Our Big, Big, BIG 2018 Plans (Yes, Everything Is Going To Change)
So it’s finally time. It’s time to reveal what we’re going to do this year. I’m taking a deep breath as I write this because it’s SUCH a big reveal and I’m both a little nervous and overwhelmed by what’s coming. So bear with me as I take you through this decision process. You (my blog readers) have been such a huge part of the past 8 years of our lives, so I feel you deserve all the nitty gritty.
For those who prefer video, we’ve done a little 5-min overview here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCh2Qh1_KFg
Otherwise just read on……
We’ve Been Thinking About A Change For Several Years
For the past few years we’ve both felt a tad restless. I know that sounds crazy coming from a couple that travels all the time, but it’s nonetheless true. We like to challenge ourselves on a regular basis and for the past 2 years or so we just haven’t felt that challenged. Maybe it’s our nomadic genes, or our youthful souls (haha), but when we start to feel like this it usually means we’re on the cusp of a needed change, sometimes scary change. It’s the reason we’ve lived in so many different countries over the 20 years we’ve been together, and it’s the reason we originally went RVing too. So we’ve been noodling with the idea of change for several years.

We’ve thought about a house (multiple times) and either settling down or going part-time, but every time we’ve been house-hunting (which we’ve done multiple times in the PNW) it just didn’t feel “right”. One day we’ll settle down, but not yet…
We’ve also thought about downsizing the RV to try a different mode of travel. Last winter we actually found the exact RV model we wanted (Leisure Unity FX) and we were >this< close to putting down a deposit (I mean minutes away), but at the last second something stopped us. Again it just didn’t feel “right” yet….
This Past Year Brought Everything Into Focus
Three things happened this past year which contributed to the switch.
First, the death of Paul’s mom. It moved our anchor and shifted something significant in us. I wrote about this back when it happened, and although we knew it meant change we didn’t know (yet) what that change would be.

Then, my sister got married aaaaaand (this is the first time I’m announcing this) she got pregnant! Yup, she’s got a bun in the oven, likely made in the USA while she was on her RV honeymoon trip with hubby (I feel oddly proud of that). She’s more than half way along and planning to give birth late Spring of this year.
Finally, my dad got diagnosed with a recurrence of cancer. This happened at the end of last year. He first battled this particular beast several years ago, but it’s come back. While I was in France this Christmas we went through a lot of scans and saw some doctors. Our outlook is positive, but this will be his second battle. Those of you who’ve been through this will understand what that means.
All these things shifted our focus rather abruptly towards Europe…and it got us thinking.
Why Not Move The Whole Wheelingit Crew To Europe?
We’ve actually been toying with the idea of Europe for a few years.

After 8 years RVing in the USA, it seemed natural to want to explore past our borders. So around a year ago I joined two RV forums in Europe, started reading several European RV blogs and started researching how we would transport our furry crew overseas. It was fascinating and started churning up all those same butterfly feelings in my stomach that I had when we first started RVing in “the beast” here in USA. That was a good sign.
This was something totally new, yet still totally nomadic. Plus it would satisfy all our longings -> Our growing need to do something different, our urge to try RVing in a smaller rig (trust me, they’re smaller over there!!), our yearning to be closer to family and our restlessness.
The three things that I wrote about above were the final push we needed to make our decision. Suddenly it all made sense and the pieces slotted together like a giant jigsaw puzzle.
THIS was the path we were meant to take….
So Yeah, We’re Moving….And Yeah, We’re Selling “The Beast”
This is it…this is our announcement. We’ve decided to do it and make the move. Our goal is to leave the USA sometime around April-May which means we’ve got around 3 months to make everything happen. Putting a date on everything makes it official, and is the impetus we need to get this moving.

We’ve got 6 weeks of reservations that will be our “final hurrah” in the beast. The reservations are in the Florida Keys (thanks to a blog reader who couldn’t make it this year) which we know have been devastated by Hurricane Irma, but we’ve confirmed the parks are open and we’re looking forward to them. We have fond memories of our Keys trip from last year, and are keen to contribute in any way we can to their recovery. It’ll be a fitting last trip, we think.
While we complete our last trip, we’re going to move our domicile to FL, get the pets ready transport (which includes getting them microchipped with an international 15 digit ISO microchip, prepping their documents etc.), and start emptying out the RV. We will list her formally within the next month or so.

Why Sell? Well, it’s simple really. Class A’s, especial Diesels are meant to be driven. They just do not do well sitting around. I’ve written about this multiple times on the blog, and I believe in it firmly. We love our beast and have made massive solar and electronic upgrades to her that are beyond awesome (some of which we’ve barely used), but life has taken us on a far different road than we ever anticipated, even just 2 years ago. We are committed to this new path now.
I feel a deep wrench in my gut when I think about selling our home (it’s so much harder than I imagined), but I want to believe she’ll end up with another happy family out exploring the wilderness that is her domain. We can’t take her to Europe and we can’t let her rot in some storage facility. It simply makes sense to sell.

Why Announce Now? Well, I wanted to get the word out. Our official listing won’t be up for a while, but we’ve decided that if one of our blog readers (or a friend of a blog reader) chooses to buy her we’ll throw in just about every piece of equipment we own for free. So, things like our brand new Sterling All-Terrain tow bar (just upgraded last year), our TPMS system, our WeBoost 4GX cellphone boosters & WiFi Ranger, our brand new MS-HW50C Surge Protector, our MagneShade (front window), our Carefree awning shade etc. Hell, we’ll probably even throw in our Harvest Host membership (we have around a year left on it), as well as our camping chairs, camping mat, tables, hoses, blocks, decor lights etc. Plus of course she’ll keep her 1500W of solar panels, 600AH lithium batteries, hybrid inverter etc. All-in-all we’re talking around $25,000 of upgrades and equipment which we’re going to throw in for free. “The beast” is a boondocking, electronically-spruced-up Goddess who is ready to go fulltiming out the door. Oh, and our flat-towable Honda CR-V will probably be for sale too. We’re open to making a deal for both.
Do You Have A Price? Yes. Contact me if you’re seriously interested and we can talk. I’m not going to publish it on here yet since we plan to create the formal listing within the next month, but if you have an early interest feel free to contact me. Also, if you have friends who might be interested feel free to send them our way. As an exclusive for our blog readers, we are offering a $150 referral bonus if we close the sale.
Are You Continuing The Wheelingit Blog?
YES. I plan to continue blogging. Our plan is to do Wheelingit in Europe, so it’s the same premise, just in a different spot. Besides I still enjoy blogging, I love the online community and I still think the blog can be an inspiration to others. Maybe other folks are interested in RVing in Europe, or are curious how you move with 3 pets to another country? And how do you do it all if you’re an American? I’ll take you through all the steps on the blog, as they happen. It should (hopefully) make for some interesting and informative reading.

Also, we’re not sure exactly what our plan will look like in Europe yet, but it will likely involve some fixed family time (we want to be there for my sister’s birth, and my dad’s treatment), and some traveling time. We’d like to RV Scandinavia, see the European lighthouses (the oldest lighthouse in the world is there, you know), explore the UK, travel around France, visit friends in Italy, hike the mountains etc.. I’ve even got plans for some rather crazy (and remote) travel later this year with my father, assuming all goes well. The options are endless.
Our Announcement Is OUT

So that’s it. Our announcement is OUT. I want to finish this by sharing something that Paul wrote in his journal on March 5th, 2010, just after we started on the road. We came across it a few days ago and it just seemed perfect:
I have zero regrets (about leaving San Diego). I am soooo much happier. I don’t know if it’s the industry or something bigger, but I think it’s something bigger! The chance to live a unique life, full of many rich experiences, enjoying an immense freedom at my and my wife’s own discretion (no one else’s). Even if it doesn’t last that long, or forever, it’ll be amazing.
That is exactly what these last 8 years have been for us, and it’s exactly what (I hope) the next 8, or 10 or 20 years will be too. No-one can predict where life will lead you, but if you follow the path of your heart it’ll undoubtedly be amazing.
My heart skipped a beat as I read your grand announcement. Love Europe and thrilled that you will be trailblazing for us – those who love following in your footsteps. If all things go as planned, I’ll be a full-time RVer starting in February, working and calling nature my living room. US and Canada first but what fun to imagine the future you’re creating.
You guys rock! Thanks for being such a treasure trove for all of us. Happy Travels as you savor these last weeks in my home state Florida (out of Sarasota).
Sweeet! That first step to fulltiming is SO exciting. I wish you all the best in your travels!
Congratulations. It’s been a delight following your stateside adventures and look forward to reading about your amazing travels and insights from Europe.
