2017 In Review -> 5,247 Miles Of Tip-To-Tip East Coast Explorations
Christmas has passed (thanks so much for all the greetings in the last post, folks!), and New Year is just around the corner so it’s finally time for my annual round-up post!

This was our 8th fulltime year on the road, and it was undoubtedly one of our most exploratory to date. Family considerations kept us East this year, so we decided to do something we’d never done before, we planned an entire year of travels along the East Coast. It became 5,247 miles of tip-to-tip exploration from the very bottom of Florida to the very top of the Maine Coast. We covered 10 states, made 43 stops and even did 2 forays into Canada. It was quite eventful!
For those interested in the detailed stats, our travel pace matched our typical slo-mo style, averaging only ~122 miles per drive, exactly the way we like it. Of the 5,247 total, a whopping 1,243 miles were driven in Florida, 500 miles in New York State, and only ~355 miles were completed in Maine. Our longest drive was 279 miles (which happened on our way south) while our shortest was a measly 5.8 (in DC, when we escaped to my friends driveway).
Rather unusually, almost everything we did and saw was new-to-us this year, and we had the chance to discover areas we’d only dreamed about for years. It was an epic route and one that I’d be totally happy to do again.
It Was Our Most Intense Family Year
It was an intense year of family time too, both in the best and the worst of ways.

Our hardest month was July, when Paul’s mom passed away unexpectedly. It was a heartbreaking moment in our travels that marked a profound change in our lives (we’re still recovering from it today). She’ll travel with us in spirit forever more.
Only a few weeks later however, my sister got married in the UK, which became one of our most joyful and uplifting moments this year. I can honestly say it was a wedding of dreams. Then, my dad came back with us to the USA and we caravanned together with Paul’s dad & stepmom through Boston and Maine, an amazing adventure and a memory we’ll treasure forever more.
All in-all it was a crazy emotional few months filled with both tears and joy.
It Was The Year We Saw The Most Lighthouses
This is probably a stat that only fellow “lighthouse nutters” care about, but this was also the year we saw the most lighthouses!

There’s such an intense concentration of lighthouses out East that you can barely throw a stone without hitting one. From the tropical waters of South Florida to the curving, crazy coastline of Maine, this is where you’ll find the oldest and grandest of ladies in the USA. Each individual state might not have that many (it’s actually MI who has the most), but when you put them all together you get quite the package!
We saw ~30 lighthouses this year (including our very first Canadian Lighthouse) and could easily have seen many more, and we did it by both land and sea. Plus I dragged my dad along to many of them too. It was a good year for lights 🙂
Winter In South Florida (Jan – Mar)
We started off our year in Florida. My family came out to celebrate Christmas with us in Miami, so we got to deep-dive in and explore the city like true tourists. It gave me a whole new appreciation for the city and, although it was sweltering hot most of the time, it was also a ton of fun.

We stayed around for several months after they left, knocking around South Florida.
Our first trip took us to a buggy exploration of the Everglades which was stunningly beautiful, but also buzzingly unbearable (the mosquito meter read “hysterical”!). We didn’t stay long!
Then, out of the blue we got offered some reservations in the Keys for March (from a blog reader who couldn’t make it), so thanks to his generosity we got to spend 6 amazing weeks in the Florida Keys! It was something I’d dreamt about for years and although it took a little while to settle in, it turned out to be everything we’d hoped for.
We started our tropical vacay in the Upper Keys (Key Largo) followed by a a few weeks in the Middle/Lower Keys (our fav) with side-visits to Key West and the trip of a lifetime on a sea plane to Dry Tortugas. Our friend Jill came out to join us for part of it too. It was a superb month and a half!
Right around the end of April we finally started to head north, but before we left Florida we made one more stop, a geek-out stay on the Space Coast with a visit to the Kennedy Space Center. We even got to see a rocket launch! It fulfilled our geek hearts.
Spring In GA & VA (April – May)
Our fist stops out of FL were two places we’d always wanted to visit, Crooked River State Park and Savannah. It was sweltering hot the whole time we were there (and we had a bit of a cat scare too), but we loved both places.

