Fall Plans (to USA!!) And Life Update
It’s been a while, I know, I know.

It’s the story of my life these days, still trying to find my new balance, that tricky place between living my life and sharing it online. These last 4 months (!!) have been my longest break ever, the absolute longest time I’ve been completely off all social media, at least since I was a young lass before the internet ever even existed.
It’s been an interesting experiment, good in many ways, perhaps a bit lonely in others. I really needed the break, but I can’t deny I’ve also missed the interaction with blog friends old and new.
Lots has happened of course.
Our pets are doing really well, Polly and the two cats. The cats are international travelers now, having made a month-long trek to Italy back in May in the motorhome. If I get organized enough to write about it I will, as it really was an outstanding trip and a place we’ll definitely go back to in the future. Besides who doesn’t dream of la dolce vita, morning cappuccino in the town square, chats with the locals, an aperol spritz, and the passeggiata, the evening walk all Italians take to socialize and take in the air?
It’s the life, it really it is, and given the free daily treats Polly got at the local butchers, she can most pawsitively attest to this.
We’ve also been for a cool trip into the Pyrenees mountains in LMB, I drove to Nice for an awesome week-end to visit a dear friend and we’ve attended several local events. It’s all been good, really.
But the main reason I’m “back” here today is to share my plans for a fall trip to USA, get some feedback and perhaps the chance to meet-up with some of my good blog friends along the way. In fact this whole plan has come together rather quickly and surreptitiously, which makes it both super exciting and comfortable to blog about. My perfect kinda of travel plan.

A Quick Update On France
Before I launch into the deets lemme give you all a quick update on our life here in SW France.

Honestly, apart from this week it’s been a surprisingly easy summer. While the whole world roasted away, our weather stayed unusually cool and mild. It made no sense really, as places just steps from us plunged into deep drought and suffered intense heat-waves whereas our little teeny corner of France just….coasted along?
In fact all was bliss until this week when our first canicule (heat-wave) and the hottest day we’ve ever seen in SW France sent temps rocketing above 43°C (109°F) and everyone into hibernation in their house caves with shutters closed and air on. It was brutal, but 2 days later it’s back down to 16°C (60°F) and rain. Insanity, really!
The pets have loved it, as has the garden too.
We sowed a single packet of Italian cherry tomatoes in Spring that has now become a forest of 60 (!!) bushes so loaded up with candy-sweet fruit we harvest a good kilo almost every other day.

We used a local “no dig” method too, where we just piled a thick layer hay on the ground in early spring, planted in our seedlings (very deep) after a few months, gave it a good watering and then just left it. No pinching of side-shoots, no additional watering, literally nothing at all. It’s been such an outstanding success that I don’t think I’ll ever do tomatoes any other way.
We’ve also enjoyed an abundance of cherries (late Spring), a crazy number of Mirabelle plumbs and Asian pears (right now) and of course an insane supply of zucchini’s.
The latter is an old gardening joke and the fodder for endless memes. Everyone has so many right now you can’t even give the bloody things away, and should someone leave you a multi-ton pile at your doorstep you have to ask yourself what they really mean by it. Forget “sleeping with the fishes”, it’s “crushed by zucchinis” here in SW France!
And Of Course The Paws
The paws are doing great, truly.
Polly is an old girl now and almost completely deaf, but she’s still in great form, loves her daily walks and is very serious about “the schedule”. Her days revolve around food, naps and herding us into action which mostly involves barking when we happen to miss an important event (say, a few seconds late on the morning feed), as she can’t hear anything else at all these days. Oh and of course, she spends many hours keeping track of the cats. A full and adventurous life.
The cats are an absolute pain in the butt and total joy.
Maya is the crazy lover, always wide-eyed and curious, totally enamored with Polly and wants to be involved and wherever we are, preferably with a paw on us just in case we happen to move while she’s asleep. She’s as nuts as she was when she was a teeny kitten, loves to be chased and has taught herself to fetch, a game she’ll play for hours on end on her own or (preferably) with us to throw. She’s so darn cute.
Dante is still a totally chillaxed cat, soft, sweet and docile except for the rare, odd moments when she freaks herself out and springs up in the air like a jack rabbit with her tail puffed up to three times its size (it’s so random). She prefers to spend her days by herself, napping in her special spots, but can also be intensely cuddly and will reach out her paw to you and meow softly when she wants some love. She’s also too darn cute.
Life with pets is more complicated, but IMO always more fun.
And Now, To The Future
So yes I’m going to USA, out West no less, in Oct of this year. Wheeeeeeeeeeee!