I have been following your blog for the last few years even though I have never owned a RV but hope to one day. I love Europe and have often wondered about RV’ing there and cannot wait to read of your adventures. Your blog is better than any travel guide!
Best of luck in your new adventure. Will look forward to reading all about it. We are full timers too and have toyed with the idea of trying it out in Australia.
Our very first RV trip (ever) was in Australia! We rented a van there back in 2008 and caravanned around SW Australia for 2 months. It was amazing! It’s hard to do w/ pets (because of strict quarantine laws in Australia), but totally do-able if you don’t have pets. We left our 2 cats with friends while we went. I highly recommend it.
As always, you’re an inspiration. We do have an old cat so maybe after she goes off to college…
Wow, what an adventure! I’m so excited for you guys, and I can’t wait to see where you go, and what you experience. Congrats!! And I so wish we were in the market for a new rig, I would buy the beast in a second.
How exciting (and I’m sure a bit scary) for you. Can’t wait to follow your European adventures!
Thrilled for your exciting news! We will stay tuned, of course!
What an adventure! Soooo envious!!! Best of luck with your adventures and your family!!!!
Virtual hugs,
I am thrilled (and a bit envious) of your next adventure! We spent 3 months in Scandinavia last summer hoteling it and aspire to travel Europe in a RV but only being able to be there 90 days out of every 180 makes the logistics a little challenging and expensive to figure out for storage in between trips. I look forward to continuing to read about your adventures!
Yup, the 90-day rule (Schengen countries) makes traveling in Europe for non-EU citizens a little more tricky. I know many who get around this by doing 90-days in Schengen countries, followed by 90-days in non-Schengen countries (say, Romania, Albania etc.) or they simply store their RV and fly back to USA for a while. I’ll be writing more about all these details in future posts.
That will be very helpful for us too – thank you. We are planning some European travel 2019/2020 and just starting to explore questions.
WheelingIt was the first blog we came across that answered so many of our questions and directed us to others when we were getting set up for full time nomadic travels back in 2013.
Thank you so much. Wishing you all the best ahead in your travels and that your days filled with bounding love.
Well CONGRATULATIONS to you both. What an amazing life you will have in Europe! Looking forward to reading all about your adventures.
Amazing! We’re very excited for you. We are VERY interested in finding out more about RVing in Europe and who better to tell us (in comparison terms) than you guys! Wishing you a smooth transition and an amazing 2018. We look forward to following you as you traverse the new territory and report back to us all about it.
I’m sure it’s going to be a HUGE learning curve for us. We’ve always wanted to downsize and try traveling around in a smaller rig, so this will give us the chance. Who knows…maybe we’ll love it or maybe we’ll hate it and move back to buy another “beast” in the USA. Anything is possible.
Love your wanderlust and joy for throwing some caution to the wind . . .so glad to know that we will all be following you to Europe . . .thank you so much for the joy and spirit you add to our lives . . .
did campskunk influence you in this decision ?
Not really, although I’m excited to follow their adventure too. We thought (briefly) about buying a small van here in US and shipping it over to Europe, but decided in the end that it would be simpler to buy one over there. As they mention in their post there is ALOT of paperwork involved in the shipping process, not to mention insurance (OMG, almost had a heart attack when I got a quote for insurance on US-plated van in Europe), plus you have to pay import duty if you’ve owned the van for less than 6 months (not a problem for campskunk, but would have been a problem for us).
Wow, congratulations and what an experience you’ll have! We’re retired AF and have lived in both Germany and England and both times took pets–two cats and a dog to Germany and three cats and a dog to England. With all you’re preplanning, you’ll do fine. I cannot imagine riding many of those roads in an RV, but I know they’re smaller and it will be so much fun and so much to do and see. I can’t wait to read your blogs.
You’ve done some great traveling! It definitely takes some pre-planning to travel w/ the pets, but thankfully there are many fellow RVers in Europe who do it on a regular basis (lots of info out there). We’ll DEFINITELY need to downsize something massive. Can’t see RVing in Europe in anything much larger than ~6 meters. Should be interesting.
I am thrilled for you guys but also a little sad that we won’t be bumping into you from time to time. I hope the transition is smooth, and all the best to your sister and you dad. Can’t wait to read about it all!
I am so happy that you have a decision that feels so right to you! The ability to be flexible with your life, and focus on family and adventure is great. Best wishes for your next phase!
Although we live in the amazing PNW (Port Townsend!) we have also been preparing to full time travel with the intent of spending more time with family along the way. I have followed your blog for at least a year now and will use your travels, campgrounds, hikes, beaches, etc. as a guide as we go.
Thank you for your blog and I look forward to reading about Wheeling It in Europe! Cheers!
Ah Port Townsend….what WONDERFUL memories we have of that town. Had we gone West this year (which was one of our many original plans), that would have been one of the first places we’d book to re-visit. You’re in a great corner of the world to start your fulltime travels too….the PNW, the entire West, the Rockies….you’re going to have a blast!
Exciting and I look forward to following your European adventures !!!
Why not? Europe is so different from the US and will off all you need – adventure and family. I am going to miss your fabulous critiques of campgrounds. It would be great if someone could continue your format.
So excited for both of you! My hubby and i just completed our trip to Europe this summer and we hope to come back again in the future, maybe try RVing! I will definitely be looking forward to your posts!
Sweeeeet! We’ve had several friends who’ve done shorter RV trips to Europe and they’ve def been an inspiration for us. It’s going to be very different over there, but we’re ready (we think!)
I am so excited for you! How much fun. Can’t wait to read all your blog postings from Europe. We won’t be buying our RV for about 5 years(when hubby retires), but I love reading your blog and seeing your pictures and we have learned so much about RVing from you. Who knows, maybe we will do Europe first.
That’s very big and exciting news for sure! Having more family time and RVing Europe sounds like a great plan for you adventurers. Wishing you the best of everything and looking forward to hearing more as your plans develop.
Wow, I’ve read the blogs of several of your contemporaries who transitioned from RVing to Yachting and I’ve read posts of Europeans who spend up to six months RVing the US, but this is a first. I am totally looking forward to your posts once you begin your new adventure. While there is little chance I will ever transition to RVing in Europe, since I am approaching my 75th Bday, my business career allowed me to visit many cities in Europe prior to my retirement. I’ve seen many of the major cities in Germany and Switzerland, and have visited London and Paris numerous times. However, it was those few times I travel by train within Germany and Switzerland, that I truly enjoyed being there. Looking forward to vicariously visiting Europe the way it was meant to be done.
Yeah we’ve not read many others going in the direction we’re headed this year. We have many good friends who are on the water now, or headed beyond US borders in the Americas (e.g. to Mexico or Canada), but none that we know going to Europe. Maybe we’ll manage to inspire a few others to join us over on the other side of the pond 🙂
Nina and Paul, wishing you the very best in your new endeavor. May your travels provide you both with fulfillment, peace, joy, and fun! Be safe!
Sounds like a great plan. May everything go your way. We are happy for you guys and hope to learn a lot about Europe from your posts.
Bravo! Congatulations for stretching possibilities and planning for RVing in Europe.
When we finished our seven years full-timing, and five years teaching abroad, we thought we were ready to settle down once again. But…even though we do have a small, cozy apartment now, the travel bug never dies (now in our eighties). So we’ll spend the winter in our converted van traveling in Baja California, and then summer in Scandinavia by bicycle and hostals. Five months for travel, three months for working to pay the bills, and four months or more in Oregon. I’d travel full-time, but my wife loves a settled nest to spend time with community, friends, and family.
The very best to you both and hope to see you on the road in Europe.
Keep on moving on..great inspiration
Wow. Didn’t expect that.
I’ve been waiting with bated breath for a few months since you dropped the hint back in Oct or so. But I figured you’d go on the water like technomadia or go bk to brick n mortar.
After nearly 2 years RVing solo (inspired by your blog), I’m done and looking for brick n mortar myself and to downsize RV for part-year travel.
Europe. Wow. I did over 5 years in Italy, the home of my soul.
Let me make one recommendation for you. The castles of Trentino Alto Adige, northern Italy. I think there are like 30 castles in that area, including a pueblo style one in Mezzocorona (between Verona and Bolzano). I lived in MZ for 2 years. The Alpine hiking is old school (old dudes in lederhosen with their dogs on wkeneds), its all wine country and apple orchards and the highest real estate prices in Italy but its scenic and picturesque, altho more austrian than italian in character since its been the main thoroughfare into Italy since Hannibal, there are amazing fortifications all along this narrow river valley.
Chin Chin e buon viaggio!
Awesome tips! And best of luck to you on the transition back to a stix & brix. That’s also a big change, and an exciting one.
