Happy Thanksgiving!
Life has led us in many strange directions this year, but in-between it all we’ve been blessed by exceptionally good fortune too, and today is a day I want to take a moment to reflect on that.

We’re deeply thankful for all the beautiful moments we’ve been gifted this year. The sound of the ocean on the West coast, the sunrise in the mountains of Idaho, the peaceful lakes of Michigan, the incredible natural beauty all around us. And we’re also deeply thankful for those close to us. Our paws, our family, our friends and all of you blog readers who’ve supported and shared in our adventures over the years. These are all intangible things that cannot be bought, but they are some of the richest rewards any person can ask for.
Yesterday the Universe reminded me of that message, yet again.
We missed the fall colors this year, even though we traveled the entire East Coast at pretty much the “perfect” time of year. We kept getting glimpses, but either the weather (mostly rain) or the spots we chose to camp didn’t give us the full effect. Last night, something about the way the sky was changing at sunset prompted me to break out the big camera and go outside for a peek. I hiked over to the lake and what I saw was the last rays of the sun lighting up the trees across the way in a fiery storm of reds of oranges. It was the most perfectly beautiful display of fall theater I’d seen, and in that moment I felt like everything just fell into place.
It may have taken us the whole year to get here, and it certainly took the whole East Coast to find it, but here it finally was -> our perfect fall reflected in a perfect lake in a park in the middle of Florida. Here’s hoping your day is just as rich and rewarding, in all the ways that matter. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
Thank you for taking the time and making the effort to give us a glimpse of the freedom so many of us crave but cannot attain. I read your blog in snippets of time I can steal from the big rat race and it allows me to escape, if only for a moment. Happy Thanksgiving!
Very happy to have you along for the ride!
Happy Thanksgiving, Nina, Paul and furry kids! You certainly have had a hell of a year, but have maintained your cool through it all, and have shared your trials and tribulations with us, your fans, so graciously. So glad “the beast” has a beautiful bum again, and your experience at the body shop was a positive one.
I don’t post comments often, but read all your posts, and SO appreciate all you share. This has been our first year on the road, and our upsets and frustrations pale in comparison to what you have faced: you help keep things in perspective, and provide the wisdom of experience 🙂 we refer to your past blogs and your maps so often!
I guess what I am saying is that one of the things we are thankful for today is you, Nina!
Have a wonderful day,
Thank you for the lovely comment…and good travels to you!
It has been such an enjoyment following you guys on ur life adventure. It makes us even more excited to one day soon call our RV our home. Happy Thanksgiving.
Thanks. Wishing you the best of luck with your future RV plans!
Bless you and yours and I am thankful that I have connected with this Blog and it’s writings…. Make It A Great Day……
Lee and Shelia
Happy Thanksgiving Nina & Paul. Thank you for blessing us all with your travels.
I’ve been watching your adventures for years and are happy things you have things to be thankful for. Seems that the paws problems have been sorted out. Glad for that. We lost one this earlier this year and adopted another little fella in Ridgway CO. while volunteers at the state park. He seems to have been mistreated and is our project dog. It’s been four months and he is slowly getting less afraid. Thankful for that.
We seem to be playing leap frog. We arrived at our home campground in Michigan while you were close by in Ann Arbor. We got to a place in South Carolina called Buck Hall Recreation Area while you were just south of there in Charleston. We passed you in Savanna. We stopped for a week at relatives on Amelia Island and you passed on the way to St Augustine. We have headed west and are spending Thanksgiving at Fort Pickens campground on Gulf Islands National Seashore near Pensacola. Central Texas is next. One of these days we’ll end up close enough to buy you a beer.
Happy Holidays
How lovely of you to adopt a new fur-baby into your life. I know exactly what you mean about a “project dog” too. Polly was scared of *everything* when we got her from the shelter and it took literally 6 months of work to get her comfortable. I actually became a dog trainer, because of her! So, good job and keep at it. Your story warms my heart!
