched, you’ve saved many of us tons of time and data by doing the research for us. (I got my TPMS based on your review, after doing a little research of my own, and couldn’t be happier with the system.)
Here’s to the next million. 🙂
I’m so proud to be a small part, where did u take the beast in NYC through or around. Where are you staying looking to do that trip just been to NYC & it scares me to death to think about taking our 40 ft there. I know I’ve already interperted your next blog. Sorry
Thanks for all the great info Nina
Congratulations! Please keep writing and sharing you photos. Best to you, Paul and the fur babies.
Pretty amazing! 7M is HUGE! I’m approaching 1M and things are dropping off but then I”m no Nina that’s for sure. Hats off to you!! You are a brave duo to even approach NYC with the beast. But you do what you have to do for family.
Congratulations! I send a lot of people to your blog because you present useful information in understandable ways. Your park reviews are wonderful!!!
Thanks for sharing your adventures and your talent. Although costly to me, as we just purchased our first motorhome after reading your blog for a couple of years.
You do draw out the “lurkers.” Congrats!!!!!
Box Canyon
Congratulations! That is a truely awesome accomplishment.
Your weaving of words, the poetic justice, the words forming such stories that it makes me feel I’ve been there too. And stories the photos tell, and the photo journalism that seems to come from the collection of photos included for a post seem to often tell a story themselves. These are the qualities that keep me returning to see, read, learn, and experience more of our world through your travels and blog postings.
I wish you and Paul much continued success and happiness in your travels, and I’ll continue along with the journey. Happy Travels! 🙂
Power of the Pen!
You have a moral obligation to represent the “RV Dream” accurately; not Rainbows and Unicorns.
Quitting a career and selling a house are second only to marriage in life decisions, don’t sugar coat the lifestyle or misrepresent the realities.
Use your Power with conscience.
And droves more coming your way as I spread the word everywhere I go to everyone I know. You guys rock! I just love Wheeling it!
You gave me the courage to take the leap – a solo female with no trailer experience is now hitching and hauling a 24-footer and loving her new kickass life. Soon to go full time with no destination in mind and that’s the absolute beauty of it. Work and play in my future.
7 million is something worth celebrating!
Thank you so much for continuing to write this excellent blog. I especially appreciate the campground reviews and have relied on them for planning our adventures. We are currently traveling in the northwest and have stayed @ several places based on your recommendations. We owe you a beer if we ever find ourselves in the same town!! Enjoy NYC- hope it works for kitty too.
Congratulations, that is awesome!
Congratulations, Nina and Paul!
The thought of all that work – the photos, the writing, the endless editing – oh my! Thank you for adding such texture and depth to the nomadic blogging community.
Congratulations Nina! Miss you guys, here in Hong Kong… you don’t appear to be missing HK though (hahahahah)….
Congrats on the 7,000,000 views. I always enjoy the blog. 🙂
Wow, that’s impressive!!! Not surprised, though. Your blog is my favorite and I refer people to it all the time. You have inspired me, not only to go full-time, but also start a blog. I was thrilled with my first comment!!
Perhaps you should consider writing a book, short stories…you definitely are a talented writer and have quite the following. Just think, you could have the next best seller!!
I can see why, by far one of the most enjoyable blogs I read!! Thank you and keep up the great work!
Congratulations! It has something do with content, photography and lots of helpful information. Way to go to Nina, you are an inspiration.
Congratulations Nina and well deserved. You and Paul have taught so many of us so much about the world of full-timing. Thanks so much for all you have shared. You are a font of knowledge and we so appreciate it.
Congratulations on the milestone. Thank you for your continued work to produce awesome, gorgeous, useful, motivating, enjoyable blogs. You rock!
Enjoy NYC. It’s one of our favorite places, and I’m noting your RV Park info. for a future visit.
Congrats on your 7,000,000 views. Truly an awesome accomplishment. I have followed and enjoyed your blog for years now. It has really helped our preparations for our fulltime journey — just 997 days away, but that now seems like peanuts compared to 7,000,000!
You have reached my neck of the woods. Born in Queens and spent my first 19 years in the Big Apple. Yes, that was many, many moons ago (more than I care to count), but I believe NY is still the best place to visit. So much to do and see — you really can’t go wrong no matter what you choose to do.
Now to the most important thing. Your timing is just perfect to visit Citi Field and check out the Mets-Giants playoff game on Wednesday night. I’m guessing Paul may be a Giants fan as I’ve seen photos of him wearing a Giants cap on this blog. I guess I could be wrong in my assumption, but I have a sneaky feeling that I am not. I realize such an undertaking may not happen, but if it does, and IF Paul IS a Giants fan, be prepared to be disappointed in the outcome. The Mets are — after all — AMAZIN’!!
You can’t ignore quality content.
Congratulations Nina. You are a very talented writer and I thoroughly enjoy reading your blogs. You and I met at Cape D as you were leaving. We have since completed our month at LCIC and gone on to Fort Ebey for a month and are now back in Texas for the winter.
I hope we meet again on the road somewhere. I’d enjoy getting to visit a bit.
Congratulations!! Your accomplishment is well deserved. Your writing is enjoyable, informative, entertaining and easy to read. Your photography is a joy. Wishing you many more happy miles of travel and many more clicks along the way.
Congratulations! Big millstone and well deserved.
Wow, congrats on such an impressive milestone! I will vouch that your kindness and generosity are just as evident in person as they are here on the blog. No doubt the “heart” behind it fuels the success, and I am grateful for it!
Congratulations on an amazing milestone! I found your blog a few years ago when I was looking for a campground in Asheville, NC and happened on a campground review you did. I started following your blog and for the last year or so we have been working our own plan to full time! Thank you for the inspiration and great information! Amazing that someone we didn’t even know touched our lives in a big way and inspired us to take our own full time journey! Very grateful! Angie