It’s been 7 long years (!!!) since I last stepped foot in my beloved PNW. I’ve been planning to go back ever since, but as these things go it just never came together until it suddenly did, just a few weeks ago. Some gentle pushes from Paul, a couple of text exchanges with dear friends and then “the event” that crystalized the dates, the Annular Solar Eclipse in Oregon on Oct 14th.
Oh yes, there we have it baby! That’s the sign.
Once I zoned in on that, everything else fell into place like a line of stacked dominos ready to go. I got my tix booked (on credit card miles, naturally), locked in several visits with close friends, found out my good buddies Technomadia are going to be at Eclipsefest (yeah!) and mapped out a loose itinerary of where(ish) I’m going to travel.

The crazy price of rental cars locked in my final decision of how I was going to do all this, and it’s something I haven’t done since my 20’s…car camping with a tent…old school style, baby!
So now the bones are in place, I’ve just got the mini-details to work out: Internet access (I’m researching various short-term data e-sims), where to car tent camp (I know where to RV camp on the OR coast, but tent camping??), and how many stops to make (sadly I only have ~20 days to do it all). Exciting planning, to be sure.
So that’s my long-overdue update my dear blog friends. If any of you have any tips for my upcoming US trip (esp. for car-tent camping) or you think you might be somewhere along my route in Oct please DO please let me know! I would LOVE to meet-up. DO also tell me how you’re doing in the blog comments below.