We rocked north from there, stopping for a few days with a blog reader before heading for a month into yet another place we’d always wanted to see, the spectacular (and wonderfully dog-friendly) Shenandoah Valley. We dedicated a whole month to exploring this stretch of VA, staying in 3 different spots so we could fully appreciate the stunning beauty of this particular corner of the Blue Mountains. Spring was the perfect time to be here (not too hot, not too cold), and the mountains were even prettier than we imagined them to be.
We finished the month of May in Washington DC while Paul flew home and I stayed with friends.

Early Summer in the Finger Lakes (June-July)
With Memorial Day done and over (always a marker for fulltime RVers), Summer was starting to rear her head which also meant it was time for us to head further North.

Our first stop was a historical exploration of Gettysburg, something I didn’t really think I’d enjoy, but ended up loving! From there we stopped a few days in a really nice COE park in N.PA before we embarked on our “real” summer plans, TWO whole glorious months exploring the Finger Lakes region of New York!! Oh land of peaceful lakes, waterfalls and wine, THIS was something we’d planned for and looked forward to ever since the year started.
We ended up staying in 5 different places in order to maximize our explorations, starting with a lovely county park near Ithaca, followed by a stay on Seneca Lake. Both places were awesome and packed with so many waterfalls, gorges & wineries that we literally overflowed with things to see and do.
After this we headed over to see another “bucket list” item Niagara Falls. Despite the crowds, the falls blew us away, and we also enjoyed the surrounding area,both on the Canadian & US sides. Our final destination was the “Grand Canyon of the East”, stunning Letchworth State Park where I dragged my butt out of bed inhumanly early to catch a rare sunrise shot. It was worth it 🙂
This took us to the end of July and our good friends Sue & Dave who most graciously offered to host us and the paws while we traveled to the UK for my sisters wedding. The wedding was amazing, but sadly this was also when Paul’s mom passed unexpectedly. It was incredibly tough and ended up being one of the most emotionally hard months we’ve ever had on the road.
Late Summer in MA & Maine (Aug – Mid-Sept)
My dad came back with me from the UK and we spent 5 days exploring New York City before we re-joined Paul and “the beast” near Cooperstown to start the second half of our summer travels.

Our first stop was Boston, MA where Paul and his dad achieved a lifelong “bucket list” item by attending a Bostons Red Sox Game together at Fenway Park! It was an awesome experience which I re-created with my own dad the following evening. Plus we spent several days exploring downtown and immersing ourselves in the awesome history of the Freedom Trail. Boston has a intimate charm which is so unique.
From there we were Maine-bound, where we planned to spend over 2 months slowly exploring the coastline. It was the pinnacle of our 2017 travels and an experience we will never forget.
We started with beer & lighthouses at Boothbay, spent several days during the eclipse exploring hip Camden (both by land and sea), and then settled in for an ENTIRE month by Acadia National Park. This 100% dog-friendly, coast-spectacular National Park delivered everything we had dreamed of from crazy scenic hikes to lighthouses (galore) to everything else. We had one of the best waterfront sites that we’d had all summer, and totally dug how dog-friendly everything was. Plus we were thrilled we got to spend such in-depth time in such a beautiful place with family.
My dad flew home a few days after we arrived at Acadia National Park, but Paul’s dad (and stepmom) stayed on in their RV for a few more weeks. We finally all parted ways around the beginning of Sept which was bittersweet. This was the first summer we’d spent with everyone together, and although it was packed (and at times a little crazy) it was probably the best summer we’ve ever had on the road. Time with family is precious indeed!

Early Fall In Maine (Still!) (Mid-Sept – Mid-Oct)
With the family gone and our time in Acadia NP up, our initial plans were to start heading south again, but the weather was so unusually warm that we decided to extend our stay in Maine into Oct and head north instead!

So we motored up to the border with Canada and landed in the teeny town of Lubec. This little spot captured our hearts and allowed us to knock off yet another “bucket list” item by allowing us to visit the easternmost lighthouse in the USA (yeah!). It also gave us the chance to do a second foray into Canada, see another beautiful lighthouse and explore some outstanding (and very remote) nature. We loved it!!
We decided to finish our Maine explorations in what was probably the most remote and serene place we experienced all year, on the stunningly quiet Schoodic Peninsula. It was a week of absolute bliss, which ended with a bitterly cold, but fabulous sunset. It was the perfect adieu to a state we totally fell in love with.