Nina & Paul,
I am sorry to hear your Dad has another battle with cancer. And, happy that you will become an Aunty and Uncle. I understand your need and desire to relocate to Europe. I wish you all the best in your move. I will miss your blog about USA campgrounds, and your travels. I found them to be fun to read, and oh so helpful in our travels.
Be safe!
So excited for you and it will be fun and educational to follow your travels in Europe. Most especially I am glad you will be able to spend this special time with your dad and I will be praying for a positive outcome for all of you. Nice that you could be there for the joy of the new life for your sister.
Wow, my dream adventure to take a few years exploring Europe in a camper van! So glad you guys will be doing this— what amazing experiences you’ll have! But also, so glad that you’re focused on more family time too. As I edge closer to my final days, travel has still been enjoyable, but far more meaningful to me now have been the long, deep-soul chats with my family and closest friends. It’s hard to nurture these when only doing short 1-2 week visits, and I’ve relished the extended time together. I’m sure you will too! Congrats to your sis and prayers to your dad.
True words indeed. I’ve been thinking of you often these past months, and thinking a lot about what that final journey means and what our time with those we love means. You’ve been part of our inspiration, both on the road here in the USA and in our change to move to Europe. Best of love to you.
Would you be so kind to recommend other bloggers that we could follow for USA RV travels? You have been a great resource for campground reviews, restaurants, and sights to see. Oh, and your beautiful photos! Looove them! Thank you for giving us the inspiration to travel over the past two years! Looking forward to following you in your European adventures! All the best for you and your family!
I have a list of bloggers that I follow regularly on my “RV Blogs And Resources” Page (click the big yellow square in the right hand margin, if you’re viewing my blog on a laptop). Or you can just click here: https://www.wheelingit.us/blog-links-resources/
Thank you so much Nina for the info on bloggers that you follow! You have so much detailed info!
One last question. How do you create your travel map for each year? I would like to do the same for our travels. Appreciate you time and reply! Thanks so much!
Here’s a blog post with all my recommended mapping links, as well as the specific ones I use:
Mapping Alternatives For Bloggers (And New Wheelingit Maps!)
The call of “home”, where you are from is strong. I felt it after being away twice for extended periods. I used to travel to Europe all the time mostly for business. Just my humble opinion, but Italy is not as well set up for RV travel as say Arizona. But the World is a big place to explore and you have to keep up a pretty good pace if you want to see it all. Best of luck. I have enjoyed reading your blog since about when you started it. In a number of cases I have taken your advice on campgrounds and places to go. My favorite are the State beaches in Oregon. We love the town of Manzanita and would likely have not discovered it if it were not for you. Thank You. Bob
We’re prepared for some pretty serious adjustments in RV travel (smaller rig, smaller roads, smaller campsites!), but hopefully it’ll still be fun. Gonna miss those wide-open SW views though. I know we’re coming back to them one day….
I’m so excited for you, very curious how the whole pet move will go, we moved to Hawaii from California and our 2 Shar-Pei’s were in quarantine for 3 months, ( very hard on one of the girls we almost lost her to a fever).
Looking forward to any info on traveling Europe ( my husband won’t travel out of the US so I’ll be looking for you to keep us all informed of your travels !
Good luck to you all and health and happiness to your families
Quarantine is one of the hardest things to do w/ pets. Thankfully zero quarantine for us in Europe, so it should just be a case of getting them over there (with all the right documents of course) and we’re in.
We are so crazy excited for you 🙂
Congratulations! I look forward to seeing many lovely photos from Europe!!
YAY Nina and Paul! That is exciting news indeed! We are excited for you and are cheering you on.
Our very best wishes to your Dad as he progresses though his treatment.
I’m sure your family is thrilled to have you close, especially in time for your sister’s baby.
We look forward to following along your travels.
Cheers to you and your next adventures!
Warm hugs,
Lisa and Jason Reich
I can’t quite believe I’m going to be an Auntie, for the second time (my brother also has a kiddie….and as an added bonus he’s also moving back to Europe!). So it’ll be great to be close to everyone.
This is wonderful. A great adventure, part two!
I’m a new follower of your blog and am so thankful for the work you’ve put into it and the valuable detailed information that you’ve provided to your readers. We are starting to put our lives in order for a nomadic life in the USA ourselves, so have found this site very helpful. (I’m hoping that with your new content, you will also archive or make available still all you have here on your site now??)
Sending positive thoughts and prayers for your family, for your Dad’s battle and your sister’s new baby, and for the two of you and your pets that you have as amazing a traveling life in Europe as you’ve had here!
And thank you again, for generously sharing all that you’ve researched, experienced and learned in how to successfully be a full-time RVer in the United States.
All my existing content will def stay on here. So the maps, reviews, posts from USA will all remain accessible. I’ll have to think about how I’m going to organize everything so it doesn’t look too messy, but it’ll be here!
Good for you! Best wishes and we look forward to seeing your new rig and hearing about your travels in Europe. I have only been to France.
Best wishes to you guys
Looking forward to seeing what your changes bring.
Safe travels to you all ☺
This change sounds sooo exciting!! I discovered your blog recently and it has been extremely helpful and my hubby and I plan for our own RV adventures, hopefully soon. Thank you and all the best to you!
Couldn’t believe what I was reading! Very happy for you guys, however sad for me. I love your reviews on your travels, & have found your campground reviews very helpful and spot on with the places we have traveled. I often refer to your reviews, & still will, when making plans. I hope to follow your travels in Europe as well. I wish you luck in your new adventure, & glad you will be closer to family during both a happy and sad time.
You know what an incredible inspiration and fount of knowledge you have been for hundreds of us, part timers, full timers, wanna be timers. I am thrilled for you, and know what an exciting decision this must be for you. Eight years on the road, and really, you have seen soooo much, how much more is out there waiting for you in Europe. I can’t wait to read all the nitty gritty. I would have no clue how to go about something like this, and while I will no doubt never do it, it is still fascinating. Thrilled for all of you, Nina! And especially thrilled for myself personally that you will continue the Wheelin It blog. On my top five favorites, for sure!
Congrats on your new adventure!! I look forward to following you on your blog. I retired 5 years ago, we live in Texas and hop in to our trailer and head to cooler and less humid locations in the summer. Your blogs has been a fantastic resource for us. We have literally followed several of your routes and stayed at many of the campgrounds that you stayed in. Will your past blog information continue to be available (I hope so)? Thanks for all the great adventures and helpful resources.
Good Luck on your new adventures in Europe! We look forward to your European Blog as we are contemplating a similar move in the future. My husband is Norwegian and has new grand babies in Norway and Denmark. We feel the pull of being more involved with them and hope to spend at least 1/2 the year there once I retire. Best wishes to you both!
Sweeet! Norway is one of our #1 targets to explore in Europe. Not only have I never been, but I’ve always wanted to see the Fjords. I figure we’ll spend a good amount of time in Scandinavia (during the summer of course).
And why not. That’s the whole point of being a full time rver is that we can go where we want when we want without too many things tying us down. Once we’ve criss crossed this country a few times the next thing would be to go somewhere else and explore the heck out of it as well. I’m sorry about your dad, though, but look forward to following you along your travels. Go get-er-done because you’ve got a backseat full of friends right there with you
Good for you! It sounds like a fabulous adventure and I look forward to continuing to follow your travels in Europe! Safe travels and warm blessings!
We knew if was just a matter of time before you two did something totally different. We are so thrilled for all of you and I will admit to being super envious as well. Terry and I knew that our RVing days were short numbered as we set our sights beyond our borders. We could totally see ourselves doing something like you are embarking on, and at a minimum, we will be spending more and more time on international travels.
It is wonderful that you will be closer to your father during his treatments. Having a hubby who has been through a recurrence of cancer, I saw firsthand how important the support was during treatments.
Perhaps we will see you two in England or France one day. That would be super cool! We wish you both the very best as you embark on this new journey. Big hugs to you both!
Who knows…perhaps you’ll come caravan with us over in Europe once we get there? I still remember (very fondly) our caravan together down Hwy 395 in CA/NV. It could be fun to re-create that experience in Europe.
We will certainly keep that in mine Nina. We still often talk about our caravan down the 395 with the two of you.
In a over-all sense, how is RVing different in Europe than the US? Boon-docking opportunities like BLM lands? Campgrounds like we have here in the US?
Been following you two from the beginning with all the in-depth reviews, especially the review (Schoodic) on the campgrounds in Acadia NP. a few months back.
Smaller rigs, smaller roads. They do have campgrounds like we do, but hookups tend to be electric only and typically lower amperage (max around 16 amps at 220V). No BLM lands but lots of free Aires where you can overnight. I’m sure I’ll learn more!!