Hey Nina, sounds like a fabulous trip. Just to let you know we used Airalo for an eSim while we were in the States this summer and it worked perfectly. I’ll send you a referral code. Also FYI if you do head inland a little, we drove past Lake Shasta last month and it was full of water. First time in 20+ years I have seen it like that.
Good info on Airalo. They’re one of the companies (together with Holafly and Yoho) that I’ve been looking at for data plans. Good to know they worked for you.
For the travel plan I am waffling a bit on coast vs inland going from CA to OR. I think it’ll depend on how many miles vs how much time I’ve got to get to Eclipsefest.
How I wish I lived in the PNW and could meet with you!! Looking forward to your updates.
Yayyyyyyyy can’t wait….
Me neither :)))))
We have RV’d forever in the US. Now that we have grandchildren in Europe want to explore that. Did you rent/buy and how difficult is it to find RV spots. Tips? Sources? Aps?
Editing my comment as I misunderstood your post originally originally! Sorry!
Here in Europe we bought an RV. However there are lots of options from renting to lease-and-buy-back. Have a look here:
Finding camping spots is super easy. Download the park4night app and it literally has everything from boondocking to full-service campsites all across Europe.
Click here for some more starter ideas: https://www.wheelingit.us/europe-rving-blog-links-resources/
Have you looked into renting an RV? Most Europeans do that. Outdoorsy.com has great deals right now due to interest rates an high fuel prices. A class B rents for about $ 130/day. That beats car plus tent. These prices are common here near Spokane. May be a different story in California.I would avoid that state altogether especially San Francisco, the latter is not safe.
I did look at RV’s, but honestly just want to be a bit more mobile this time around (and travel a bit cheaper). I may come to regret that choice, esp if I get a lot of rain along the way, but it’ll be an adventure either way LOL.
As for San Francisco I won’t be spending much time in the city…just fly in to see a good friend south of there, and then drive north. We lived there for many years I know the area well.
Safe travels. Check rental car contract , some don’t allow car camping. We head to Arizona on September 8th. Sorry we’ll miss you.
Huh…no car camping? Even if I bring a tent? I had no idea car rentals would exclude this. That would truly narrow me down.
Sounds like a wonderful trip! And you’ve shared gorgeous photos! We might pass each other in the air. I’m headed to Dublin/Italy in October for 2 weeks with my college gals. We are treating ourselves since we’ve all reached that magical 60 this year. And you are pretty close to my neck of the woods, WA, but I won’t be there. Leaving the honey home to care for the RV and Monet (cat). Bon voyage! And the eclipse! Do share photos since I’ll be in the completely wrong location…
Oh how exciting Angie! You’ll have a wonderful trip.
Hello. So JUST got home from a quick stay at Wallowa Lake SP. An RVing locale that you inspired for us years ago. Thank you. On this trip I was recalling the good ole days of following you and the Technomadia in your travels on the Oregon Coast and all the light houses. Your two blogs inspired us to go full time for over 4 years! We settled now but still RV a lot! We have found that many RV parks are including some spaces for tent only camping which gives you access to decent showers and any amenities the RV park has. We are in Mt. Vernon, WA up north so let me know if you come that way and need a mooch dock or bedroom/laundry/shower! I find Campendium to be a great search tool for camping RV or tent. I agree that Outdoorsy may be a good option. This gives you lots more options with your own RV, as you well know.
Oh and if you want to save $$$ get the RV and do Harvest Hosts. Great stops and free camping but RV only.
Yeah unless I rent an RV this won’t help me much. But I do know Harvest Hosts quite well from our RV days. We stayed at quite a few back in the day, and really enjoyed the stops.
Wallowa is wonderful! So glad you found it. And cheers very much for the mooch dock option. You never know…
We return from Italy on 10/7 so anytime after that is good. And, anytime. You are almost like family! There is another idea, look up HipCamp, another new website for camping on private property. These do charge fees but may be affordable. Forest Service camping is the cheapest, especially with the Senior Access Pass, but no showers and often no running water. I would offer up our RV to you to use, but we just switched and it is going in for warranty work. So not an option. I will post again if I think of something else.
Hopefully by the time you arrive Highway 199 (Redwood Highway) will be open. Don’t know if that was on your route or not. The Smith River Complex wildfires have closed it for weeks now. Terrible smoke all over southern Oregon and Northern California. I live in Grants Pass now though it was Port Orford for me for 7 years. I hope you can visit your beloved Cape Blanco Lighthouse. The west is on fire
Ahhhh…that would explain why Google Maps wouldn’t route me that way initially. And yes I’m realllly hoping the smoke and fires are gone by Oct . It’s terrible right now, for everyone.
Loved your post and pictures as always. Have a great trip!
I’m sure it will be a great trip! I’m curious as to what you will have for camping gear? Your own? Rental? Borrowed? I can’t imagine bringing a cooler with you but, as former backpackers, we know it doesn’t require a lot otherwise.
I figure just a backpack and a tent (borrowed from a friend in CA). I had thought about a cooler, but could get by without one. I do have some other (old) backpacking gear that I’ll likely bring including a sleeping bag, thermarest mat, a collapsible backpacking chair and maybe a little backpacking stove. We used to be avid backpackers (back in the day) so we still have some gear, and since I’ve long-distance hiked the Camino twice I’m pretty good at packing super light.
After 6-years of full-time travel, we are in the process of prepping for a house build west of Eugene, so will get 4 minute of eclipse. Unfortunately 1 hour from the ocean, so maybe not on your route, but a) always keen to meet the maker of the maps we checked constantly as we travelled, b) if you need a free tent pitch site or pull-out bed in our 45′ coach we have full-hookups.
Thank you so much for the generous offer, and how exciting for you as you plan this next stage of your life. Eugene area is a lovely place to settle down.