Later Fall In MA & NYC (End Oct)
From there we started the long trek back to Florida, but not without a few significant stops along the way.

First up was Cape Cod, yet another “bucket list” place (we had a lot of them this year!). We enjoyed a wonderful end-of-season visit, getting to know the famous Cape Cod lighthouses and exploring this wild and diverse place.
From there we rolled into New York City, the second time we’ve traveled there in “the beast”. We had another wonderful few days there packed with sightseeing and fun. We’ve loved every visit we’ve done here and late October (when we went) is literally the perfect weather-window to be there. I can never get enough of the Big Apple!

Early Winter In The South (Nov-Dec)
By the time we left NYC it was already the very end of Oct, so we took a pretty fast route south.

We stopped for a few days in Washington DC, then unexpectedly found fall colors in a random stop at a State Park in VA. A hot (and extended) summer had delayed colors all over the NE so we had missed them the ENTIRE way down from Maine, but we finally found them! It was a neat little gift from nature.
From there we stopped for some “beastly TLC” (annual service) at Cummins in NC, followed by a re-visit to two of our absolute FAV southern cities, Charleston SC and Savannah GA. Our second visit to these cities was even better than our first, thanks to beautiful, cool November weather. We enjoyed the amazing Christmas lights at James Island County Park, met-up with old RV friends in Savannah, and finally got to see Fort Sumter (where Paul participated in the flag-raising ceremony!). It was awesome.
Our final stop of the year, right before we ended up in our winter home (we’re parked next to Paul’s dad) was the Coastal Florida town of Jupiter. We were back in the tropics and enjoyed several days in the area visiting the Jupiter Inlet Lighthouse, hiking the trails in the park and taking Polly to the wonderful nearby dog beach.