How exciting! I love that you are going to be near family, especially with these upcoming events. I so hope your father’s treatment goes well. Good luck and can’t wit to follow you along.
Wished me you all the best in your journey
to Europe. Looking forward to hearing about your new adventures!
Awesome! Sounds like a great way to mix things up and get family time more often! Super curious to hear how the pet side goes, Christine and I have talked about this option many times but have always decided to wait until we were between pets. Maybe your experience will encourage us to move that timetable forward! Congrats on making the big decision!
The pets are a major consideration for us. Thankfully we have experience (we transported the cats from USA to Hong Kong and back to USA in 2004), so we kinda have an idea of what’s involved. It’s still nerve-wracking, but we think we have a good plan. I’ll be blogging about this in detail.
Best of luck , wish you 2 the best . I hope Paul will keep up his great work also , but from a different time zone .
YES, fear not! Paul’s work will continue (and likely expand) while we’re in Europe.
We too have some Europe plans in our future we jsut ahven’t put it all together yet and unlike you we haven’t set a date… Why? Well we still like what we are doing!
Congratulations that so wonderful! I have enjoyed all your writings and videos the last couple years. You guys have been and inspiration for my husband and I and we just went full time 7 months ago. Thank you and looking so forward to following your adventures in Europe!
You go, girl! I’ll still be following along.
And what a great deal for whoever buys the Beast. You are generous people.
I’ll be hitching a virtual ride with you guys. Sounds wonderfully exciting and thanks for continuing the blog.
Wishing you well on your European adventure! Also for your father!
Oh Nina, what a wonderful, exciting next step for you and Paul. I bet your family is over the moon at the prospect of having on their side of the pond!!! SO sorry to hear that your fathers cancer has returned and the need to be closer to him must have really been weighting on you.
Knowing what an amazing detail monster you are please, please, please do a detailed post sometime in the future covering the pets, process and paperwork to get them to Europe, how they handle the transition, etc. We would love to do some time in Europe in once we wear out the US, travel the Great Loop on our boat and cross off some other bucket list to do’s. Hoping we can keep learning from your experience abroad 🙂
Congratulation and Bon Voyage!!!
I will DEFINITELY be delving into the details of transporting pets over the pond. I expect at least a few posts on that experience.
Wow! Congrats on the next chapter in the journey! I have always enjoyed your blog and you have shared so much great info for newbs (like I was) and experienced nomads all along the way.
Wish I had the pleasure of meeting you guys in person.
I look forward to reading of your new adventures and how nomading is in Europe!
Cheers, and all the best!
Which European blogs have you been reading and which forums did you subscribe too.
I’ve been in these forums:
The American RV Club: http://www.arvclub.co.uk/
The RV Owners Club: https://www.rvoc.co.uk/forum/
The Caravan Club: https://www.caravanclub.co.uk/about-us/
And these are some of the blogs I’ve read:
Our Tour: http://ourtour.co.uk/home/
Our Travels With Rover: http://ourtravelswithrover.com/
Travels With Papillon: http://www.papillontravels.net/
Europe By Camper: http://www.europebycamper.com/
Not all of these are kept up-to-date (Our Tour is the most active blog), and some of them are specific to US-type motorhomes in Europe (we were toying w/ the idea of shipping over a Class C or van at one point, but have decided against it), but they should get you started.
Good for you, enjoy your new adventure. Looking forward to reading all about it.
Have been looking forward to hearing your plans and was oddly emotional reading them. Very happy for you. Love Europe, add in family time and new adventures… you’ve hatched a great plan. Best wishes and strength to your father.
You will be missed. Our New Class B is ready for Full timing. Just have to pick it up. We, like some of your follower’s listed above, will be newbies at age 79. Will look forward to your Europe adventures.
How exciting for you to start your adventures! Wish you the best of travels.
I have followed your blog now for a few years, and derived a lot of entertainment, a lot of location info, a lot of things to do ideas, and enjoyed all your photography and prose. Thanks!!! Europe, well ya, I’m down with that. What an adventure. You know where you might be going next don’t you? Many euro rv’ers go boondocking in Africa. Now, that would kick it up another notch. During your travels in Europe, I would guess you will bump into fellow RVers and they will have the scoop.
Meanwhile, we are doing our first trip to Europe in a decade. We are going cruising on the Rhine/Danube this next May. We will wave your way if you happen to be in the area.
Congrats on the new plan. So sorry to hear you must sell the Beast, it was the inspiration behind my solar installation.
Yeah, we’ve read a few European blogs that detail winter trips into North Africa. Don’t know (yet) if we’ll go that route, mostly because of the pets (it’s do-able with a dog, but I don’t know how much more difficult it would be with a dog and two cats?), but we are definitely going to investigate it further once we get over there. I know that Morocco and Tunisia are popular locations.
Best of luck to you and Paul. I have been following your blog for several years and I feel as if I know you both personally. I hope you continue posting your adventures and your life experiences. Your photo’s have been exceptional. Your travels have been an inspiration to living a lifestyle that is non traditional. I hope you continue your blog. As I said before, it would make a good movie some day.
I can’t wait to read Wheelingit Europe. I’ve totally enjoyed following your journey –and you’ve provided me with so much information for mine. Thank you thank you thank you
Wishing you the best in your European adventure. As you know you guys are the first full timers that we met when we had you over for dinner at our house in San Diego in 2012 and then you returned the dinner at your RV at Santee Lakes and now we have been full timers for 5 1/2 years. I am looking forward to your blog posts about your new adventures, challenges and fun times. Missing you here at Mission Bay RV Resort. This may be our last stay here, as 2018 may bring new adventures for Metamorphosis Road as well. We will do our big Reveal as it happens! Happy New Year and best Wishes…. Hans and Lisa
I still remember that dinner (it was awesome by the way)! Can’t quite believe it’s been that long, but time flies. I’ll be excited to follow your plans for 2018. Seems there is a lot of change in the air for many of our RV buddies this year.
Well this makes me very happy, but very sad, but very happy…. Congratulations to you both on this awesome next chapter of your travels! It really is such a cool idea and it makes complete sense to be near your family when all of these things are happening. I am sad that we won’t be seeing your reviews and posts about the U.S. anymore, but thrilled to know that all of your incredible content will remain available. Your site has been a HUGE part of getting us on the road and giving us the confidence we need to travel full time and you’ve saved us loads of time with your helpful campground reviews and planning posts. I can’t thank you enough. Best wishes to you and your family. I can’t wait to read all about this incredible transition!
We’re sad too. Gonna miss all our friends over here in the USA, as well as those sweeping SW desert views and my beloved OR coast. I know we’ll be back though, so it’s just something to look forward to down the road. Change is always like this….exciting yet bittersweet.
There are many emotions swirling about with your announcement, but bittersweet is the one perfect description! We know it’s the right move for you two. Yet we are saddened at the emptyness that will be left behind in our one-sided friendship. Some lived the American RV lifestyle vicariously through you and your wonderful blog. While others looked forward to the day when by chance they’d pull into a campground and find themselves parked next to The Beast. I’m saddened to think that getting to know you both for real while watching yet another spectacular desert sunset, will never be possible. Though we are complete strangers, in our minds, you, Paul and Polly are great lifelong friends. That happened because you graciously shared so much of your lives, your adventures and your feelings with us. Though we all resist, transition and change are natural. It’s the way we learn and grow. It has happened before and it will happen again – Odyssey, Wynns, Technomadia and now Wheelingit – all moved on to their other dreams. At one time each was a mandatory read, but most are now relegated the reference section of our minds. Our common interests took different paths and even though we tried to follow, letting go was the best path. I know each and every one of your readers wishes you all the best. Thank you for everything!! So when does your ‘The American RV Experience’ book come out?
PS – The Quartzsite extravaganza starts next week, with KOFA after to regain ones sanity. Wish you were here!
Wow! I’ve enjoyed everything you’ve written so far; looking forward to living vicariously through your upcoming travels as well!
Best of luck to you and Paul in your new venture. And since we have enjoyed your posts for a few years now, we look forward to following along on your new journey. We’ve made use of a few of your west coast camping suggestions (thanks!) , and still mine your older posts for some of that info. Looking forward to your European RV adventures.
A new adventure! If that’s what you need go for it!
I’m looking forward to your blogs on how this works out as well as your European adventures. You do have the writing gift.
Keep having fun!
Can’t wait to read your Europe RV blog. We’ve talked about doing that too. How much are you selling the beast for? Thanks for the great blog here. It is such a terrific resource. Good luck in Europe.
Adorable video you two. Hoping to catch up with you before you leave – and maybe after too.
Yes, hopefully we’ll see you in Miami soon. Definitely would love to catch up before we leave.
