May Your Heart Swell And Burst With Love

I know you’re all anxiously waiting for Part II of my “costs of fulltime RVing” series and I promise that I’m very (very) close to finishing it. I’ve been working on that post for the past 4 days, but it’s become a bear of a project (it’s already over 3800 words long!), so I figured I would take a quick break before I unload such a heavy subject on everyone. After all today is a day for fluffy things and professions of undying love, and it wouldn’t be very romantic of me to talk about finances, now would it?
No, today is all about what lies in the heart. Feelings over logic, emotions over thought, and the delicious insanity that comes with being head over heels. And as the type of gal who revels in such things, I couldn’t possibly let this day go by without a few words. Plus today is a rather key day for Paul and I too.
You see I met my eternal love and soulmate in 1995 in the most unromantic way (at work) and it took a while before we realized we were meant for each other. The Universe likes to mess with you sometimes and in our case the first feelings we felt for each other were erhmmm…not love. It took a year of working together for those feelings to morph, first to tepid interest, then to passion and finally to realize we were both head over heels. Less than a month after that monumental discovery we moved in together and a mere 6 months after that I knew there would never be another for me. I asked him to marry me on Valentines Day in 1997 and we’ve literally never looked back.
20 years, my love…and yet it feels like only a few. There is literally no luckier gal than me 🙂
No matter where you find yourself today, be it with others or alone, I hope that you also find yourself surrounded with the wonder of love. Whether it’s the hug of a friend, the snuggle of a pet, the warmth of a sunset, the thoughts of a family member or your very own partner, here’s to a day that makes your heart swell and burst with love. Happy Valentine’s Day everyone!
Happy 20th Guys!! So very happy you both found each other, and that we’ve been so blessed to cross paths with you.
Sweet photo of you two! Wishing you many more years of love and adventures together.
Greg and I have never been much for celebrating things like birthdays or Valentines Day… but as we grow older and closer to Rving full time, our focus is shifting…. we actually said Happy Valentines Day, honey! First thing this morning. Then I get to see this. Real love, and fur love all in one! Thanks for making me smile and for all the work you do on your blog. You are amazing.
We never do a big celebration either, mostly just the “I love you’s”, an e-card and a good meal. But I am rather a romantic fool and do like these little traditions. Super sweet that you both said it this AM!!
Happy 20th Anniversary!! We have never met but I have been following your blog since we went full-time 4 years ago and use your blog as my bible for boondocking and over all info. In fact, we are in Hollywood, FL currently and did some of your recommendations for what to see in Miami. Keep blogging, I love it!!!
Oh awesome! So glad you’ve enjoyed some of our tips. Continued good travels to you!
What a truly romantic story. May you be blessed with many more loved filled years. Hopefully we will meet on the road one day and we will share our story with you.
Happy engagement anniversary, Nina and Paul! Diana and I hope you have a wonderful day. 🙂
Happy Valentine’s Day Nina and Paul! Thank you for all the wonderful writing and pictures. You two are truly a remarkable couple.
Lovely. Nothing much nicer than knowing people can really feel true love. ❤
Lovely post! Happy Valentine’s Day!
Ah yes, finding that right forever one is the best – getting to spend every day doing the things we love together is a blessing. Happy engagement anniversary. Here’s to many, many more wonderful years together!
Happy valentines to you too! The 2 of U look very very happy.
Great smiles!
Congratulations to you both. Just reading your posts and watching your videos I can tell what a great couple you are. Happy travels this year.
Your story about how you met and your first experience with each other sounds somewhat familiar. My wife and I also first met at the place where we both worked in South Carolina. I was a graduate student and she was a technician. After our first chat her thought about me was “jerk.” But we became friends and kept in touch even after I moved to Louisiana and she moved to the University of Arkansas. We married in 1996 and, while not traveling in the RV, live quite happily in our barn. I hope that the love and togetherness that you feel lasts for a very long time.
Yup, I think our first meeting was somewhat similar. Love at first sight was definitely NOT what happened to us. Love how your story worked out!!
Awww, wonderful post! Happy engagement anniversary and Happy Valentines Day!
Erik & Jeanne
Funny hove love develops, great story and I am sure you had a Happy Valentines Day.
Cheers and more love in the next 20 years!
I am so impressed that you, Nina, asked Paul to marry you. I assume he said “yes” right away? It took Bev and I two tries to get it right. Our first marriage lasted about 10 years and then we were divorced for a dozen or so years. This time we will be married again for 10 years this coming December, but this time we are shooting to break our previous record and keep going until we drop. 8^)
Yes thankfully he said “yes” right away. I actually asked him out too, but he said “no” at first. I had to wait almost a year after that before he realized he was in love with me HAHA. What can I say, I’m an impatient Scandinavian gal and when I knew he was the one I just went for it.
Congrats on your 2nd 10 years. We all go through ups and downs in our relationships and sometimes it takes a break to figure everything out. Plus we do change (as individuals) through our life. Certainly looks like it’s worked out for the both of you. Here’s to you breaking that record (until you drop) 🙂
Enjoyed your post and happy anniversary, valentines, etc, etc. 🙂