If that is Lake Apopka what I remember is all the alligators ! We’ve had our share of motorhome issues. We’ve been fulltime for 6 months, and 3 of those were spent getting electrical problems fixed ( on Central Florida). Hopefully it’s all behind us. We have a lot to be thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving!
The pic is from Alafia River State Park, but yeah there are alligators here too. All over Florida! Sorry to hear of your electrical problems. Hopefully they’re past and done with now!
May your food be good, deserts sinful, family loving, and your friends bountiful on this Thanksgiving Day!
Many thanks to you and Paul for your sharing so much of yourselves, with all of us.
And to all of you that join my wife, Deb, and I on these ‘armchair travels’ with with our hosts – have a great day of celebration with your friends and family.
Best to all, be safe, have fun,
Thanks much! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
Oops! I see you are at Alafia State Park. Beautiful there. Enjoy the biking trails.
Happy thanksgiving to you and Paul. Have a great holiday
Thanks for sharing. We enjoy every blog.
Hey guys,
Happy Thanksgiving from the Craig’s
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for your wonderful blog and beautiful pictures! We get to live vicariously through your adventures. You have brought much joy to our lives.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Paul! Beautiful photo. Jeanne and I are thankful for having found your blog which has been so inspiring and informative as we continue to plan our own launch into full-time RVing. We will excitedly take delivery of our new coach next month!
Enjoy the holiday and thank you for sharing your life and adventures with us all!
Very exciting indeed! Best of luck to you in your travels!
Happy Thanksgiving!
What a beautiful picture you captured! Happy Thanksgiving!
I knew that day we “traipsed” thru your back yard we met two special people ….and I was not wrong…glad to call you both friends and to be able to share your travels with you ….have a Happy Thanksgiving…
I’m glad you traipsed into our lives too, Jil. These last years would not have been the same without you 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving to you too, Nina and Paul and paws. Thank you so much for sharing your travels with us and your wonderful photography as well as the gratitude Youth Fair that helps to remind us what is important. We drove through the Panhandle yesterday and I remarked to my husband that the Fall colors there were better than what we have seen in the past several days as we have traveled eastward throughLA, MS and AL, on our “truncated travel plan”, returning to Jupiter sooner than we had planned because my mother broke her hip. She is doing splendidly well thanks to my heroic sister who has spent virtually every minute for the past week with her. It has however reminded us once again the good we have to be thankful for. Enjoy your day.
So sorry to hear about your mother’s fall. Hope she recovers rapidly.
Happy Thanksgiving, Nina & Paul, and your furry family, too! We’re glad that you all are happy, healthy & safe after your very challenging year. Thanks a million for sharing so much valuable travel info and your absolutely gorgeous photos!
Hope to see you on the road:)
Rosie & Lon
Hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving. So glad you furry family is doing well and your vehicles are being repaired. Keep up your lovely blog I enjoy it so much
Happy Thanksgiving to two people we count among our friends, our blessings.
Likewise, likewise my dear!
What a beautiful golden sunset! Life is always a mix of challenges and blessings. You do a good job of focusing on the positive. Wishing you a lovely Thanksgiving.
I didn’t know about blogs until I found a link to yours on Pinterest. I continue to be grateful for a wonderful world of real time and virtual friends found from that beginning 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving.
Very happy you found us, and thanks for traveling along with us on the blog.
So lovely a fall picture! We’re in central Florida too, in Ocala National Forest, celebrating a campfire Thanksgiving! Then off to Tampa Saturday for a week long visit with family! Wishing you a happy Thanksgiving and safe, adventurous travels! “Podding in Paradise” http://www.birderdiane526.blogspot.com
Absolutely beautiful!!! Although I have never camped in my life wish I could live the life you have chosen…is it too late to start at the ripe old age of 75? Tell the truth!!! Thanks so much for sharing…may you and yours all have a happy day! Will you share the name of the town you are in. I had a home in Inverness, Florida a while back and – yes – there are pretty spots and fall weather in Florida! Take care…elaine j
NO you are definitely not too old. RVing is possible for anyone of able mind and body, no matter your age. If you are a solo RVer you will want to chose a set-up that’s as easy as possible to drive and deal with (I personally like Class C’s). With a couple you can chose something bigger, but you do need to be physically able to drive and hook-up (if you’re towing). I see many people in their 70’s enjoying this lifestyle, so don’t feel it’s not attainable. Research, test drive some rigs and go from there.