Hurray!! more interesting blog entries, AND from Europe. Looking forward to the adventure—vicariously. Will be another couple of years before we can go out again, when the Grandchildren will all be in school. Right now hope to get a Leisure too, nice to know that you would recommend one.
Take care and enjoy your travels.
Have to admit we fell in love with the layout (and usability) of the Leisure Travel Vans when we saw them. We have no personal experience traveling in one, of course, but out of all the smaller rigs we looked at they were easily our top choice.
Well I personally want to thank you for sharing so much with us. I have learned a lot from you over the years and was so helpful when we started full-timeing . Enjoy your new adventure.
Congratulations although I did sort of see this coming! We wish you all the best for your family and safe travels as you embark on this new adventure 🙂
Another awesome adventure…or should I say continuing the awesome adventure!?!?! Looking forward to reading about it all!
Wow big plans!! We started full-timing a year behind you and I follow your blog regularly. I remember when you guys started there were only a few full time travel bloggers, how things have changed. We use your travel information all the time and will continue to refer to the information. Hopefully your blog stays intact. We will watch your new adventure while we continue our full time travel….stay safe
So true! When we started on the road there were only a few “big” blogs out there (we were fans of Technomadia, Gypsy Journal, Bayfield Bunch, and of course Tioga George). In 8 years that landscape has certainly changed and there are now thousands of RV blogs (and Vloggers, and IG’ers and whatnot) out there. It’s been great to see the interest grow, but it’s also been (at times) overwhelming. Very happy my blog has been a good resource for you 🙂
So exciting! Looking forward to following along on your new adventures. We also left San Diego with no regrets and are in our third year of fulltiming. Thank you for all your useful information.
So awesome to hear. We loved San Diego when we lived there (and still do), but we’ve loved fulltiming more. I wish you many more years of adventures!
We were very close to doing this also. I had two years planned out. But Bev was not willing to leave the US while her mother was still with us. So we delayed. In the mean time other ideas crossed our paths. I believe you know Chris and Cheri (Technomadia). Well, doing the Great Loop like they are doing is another idea we had. But, something else came along and we have ended up purchasing a townhouse in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico (https://internationalliving.com/countries/mexico/san-miguel-de-allende-mexico/). So we are also turning a new page in our book of life. We intend to snowbird down there half the year and travel in our RV for the other half, at least for the next few years. Then, assuming we continue to love it in San Miguel, we will finally hang up the keys and more down there for good (or at least until another idea crosses our path).
Enjoy your time in Europe. We will be following along via your posts.
— jc&bev
I totally get the change in plans, and have been thro’ several versions ourselves. Mexico was actually in our plans too at one point! I bought several books on Mexico and followed a few bloggers who went that way. I could see us going there (in the future), perhaps after our Europe plans have run their course. One day we’ll be back Stateside, and then we’ve got lots of bucket list items both here, in Mexico and in Canada.
Best of luck w/ the part-time plans! I think it’s a wonderful mix.
You have an open invitation to come stay with us in San Miguel. We have a 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath townhouse overlooking the beautiful downtown. You get there and we provide room and board! Hope you can make it.
— jc&bev
I have seen those RVs and campground in Europe, and yep they are small! I’m sure that won’t stop you from jumping across the pond to be with family a well thought of decision.
I’m looking forward to all the great adventures you will be having and who knows you will be trailblazing again for us there. Now we have a resource should we try RVng in Europe!
Wishing you all the best. No doubt you will make it a grand adventure.
Lorrie in San Diego heading home to PNW.
Eight years must be the magic number. Seems there are several of us making a change along with you and Paul! We will be making a change very soon, as well. Hopefully, March will be our changing month!! We’ll keep you posted.
Congratulations on your new life plan! Love what you are doing, and I know how special it will be for your father to have you both near. Wishing him the best as he fights battle #2. How exciting that you are going to be an aunt!!
Looking forward to your new blog!
No way! I had no idea you guys were undergoing a change this year too. I’ll be watching your blog in anticipation!
It’s funny how it just hits you! If you had asked me in September, I would have said we have years left on the road. Funny when the right place is found, you just know it. We were spending a month in Boulder City, NV so we could fly out of Vegas east for a couple weeks. And there are lots of hikes we wanted to do in the area that we missed. Well…while walking through the cute little downtown we commented to each other how comfortable we felt here. There are six huge hiking areas within an hour, a 34 mile beautiful paved bike loop, a gorgeous lake, shopping within 20 mins, a college in Vegas, entertainment and restaurants, an airport, and quiet with lots of green and hiking within feet in little Boulder City. The weather is favorable all year with the heat not as bad as Tucson in the summer. Turns out we were both getting tired of the lack of privacy and we are anxious to get another motorcycle. This area is so close to many areas we love. So…we are returning in March to look at houses and property in Boulder City. If we don’t find anything, we will have a realtor looking for what we want. To say we are excited is an understatement. We will have a place that we can keep our MH on the property. We aren’t finished on the road, just not fulltime. We’ll keep you posted!!!
SUPER excited for you Pam! That sounds wonderful!
Watch out for the narrow roads in Scotland. Most interesting places like Isle of Skye have roads the width of our bike paths here in the Florida Keys. Oh and don’t forget they drive on the left and the small RVs speed by you just inches away.
We “ evacuated “ from Hurricane Irma to Amsterdam & Scotland and I drove in Scotland and it was intense to shift on the left, sort of good practice for dodging debris in the lower Keys.
Stop by and say hello here on Big Torch Key. We are headed out on our test trip in our new Winnebago 22r to Collier-Seminole State Park to try our 16 ft Sea Eagle inflatable canoe that fits nicely in a cargo hold. We thank you for the helpful tips from your blog. I’ll be headed up to the Suwannee as well after reading your review. I canoed the length of that river in 1971 and think it is a special place.
God Speed
I know those roads well! I actually got my drivers licence (back in the day as a student) in the UK, so I have *some* experience with gear-shifts and the wrong side of the road (or should I call it the “right” side now?). However it’s been a few {{cough, cough}} years now though so I know it’s going to be a steep re-learning curve.
I must say I am a bit sad. Now that we have our home base in Sequim, WA, I have had daydreams about meeting you up here at some point just to say thank you for all the great information you have put out. Well here is my “thank you” and a wish for more wonderful memories for you in Europe. Enjoy!
I have SO many fond memories of our summer in WA! And the lavender festival in Sequim (I can still smell it). Although we spent several months in WA I felt like we barely scratched the surface of what there was to see. One day, we’ll be back….
So that’s what the discontented feeling is about, time for change. Good for you two to keep following the ever changing dreams of life. This sounds like an awesome idea.
I’ve been following you and Paul since your first winter in Florida. Your tips, routes, and campground reviews have been of tremendous value. Currently we are in North Palm Springs (about 5 miles from Sam’s Family RV Resort). Can’t begin to thank-you enough for the info in the blog. I look forward to following the European adventure as it unfolds.
Ah, the SW desert. I do feel a heart tug when I think of it. Super impressed you’ve been following the blog for that long, and hope you enjoy your winter in the desert as much as we always have. Continued good travels to you!
Wow, exciting Big News! We have just came off the road after a 18 month amazing journey around the USA! Your blog gave us much inspiration and CG info. We are settling down about a year or so (taking cruises and enjoying our family and friends). We also love Europe and plan to spend the summer of 2019, renting an apartment in Amsterdam for a month followed by a small villa in Tuscany for a month. We are envious of your new and amazing journey on the other side of the pond and await your blog posts with great anticipation! Following your hearts (and weather) is also our motto! Hugs to you both and your family! May you have many kilometers of smiles!
Great itinerary! Sound like you’ve had (and are going to have) so many exciting adventures! Good travels to you too.
When we decided 4 years ago to start RVing 6 months in the US, you were not only inspirational but a mine of tips and information…. Our paths did not cross in the US, but as you are coming our way (Europe is big I know ! ) we are expecting you and the fury ones at our old family home in French Alps or (old habits being hard to die), are offering lovely secluded boondocking sites for as long as you wish.
Bonne chance
Sweeeet! Ça a l’air formidable! We’ll def look you up when we get over there.
Fantastic! How thrilling! New adventures should always give a shiver of anticipation and a smidge of anxious energy!!! Bravo! Prayers for Dad, and for healthy new baby!!! And to you, continued success! I wish we could buy the big big beast, we were able to purchase our 40ft Fleetwood 1998 American Tradition class A diesel cash and the freedom of “no payments” gives us a special thrill! I’ll pass along the ad when you post!
Safe travels!