That’s it! Our entire year in a nut-shell. I have to admit that before we started I wasn’t sure how much I’d enjoy spending a whole year our East, but it really was a treat. We saw so much beauty, and experienced so many memorable moments with family and friends. We fell in love with the Finger Lakes and Maine, enjoyed exploring several big cities in greater depth and still managed to find remote and wild corners of nature that spoke to our souls. Despite the emotional ups and downs, it was truly an amazing year. I will treasure it!
Coming up next -> Our top campgrounds of the year
This post is perfect timing for our spring/summer plans! We are visiting all the same states. Thanks again for all the awesome details & beautiful pics.
Excellent! Hope the weather for you turns out to be as great as it was for us this year. If it’s a warm summer (again) I can highly recommend staying up in Maine until the season closes out around mid-Oct.
You’re right – RVing in the East is fantastic! Two summers ago I spent 3 months in New York state on a genealogical jaunt boondocking from Seattle to the Finger Lakes region with weeks in the Hudson River Valley (Coeymans and Albany) and in Brooklyn NY. I can’t wait to go back! The scenery is gorgeous, the people friendly and the boondocking extraordinary with all the lakes and rivers. I don’t know why my ancestors left the area!!! I’ll be back.
We enjoyed the Finger Lakes area enormously. SO glad we got to spend a month there, and could easily have stayed longer. Just the wineries alone could keep us occupied for years. Great spot.
What an incredible year you’ve had! I love your photo of The Beast among the fall gold. Thank you for taking us along on your journeys!
You fare better in the East than I ever could. You guy do research and planing and that helps. Plus, you are flexible when things go awry and make the best, or even better, of it. Neither bobbie nor I are good and laying out a plan/route. We just like to roll till we find someplace we like and stay till we get restless. Never made a camp reservation. Used to be able to get away with that up till a few years ago. Not any more…too many of us living the good life. I almost feel sorry for the newbies. To do what you did back east…go the places you went, see the sights you saw, camp where you camped…well I’m impressed. Hope you get back out west.
Box Canyon Mark
Cheers Mark. And I agree with you on the planning thing. We find it harder and harder to get to the places we want without planning, unless there are plentiful areas to boondock. Reservations have started to become the norm for us, whereas they weren’t (apart from a few months in summer) ~7 years ago. It’s crazy how more RVs are on the road now. There’s still ways and means to “wing it”, but it’s not as easy as it was.
Your pictures are gorgeous! I really enjoyed your recap.
As always, very very cool Nina!
Can’t wait to start OUR full-timing life next year…
We may follow in your footsteps but you’re a hard act to beat!
Happy New Year to you & Paul.
Very exciting that you’re so close to starting your adventures! Wish you all the best in your travels.
We too were taken by surprise when we focused our travels to the east coast the year before last.. one of our best RVing segments ever. Why on earth did we put it off for long??
What a year you guys have had in extremes however and cheers to the adventures ahead!
Yeah, I’m not sure why we resisted it so much either. We’ve just always been such hard-core West Coasties. I guess you don’t know until you know. I’m very glad we got to do it.
You’ve had a spectacular year! And illustrated it with a bunch of spectacular pictures! I enjoy every post though I don’t comment often. Looking forward to what your new plans for 2018 will be.
Thanks and cheers for the comment 🙂
I enjoyed reading your year end wrap up for it also brought lots of memories when we had our time on the East Coast in 2013! I think your 2017 was pretty much balanced, with some ups and a down and in all you had another great year of RVng.
Yes, it balanced out fairly well all-in-all. We had some hard moments, but also a lot of good ones. You’ve been through the wringer yourselves this past year. I hope 2018 is easier for you.
Your descriptions brought back many fond memories of our trip East a couple of years ago. Wonderful!
Great recap of your year! We hope to return to the east coast next fall so will look to your blog for some fresh ideas. Safe travels!
Great. Enjoy your trip! Hope the weather is as good as it was for us this year.
Thanks for the recap. Though I haven’t commented much of late, I’ve enjoyed following along and revisiting “with” you many places I was privileged to visit in my youth. Looking forward to your adventures in the year ahead. Cheers to 2018!
Thank you for all the detail. We plan to pick up our 2018 Entegra in late January, travel to Florida for several weeks, then cautiously start heading north along you route depending on the weather. First time to almost all of these locations. We will be re-reading your notes closely. This will be a great help! Happy New Year!
How exciting!! Wish you the best of travels in 2018!
Even with the emotional roller-coaster ride thrown into 2017, you two were blessed with lots of joy and beauty. Stunning photos Nina. Happy New Year to you and Paul and a 2018 filled with lots of laughter and great adventures.
Very true…and thank you!
Happy New Year 2018! What an amazing adventure you are on! Hubby and I just beginning to dream of the RV life and I found your wonderful sight through your beautiful photography! Thank you for taking the time to share the sights and knowledge of your experience. I look forward to reading more of your fabulous journey (past and future!!). Greatly appreciate your blog!
Enjoyed reading about your recent trip. My wife and I are both 70 and have lived and worked here in NJ all of our lives. We have had hopes of selling our home and moving to Greenville, SC where we visited a few yeas ago. We loved the area, and the cost of living is much more affordable than NJ. We decided recently that rather than jumping into a new home and area that we would purchase an RV and stay at a local Greenville camp ground and take our time looking for a new place to live. Then, we thought that since we had an RV, we should probably make better use of our investment and do some traveling since we hadn’t been anywhere to speak of in this country which has so much to offer. We have never been camping or owned an RV so there are many questions and concerns we have,but feel strongly about this venture. Reading about travels helped instill a new level of excitement for us. Thanks for sharing with us and I look forward to following your future blogs.
Super excited for you! I think traveling around a bit before you settle down again is a wonderful idea. You’ll enjoy so many new experiences that you can carry with you forever more. It’s a learning curve to make the switch from house to camper, but thousands do it every year, and the RV community is super supportive. You’ll be in excellent company.
Good luck to you in all your future plans!
Thankyou! We are hoping that “travelers” like you in the community will help us make the transition. Planing the trips, the camp sites to stay at and the one thing that we are concerned about is how to estimate our costs.