Happy Thanksgiving. Safe travels.
You helped and inspired US to get out and enjoy the road…we thank you!
Bruce and Dee
Oxnard ca.
So glad we could be part of your inspiration to explore. Happy travels to you!
Life IS full and good. Happy thanksgiving to you and yours. Glad your pets are doing good. Kathy Cagle
We were at that same bench earlier this year! Glad you found your Fall color and in Florida of all places. Hope the rest of 2016 falls into place, too.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and Paul and all the paws:) We totally missed the fall colors traveling the east coast just a couple weeks early. Glad you finally found some pretty colors:)
Beautiful fall picture! Thank you for the vicarious adventures, warts, bumps, and all you share with us. Freedom begins in the mind. May your Florida sojourn be as merry and bright as that sunset.
A lovely and poetic comment. Thank you so much!
And I am thankful for you taking me along on your travels.
Happy Thanksgiving to you, Paul and those beautiful paws. I am enjoying a blissfully rainy day here on the coast of California and catching up on my blog reading. The past few weeks have had me in retreat from news and technology mode, but I’m moving forward with positivity, gratitude and renewed energy. Thanks for continuing to spread light! Imkelina
I totally understand the retreat. I think we ALL got a little over-whelmed with news and such this past month. Here’s to a positive and happy 2017!
I just discovered your blog and so far it has been enjoyable and a huge help with all of the info and advice. Like your husband, I too am from Florida but of Spanish descent, a Nole and not a Gator though. I also transplanted to the California Bay Area, but am now looking to get out and see the country. So we’re looking at getting a camper trailer and hitting the road. So thanks again for all of your blogging and especially for your love of craft beer. Cheers!
p.s. you probably just went through my hometown….Plant City.
Lovely to “meet” you on the blog. Seems like our life paths have followed similar trajectories. Good luck w/ all your travel plans!!
I always love your photos! Thanks for showing me other parts of the USA that I haven’t been to yet! (Though I have been all over Florida… still… very nice shot! Y’all have a great month and Christmas!
I am behind in returning the gratitude, but it’s still “Thanksgiving Weekend” in my view, at least for another hour or so. 😉 What a stunning display of autumn…who knew it could be found in Florida. Not me.
I was recently having a conversation with my brother Don, a long time RVer, but not one who follows blogs. He was teasing me for spending so much time following blogs, when I explained that every place we had been through Oregon, Washington, and Idaho was a place I had learned about through the blogs of others, namely yours. From the “fantastic finds” in Ft Bragg to my solitude sunrise in the Sawtooths….all because you guys had gone before me and given me the inspiration and the nerve to follow. So when I give thanks for this nomadic lifestyle I love so much, not just on the last Thursday of November, but every day, you and Paul are always in the forefront of my mind.
I trust things are back on track for you all, and it will be smooth sailing into 2017!
What a lovely comment from a lovely lady. So glad our paths crossed Suzanne. You are definitely one of the people I’m deeply thankful I’ve met on the road.
Thanks for all the information you have shared it makes us think this can be a life we to could enjoy!! We’ve been to a lot of places in various different modes of transpo, but we just bought a beast at end of aug. & the tow vehicle. As soon as dr’s release us we will be heading out again. We hope our experiences in the years to come will be just as enjoyable!! Take care “Roughing it Smoothely”
Best of luck with ALL your travels. Hope the road and your adventures turn out to be everything you dreamed of!