I have really enjoyed your travel posts over the past few years. We have been to most of those places over the past nineteen years full-timing I still enjoy reading about your adventures. I look forward to the posts of your adventures in Europe. There is so much history there. I especially look forward to your adventures in Scandinavia. Three sides of my family are from Denmark and it would be great to see some of your advance scouting. 🙂 I look forward to get there sometime in the next few years. I wish your family the best and also to you and Paul. Hugs to you both!
I’m especially excited for Scandinavia too. Of course there’s my family there (and all my family history), some of which I already know well. However there’s still much I haven’t explored, plus I’ve never been to Norway (ever!) so that’ll be totally new. Very much looking forward to that discovery.
Exciting new!! I have loved your blog from the day I found it years ago. I’ve enjoyed reading all that you have thoughtfully put together with all kinds of information besides just traveling. It’s been a big help to me, although the hounds and I do not travel since Stella arrived. Non of my business but I have to say the option you choose is much much better than the other two options you were within minutes of doing.
I look forward to following your European adventures.
This is tremendously exciting news, and I can’t wait to read about your European adventures (and enjoy fabulous photos) described with your unique style! We so enjoyed briefly meeting you and Paul at Jonathan Dickinson during Thanksgiving week. It was serendipitous to run into you and have the chance to thank you in person for inspiring us to jump into full-timing. I just gave my notice at work and we head out in about a month for a period of North American travel of undetermined length, where we will surely take advantage of your great reviews and recommendations to have an incredible experience. Best of luck with your big changes ahead.
I’m emensley happy for you, hubby and the pups. I know you will love the adventure same as you have in America bc you make your own happiness. Most important I’m thrilled for you to be with sis and Dad. You will rely on the love you give and receive in a million moments that will console you forever.
Lastly, I will miss you so much but we’ve never met. I attribute our friendship to your writing communication skill and genuiness.
We visited Europe Sep-Oct 2017 for a wedding and travel 3 weeks in Poland, week in France, week in Italy.
Poland is a history lesson of incredible proportions wherever you travel. One example: following WW II Germany was held legally responsible for demolishing Poland and robbing the country.of valuables. Germany agreed to pay and still owes the debt, but Angela Merkle, Chancelor of Germany says Germany doesn’t owe anything more bc during the Russian Communist occupation of Poland (ended 1989 w/President Reagan… “tear down this wall”) Poland delivered a letter to Merkle’s predecessors relieving Germany of any further payment. Poland declares Russian Communist occupiers were in collusion with Germany by putting a gun to the head of Poland signers and instructed them to sign the letter forgiving Germany of payment. Poland is not in the EUROPEAN and is thriving with growth and rebuilding. 97% Catholic an safe anytime of day wherever you travel.
2nd trip to France, our highlights were Normandy Utah Beach where my wife’s Dad landed WW II, Lourdes and candelight prayer walk, Evers… Bernadettes resting place and viewing her incorrupt body as If the day of her funeral. Paris of course and Notre Dame Cathedral.
FYI the Pope comes to St Peters Square Wed mornings, unwitting we just happened to visit Wed morning and saw Pope Francis from 40 yards. Could have been 25′ if we wanted to rush around with the younger crowd to the most advantageous fence line. Tour the Castle connected to the Vatican City.
Venice everything, fond memory seated at outdoor restaurant watching children leave school in the narrow walks and their antics heading home. And a soccer ball bounding through the narrowest of alleys as tourists miss stopping the ball, kids hallowing their chase bounding around a tight corner as I sized up the scale and kicked the ball back to them… then hearing their chatter running back through their alley size soccer field.
See posts from our trip on Trip Advisor.
All the best to you and all the family, we’ll be looking for you to return to America and hope to see you on the road someday.
Kind Regards,
European history is so rich, and it’s one of the things we’re very much looking forward to. We’ve loved exploring the history in the USA, although much of the town history we’ve experienced is rather “new” compared to Europe (Native American history is incredibly old and another story, of course). We’ve lived in Europe before so we’ve had our share of exploration there, but there is so much we still haven’t seen. It’s going to be good….
OMG that is an amazing idea. We wish you all the best. You have been in inspiration to us. We are about 30 days away from hitting our full timing life and very excited. You have provided us with not only inspiration, but with loads of information that have been invaluable to our planning.
So very glad to hear that you will keep posting. Aside from information, you provide a quality read every time and I always look forward to the next.
We too will be starting a blog. Our website (under construction) will be http://www.namasteinmyrv.com. We will have links on facebook and Instagram as well.
BTW, we too are heading to our new domicile in Busnell, Fl (Escapees Site) hoping we don’t get another deep freeze up here in ohio.
We wish you all the best.
Ray Leslie and the cattle dogs
Europe? About bloody time! So here’s a little intro-to-Europe project for you. Visit the 4 corners of mainland Europe.
Northernmost – Nordkapp in Norway. It’s approximately the same latitude as the north coast of Alaska but ice free all year round. Actually, the cape to the west is about 1.5 km further north and is a relatively easy five hour return walk.
Easternmost – Hattuuvaara, Finland. This is to the east of St Petersburg and well to the east of the Bosporus; very nearly on the Turkish Syrian border. You have to get permission from the local police station as you have to drive through the no-mans land alongside the Russian border. In fact there is nothing to stop you from wandering into Russia 😉
Southernmost – Tarifa, Spain; from where you can easily see the north coast of Africa. To get further south than that you have to visit either Crete or Cyprus.
Westernmost – Cabo da Roca, Portugal. Surprisingly, until you look at the map, that is to the west of everywhere in the UK. To get further west you have to visit the Dingle Peninsular on the west coast of Ireland. And of course, Iceland is in Europe! There is a car ferry from Danmark to Iceland which goes via the Faroe Islands. Go on!!
Sticking to mainland Europe, that is a round trip of about 10,000 miles.
Excellent tips. They’re all added to “the list”!
Just want to send my best wishes for an easy turnover to Euroean RVing. It will certainly be interesting reading about your challenges and adventures. Good luck in 2018 in leaving an ‘old life’ behind and moving on to ‘a new world”!
That is just awesome and I can’t wait to read about your adventures in Europe! I just wanted to comment on your choice of a smaller RV since you mentioned you almost bought a Leisure Travel Unity. We have owned two class B+ Leisure Travel vans, the last one was a Unity. These are beautiful vehicles and wonderfully designed and we did love each of them for different reasons. We are not full timers but after spending a couple of months on the road in the Unity model that has a Murphy bed, we decided to sell it and get something else. Why? We wanted something that enabled the bed to be out all the time while camped. Taking a nap while my spouse is sitting at the table and having a separate room available is something we didn’t have. So we opted for a Winnebago 2016 Navion on a Mercedes diesel) Chas is. It has 2 slide outs – one for the bed, one for the dining area. we removed the 2nd mattress from the overhead (driver area) space so it makes for terrific storage! It all worked out perfectly for our 2 month trip this Fall. I am not advertising for Winnebago, nor am I dismissing the gorgeous Unity rig. But when you are in these small things two slide outs and separate spaces are so great! (We flat tow a small Honda Fit which is surprisingly roomy in the back for our dog, foldable kayak, chairs, etc). As experienced RVers you may have thought of these things already. I can’t wait to hear about your Europe travels!
Interesting to read your analysis. The one thing we both loved (and yet feared we might come to hate) about the Unity was that Murphy bed. It’s so snazzy in that it maximizes your day-time living space, but it also means you have to make your bed every night (and unmake it every morning) which can become old real fast. We experienced this first-hand when we rented a van in Australia many years ago that only had space for either a dinette, or a bed (when converted). So, we weren’t sure how we’d adapt to it in the Unity. Nice to know that new Winnebago has slides.
Wow, Nina, that sounds like amazing plans. I cannot wait to follow you to Europe. How exciting!!
We had the 25 foot Solera on a Mercedes —-although beautiful inside and out, we found it very small for full timing. It would be a nice 1-2 month rig, even with the permanent bed in place and a small dinette, we tired of needing to be outside to have some privacy. With two pets I would never consider a small rig full time.
On the other hand my friends just did 3 years in Europe, buying a small van camper for the adventure as they knew Europe would be difficult in anything larger and they were correct. Upon leaving this fall, they sold it back to the dealer. They could easily drive on the small roads and into villages and found many beautiful small camping sites—and they are hikers like you and Paul. Good Luck on your adventures, I will look forward to your Euro-Blog
I think we (Paul and I) can adjust to a small rig fairly easily and Polly (our dog) will adjust fairly easily too, but I know it will be a MAJOR adjustment for the cats. They’re used to having the run of 40 feet with at least 8 different “sleeping spots”. We’re going to have to figure out how to handle that once we get over there….maybe part-time travel is the key? or going slower? They’re leash-trained so they can go outside, but even then it will be a challenge. We’ll see…..
Oh, WOW! What thrilling news…bittersweet, but thrilling. So sorry to hear about your Dad, but I trust he will have renewed strength and courage with you two nearby. And I know how excited you must be about your sister’s news!
I so love how you guys “keep it fresh,” always creating what you want out of life, facing down the challenges with gusto. It’s inspirational, particularly to those of us fellow wanderers.
I hope the next time I share a bottle of wine with you two, it will be somewhere along the south of France, Spain, or somewhere steeped in nature’s beauty…meanwhile, I am so excited to follow along on the blog!
Best of luck, my friends.
So excited for your new adventures!! I was born in the Netherlands and am so excited to read about your travels in Europe. We have been fulltiming for just over a year now and I’ve been following your blog for a few years. Yours was one of the first I followed and it led me to others like Technomads. You were part of the reason I wanted to go full time sooner rather than later. We did have to wait till we retired though.
We’ve used your experiences and equipment reviews as one of our go to’s When looking for items. After reading about your 40’ Beast I felt so much more comfortable with our choice of coach. We have a 40’ 2013 Damon Tuscany with 5 slides.
Right now we’re in Virginia in the very cold weather. Had – 3° overnight and despite all our preparations have frozen waterlines and tank hoses. It will be warmer by Tuesday so we aren’t really overly concerned. We’re heading to Florida the end of the week to visit family and then even further south. We’ll be giving the coach a rest and will drive down to the Keys in February for a week.
You actually followed our route this summer. Every time I read your post it had a review of where we were a few weeks earlier. Love your musings on all the different things you experience and places you stay. You have some of the best and most detailed campground reviews and we use your recommendations when making plans.
I wish you all the best with your plans and hope it all goes smoothly. Will keep your father and your family in my prayers. I know what you’re going through unfortunately.
So exciting!! Although selfishly I’m bummed we never got to meet up on the road 🙁 I found you from a picture of Paul in the zero gravity chair in the desert on Pinterest, and that was my first introduction to fulltime RV bloggers!! From that simple beginning we’ve met so many wonderful bloggers and enjoyed 2.5 years on the road! You’ll always be our “first” and I know I’ll continue to enjoy following your travels abroad. All the best in your new adventures.
I know EXACTLY which picture you’re talking about! We’re happy to be your “first” and that you’ve enjoyed 2.5 years on the road. How wonderful.
Dear Nina and Paul,
Wow! I am so excited for you! That is a post loaded with news and emotions. Don’t know where to start! Family things are of course great reasons to lay in a new course. Now if there is anything we can do for you in preparation of this new stage in your travels, let us know.
Your decision to buy an RV here is a smart one. We bought an Airstream in Canada in 2016 and shipped it home. We had a lot of adjustments to do before we could get it registered: not only the electric, but also the lights. The wiring is not the problem. Because the voltage is twice as high, the current needed to power your appliances is cut in half, so the wiring is fine. It is of course the outlets that need changing and then you need a converter for all your built-in 110V appliances (fridge, microwave, a/c etc.) and you will have two circuits running through your RV, a 110V and a 220V circuit (which in fact are 115V and 230V but nobody calls it that) which makes it very complicated. And you would have to change all the outside lights to comply with European standards; especially the turn signals and brake lights are a pain when converting from North America to Europe. Buying a rig here eliminates all that so we think you made a good choice there.
European campgrounds are slowly adjusting to motorhomes, but full hookups are still very rare. We now have our Airstream on a campground with full hookups, but the water supply is cut off when it gets cold to prevent the system from freezing and the sewer is just a small drain meant only for grey water. So we have a special contraption that grinds the waste from the black tank and makes it digestible for the drain. It is legal, because in the end, all wastewater goes into the same city sewage system. Many RV’s in Europe don’t have bathrooms, folks just use the facilities at the campgrounds. This is of course because RV’s are much smaller here and every square meter counts. The number of RV’s with bathrooms inside is growing, but 95% of them have a removable black tank that you have to take out and empty at a special dumping station somewhere on the campground. Some campgrounds have a dumping station like in the US, but that is still rare. Public dump stations are nonexistent in Europe as far as we know.
I could go on with all kinds of hints and tips and advice, but maybe you already know all these things so I will quit for now. You can ask me any question you want and we will be happy to assist wherever we can. And of course you can come and park your rig at our place, we have 6,7 acres of land here, so there is always a spot for you. We can hook you up with power and water, maybe we will even have our outside sewer ready by then but that is still unsure.
Good luck with all the preparations and we are looking forward to welcoming you in Europe.
Yeah, I spent a lot of time on European RV forums last year trying to figure out if it made sense for us to buy a small RV here and ship it over the pond. There are lots of details we prefer about US-style RVs including blank tanks (rather than cassettes), slides (which are are only just starting to pop-up in European RVs), larger fridges etc. The shipping part was actually easy, and as long as we owned the RV for more than 6 months before shipping we could avoid VAT & import duties, BUT when we looked at what it would take to get the rig registered in EU (incl. converting it to European standards) it started to get real complicated. We went back and forth on it a bunch of times, but in the end just decided it would be WAY easier to buy in Europe.
And THANK YOU for the generous offer. I’m sure we’ll be taking you up on it.
Your blog is a gold mine of US RV knowledge that I’ve read, bookmarked for later, researched off of, and will refer to again and again. I especially need to talk mama into a Dry Tortugas trip.
Europe is not quite my interest (I want to see all of the states first), but I enjoy the way you present your adventures and will follow faithfully along…and maybe you’ll convince me along the way that I should devote some travel budget elsewhere.
Good luck.
I’m trying to convince Paul to do Dry Tortugas this winter too. It was such an amazing trip for me (and my friend Jil) last year, but he didn’t get to go, and I feel he should before we leave. Total bucket list item!
What an exciting new chapter in your adventurous lives! I traveled for a year in Europe living in a backpacking tent….and looked longingly at the people traveling comfortably in their little caravans (RV’s). We’re coming up on year five in our full-time travels in North America, and have at least a few more years of adventures planned here. But Europe sounds mighty appealing for the future. I’m happy you’ll continue blogging. Wishing you and Paul and your family all the best in the coming year.
So happy for you both! You are amazing people. I am happy for me as well, I ran into your blog 🙂 My husband and I and one dog are leaving on our new adventure – the rest of our lives. We took the plunge – our son bought our house and we have a date to leave for death valley mid February.
Will you keep the same blog address?
Bon Voyage!
Yup, I’m keeping the same blog address. Congrats on your upcoming adventure!
Proving to me yet again that the “7 year itch” does somehow exist in all of us. A sprinter based class A should be perfect for Euro touring.
What fun! 🙂
I’ve read your blog for years, and am delighted that there’s going to be a new “series” to look forward to. 🙂
I have some good friends who might be in the market for a new DP, but don’t know how serious they really are. I’ve send them your announcement blog. Dee & Sandy live outside of Los Angeles, and are avid RVers. Who knows? They just might take the leap from the DP they currently have!
I think this is awesome! And I will be following you closely. My husband and I want to rent an RV and tool around Europe for a month or so. Not exactly what you’re doing, but I’m going to use your experiences as a guide. I wish you light speed as you divest and move forward. The Keys are wonderful and s great place for your last hurray! I’m
Looking forward to hearing all about your new adventures.
Good luck y’all! We are excited for you and can’t wait to read all about RVing in Europe! Sure wish we were ready to take the plunge and totally full time. The “Beast” would have been perfect for that! Bet she goes fast!
What an exciting adventure you have in store! We’ll be following along and look forward to your thoughts on RVing in Europe.
Just found your website yesterday (Jan 7th) while researching our FIRST towable purchase. My wife, of 21 years, and I are hitting the ground this summer in a Little Guy teardrop, and were looking for online advice and stories. Sounds like you guys have really enjoyed your travels, and we will be digging through your blog for quite some time! Have a blast guys, and happy trails!
Congratulations! Hope all goes well with the trip and can’t wait to read about your adventures in Europe. I started reading your blog a couple years ago shortly after buying my first RV. A 33′ Class A Southwind. I love it and hope to transition to full time in a couple years after trading up to a newer RV and retirement. Good luck and Gods speed.
Super exciting news! We are ‘ALL IN’ to learn all about RVing in Europe and cannot think of two better people to pave the way for us! Congratulations from Jojoba Hills, CA! Tracey and Dave (we haven’t met but have mutual friends 😉 )
Well this certainly explains the drop in USA Specialty Brews Futures!!!
Congrats to you both, and sure understand the thought process… Will look forward to Wheelingit.Europe, and in say 10 years — Wheelingit.Africa:)!(?)
Best of luck on this transition… And as you both are veterans of change, you know it’s our friend,
Sorry to say you’re leaving the RV lifestyle here in the US and to hear of your Dad’s recurrence. Family first plain and simple.
Will be following the blog and of course along with Paul and his site. Hoping the new environment brings you even more happiness. No better write up on ACA out there. So many thanks for all your efforts.
You have given us much joy and many excellent RVing tips. Thank you for the years of well documented adventures. We are looking forward to following your future adventures in Europe. We’ll also be looking for a possible future set of coffee table photobooks of RVing in the USA and Europe authoried by you.
Best wish to you and your family. Safe journeys and keep following your heart.
Steve (ex CY)
Good for you! That’s great news. We hope to hear good things about your dad and your sister’s pregnancy.
Europe is so gorgeous (well at least Austria and Germany, which is where we spent a short amount of time). I’d love to go back and hike the Alps, see Switzerland and Lichtenstein. Have a wonderful adventure!
Congratulations for all your upcoming changes. I am glad that at your age you realize how important family is. When your priorities are straight then everything falls into place. I believe we are all exactly where we are meant to be in the universe at any given time. Follow you heart and have a wonderful adventure.
All the best to you and your whole family. My husband is in the global Oncology business, so if your Dad will not mind, please share the type of cancer he is facing and I will see if my hubby has any insights for you.
As for the rig, do you have any walkthrough video tours of her online?
I’ll email you. As for walk-through video of the rig that’ll be coming (but it’s not ready yet).
Several useful links:
This YouTube channel is current and may be worth a look.
Sorry missed one very notable link….
Wowser! I am so happy for you two! It’s so great that you’re going to make this work out for you. I am so looking forward to reading about the details of this. Write on!
Well, well, Nina and Paul! So you are off on a major new direction! Just learned from our friend, Neil, that you were making the move to Europe. So I got on your last post here to get the latest and greatest. Your thinking sure makes a lot of sense and you are bound to have a rich, adventurous life ahead. Congratulations to your sister. Lauren
In the process of downsizing to sell and sethe off full timing in the summer. Found a flyer on a favorite spot you may like to add to your must visit list. Insell Mainau. It is in The Bodensee / Lake Konstanz bordering Switzerland, Germany and Austria. Has very mild weather, ideal for orchids and other gorgeous flowers. Great day trip.
So excited about your next adventure! Also, thank you for introducing us to Leisure Travel Vans… we are in the researching phase and thought that we would buy a 26-30 foot Winnebago Class A, or a similar sized Thor Motor Coach. Then we saw the LTV on your post, and that changed everything. We’ve “built” our ideal model on their website, and will be renting a similar sized Mercedes Transit-based rig this spring to test living in it for a short period. Out of curiosity, what made you lean toward the Unity FX in particular? We are a human couple with an elderly dog running the show. Thanks!
The thing we liked most about the FX was the fact that it had 2 separate “sitting areas”. The couch in the back allows one person to work or hang out in the back while the other works or hangs out in the front. It has a lot of different usable spaces for such a small vehicle. When we went to see the model in person we liked it even better. I do recommend trying to see one in person if you can. You might find the space feels completely different when you’re inside.
Thanks, Nina – we’re looking at the Serenity with the electric sofa/bed in the back for the same reason. We are not yet retired so having two work areas is ideal.
We just found your blog through searching insurance (excellent write-up, thank you) and congratualte you on the plans for Europe. We sold our house & went full-time in 2001, starting with our Toyota Camry we shipped, pulling a 15′ Knaus trailer we bought in Belgium, and explored western Europe for 2 years (minus a couple months in the middle due to frequent flyer tickets that required you to come back within the year) We loved the touring and experiences, you live much more in the local culture from a campground than staying in hotels or B&Bs. Best tip is to look into the British Caravan clubs- lots of members who travel & share their information, and the International Camping Carnet which lets you keep your passport when checking into Cgs. Another camper we “met” online who traveled to some of the same places and wrote a wonderful blog is http://www.soultravelers3.com/ We wish you the best- it is a fantastic experience!
Excellent tips cheers!
I have been a quiet DAILY reader of your posts this past year as my wife and I prepare to follow in your footsteps around the US one year from now… As a noobie, there is no better place to learn and no better people to learn from. Thank you! I’ve bought you a beer or two 🙂 but it isn’t possible to repay for what I have learned.
Oh I wish we could follow you to Europe, but the biggest stumbling block I see to go full Expat is the cost of healthcare… Would love to see a post on how you plan to handle that?
Thank you for HOURS of reading this past year, the amazing tips, and for your future my wife and I will dream about as we follow
So healthcare is actually one of the EASIEST things about moving to Europe! You can buy inexpensive international insurance that is cheaper and waaaaay better than anything you can get in US (esp. if you’re self-employed). Companies like AXA, BUPA, Allianz, IMG etc. offer good plans, as do other providers. Deductibles are generally less (versus US plans) and they’ll cover you in any country you travel in. Most will cover pre-existing conditions too (you just need to specify these up-front).
Five years ago, when hubby and I were prepping to put our house on the market and go full-time, I was following 35 blogs!!! When we hit the road, I dropped 34 of them. Nina, your blog is the only one we continued to follow. I can’t tell you how many campgrounds and locations we’ve added to our bucket list due to your blog and reviews of them. While we’re both sad that we won’t be reading USA blogs from you, we are happy and excited for your new journeys. Thank goodness we can still follow your adventures! Take care!
Cindy and Kevin
I’ve followed your blog for years from Glasgow, Scotland. Today, how ironic, almost to the month when you’re coming to Europe I’m moving (April) to North America.
All the very best on your new adventures, happy trails.
Though I very seldom comment, I have followed your blog for years now, even before we retired in 2015 and bought a really beastly Newmar 43′ DP! We don’t full time but have traveled extensively in the RV the last 3 years, to the tune of 30,000 miles, and absolutely loved it. We have also referenced your blog archives on countless occasions, so thank you for the extensive work you do to keep us informed. 🙂 We have a home in the mountains of North Georgia, but we love the west so much that this year, we are taking the plunge and work camping in Colorado, just outside Rocky Mountain National Park, for the whole season! It is indeed a year of change!
Just an aside, we have loved our big beast, but have been looking at the Leisure Travel Unity Murphy Bed as a some-day purchase when we want/need more freedom to “just go” more spontaneously, as it will fit literally anywhere. After looking at all the brands of Class B out there, it is without question the best quality available.
On a recent trip, we came across a Euro branded RV that looked really interesting, just FYI: http://www.carthago.com/en/motorhomes/
We wish you and Paul the very best in your new adventures and look forward to being inspired to RV Europe one day. All the best to your Dad in his treatment, and all of you in enjoying your new addition to the family too! <3
Thanks for the comment. We’ve been looking at European motorhomes and Carthago is definitely in the running. They have a very nice-looking rear lounge model that has caught our eye, but we’ll have to get inside one before we can be sure. We’ve got 4-5 other manufacturers that we’re looking at too. It’s going to be exciting to shop around again.
Continued good travels to you!
oh wow nina —- it is only now I am catching up to your big change and i feel sad. Which is ridiculous I haven’t seen you guys since San Diego. I guess I always thought things would come full circle (not for just you returning to san diego, but as a metaphor, for the stability that a person may wish would be there. I have been thinking of you guys since I was thinking about getting a camper van or a Class B for a while, but you moving away from the USA makes me question my own life and ask, should I just skip the boondocking here and skip ahead and move to a different country LOL! Wishing you luck. What an enormous undertaking and congratulations — you would not regret it ever spending all the time you can seize with your dad. Two yoga teachers i’ve been having a close working relationship with have in the past year succumbed to cancer. Two healthy people. It uproots what one thinks of as stable and sure, and ask what do you REALLY want to do with the time we have.
So many comments…but I have to add mine….I’ve been following you since we decided to full-time in 2013. We have similar likes/dislikes, large rigs and pets. You’ve been enormously helpful and are the only blog I currently follow. We’ve been talking about taking the show out of the country, but can’t quite visualize what it would look like (RV, van, backpack, house sitting) or where (Central America to South America, Australia/New Zealand, Europe). Our goal is to be ready to leave in about two years (from when, I am not quite sure though ;). Your blog may be just the information we need to come up with a plan. I am so excited for you and me! Thank you! Thank you!
My husband and I are just now doing our homework to prepare for our plan of going full time in 2020. I just recently came upon your blog and absolutely LOVE IT! Your information is so helpful and encouraging. Your big “Reveal” brought tears to my eyes as I imagined the sadness of selling the Beast and the excitement of a new adventure. I thank you for the wonderful information you have shared with all of us preparing for our adventure. I look forward to following your future blogs and wish you all the best in your ongoing travels.
Patty and Brian