Looks like a wonderful route you have planned. I’m a CA resident but recently spent 3 weeks fifth-wheeling in Oregon so I’ll limit my thoughts to Oregon. If you love volcanic territory, visit the Newberry Volcanic National Monument (Lava River Cave at Lavalands Visitor Center and much more), Benham Falls, Crater Lake, or any of the Cascade Lakes. In the Gorge when passing through Cascade Locks, Thunder Island Brewing Co. is a great stop and just a stroll away from the Cascade Locks Marine Park on the Columbia. On the Washington side, Beacon Rock is a great hourlong hike with outstanding views of the Gorge. In Hood River, enjoy all the wind surfing action at the waterfront park. Walk to Solstice Pizza and enjoy the brews. If passing through Maryhill WA on the Gorge, the Maryhill Museum of Art is a surprising find with great exhibits and an interesting history. The Maryhill Winery and Sam Hill’s “Stonehenge,” a WWI memorial, are worth the time to see and are perched on the rim of the Gorge. Have a wonderful trip! We will be traveling to Elko Nevada area for the eclipse.
Thanks for all the tips. I think you’ll have excellent visibility (fingers crossed) in Elko for the eclipse. Good area to choose.
It would be fun to meet up with you guys again after all these years. What an adventure you have been on!
It’s just going to be me on this trip, but yes it would be awesome to meet up again.
Crescent City has a couple of county parks which allow tent camping. We love Florence Keller County Park & Campground having stayed there in our motorhome a number of times. “IF” you head up through Gold Beach, Huntley Park up the Rogue River a few miles allows tents and has nice bathroom and shower facilities.
Oh excellent! Thanks so much for this tip, Dave.
So, how about your husband? Never a mention about what he is doing.
He’s staying behind to look after the fur babies and I’m doing the same for him in Sept. He prefers privacy and is completely off all social media these days.
Sooo good to hear from you. We are heading off Tuesday for a 3-week trip thru Oregon and Idaho. An RV club we belong to is having a Rally in American Falls ID. Good reason (excuse) to get in Gracie for a few weeks.
Our cat, Mea is the adventurous traveler. It takes her a few minutes to get re-oriented but then its run-around Mea! We put pillows in the slide-holes and in the area that is open overhead when the slide is in.
Around the big house here she and I have a game we play. She will start running and I will follow along , I catch up and she sprints off.
Take Care Nina,
Your trip sounds perfect….and your cat too :))
Hi Nina – what a wonderful surprise to see your blog post in my email box this morning!!
I find it so amazing how I can feel so connected to someone whom I’ve never met – all because of your wonderful blog posts!!!
So glad to hear that Polly is doing well!!! When I saw the pictures of the cats at the top of the post I held my breath fearing something had happened to sweet Polly!! What a precious girl she is!!
I hope you have a great adventure in October!! I put a little something in your “beer fund” – perhaps towards a hotel room one night should the weather not co-operate with tent camping!! Like you said it will be an adventure!!!
I’m on the east coast so I can’t help with tent camping recommendation’s out west!
Hopefully you’ll get some good spots from other blog readers!
ps – your “beer tip” link is wayyyyy down your page – you may want to move it up so that folks can see it. I remembered it being on your page and went looking for it. I for one very much appreciate your blog posts for the wonderful writing- the wonderful pictures – the wonderful detail and information you’ve given over the years – I’m sure I’m not the only one who would want to thank you for your work with a little “love”!
Wow Gayle. Thank you SO much!!! This really touched my heart.
So glad you posted a blog, so glad! You go Nina–tent camping–not for these old bones!! I am happy to read that Polly is still living life as she chooses! Emmi is an elderly dog and also almost totally deaf. Enjoy your trip to the US, keep us posted. We have such fond memories of meeting you, Paul and Polly while on the coast of Oregon.
Yeah, my bones are probably too old for tent camping too LOL, but I’m goin to give it a try. Miss you guys!
Not sure if we’ll go see the eclipse (only a hour drive south) or not. But if you need a place to stay in Central Oregon and we are around (i.e.; didn’t go see the eclipse), you are welcome here. We have a spare bedroom so no need to driveway surf this time. Note that by mid-October there is often frost here in the mornings.
Off to Idaho in a few days for a month of rafting, hiking, and (ugh) SxS riding….The SxS allows us to get places that would be difficult for us to hike to now so I “tolerate it”.
Safe travels.
Thanks so much Steve. Lots of fond memories from your place. Have FUN rafting and hiking.
Hi Nina!
Great to hear of your upcoming PNW trip. We are just heading south from our Alaska Summer trip. What a great time we had there! We will be in Oregon in October also, but more central. Wheeling It was a great inspiration for me as we went full time. I think we travel like you guys did; mostly in state parks, city parks, forest service, etc. We’re going on 6 years full timing it, and don’t have plans to stop….yet. Too much to see out there! I hope you have a great visit to the US!
Nina, so happy to see your post this morning! Enjoy your trip, and Hello to Paul, and the rest of the Family.
And four legged ones too. Polly looks great! and kittys too.
I’ve traveled some, mostly with family, Phoenix, Vegas, Utah, and Flordia.
Going to Ireland with friend in November and planning another walk, Porto to Santiago, in ’24
Take care on your travels…
and your photos are wonderful, as always.
Hugs, Margaret
Oh how EXCITING that you will be doing the Portuguese Camino! I know you’ll love it. Any questions do feel free to ask.
It was so good to hear from you and I’m so sorry we won’t still be in Spokane to see you.
This blog helped us begin our time on the road and contributed mightily to our love of traveling this country’s byways. We’re happy to call you and Paul good friends.
I hope you aren’t disappointed in what you find here, as you said, it’s been 7 years. Portland will be a shock.
We’re looking forward to traveling with you once again, if you able to take us along in your car/tent! Go Nina!
I have SO many fond memories of you, Dave and the paws too. I am mentally prepared for things being a bit different 7 years on, but hope that the nature is still as good. Fingers crossed.
Hi Nina,
I just thought about you the other day. I’m not sure if you remember, but one of our first interactions back in Hong Kong was about what we did for a living and you said you were a cat sitter. I didn’t get it then but I do now. My now career aspiration is to be a cat sitter. I cat sit while I work from their owners homes, and it’s the best thing. If only I could do without the working part haha.
I was just in southwest-ish(?) France in June. We visited friends in Chambéry and a few places nearby. It was so lovely there. Maybe someday I can live somewhere with a proper morning market culture with fresh produce that isn’t a complete rip off like it is in London lol. Farmers markets here absurdly expensive.
Anyway, happy to see your update. Enjoy planning your road trip!
Hey Greenie,
How wonderful to hear from you!!! Of course I remember. How very cool. If ever you find yourself in SW France again do send me a note. It would be so fun to meet-up again.
We just stayed at Water Wheel RV Park in Chiloquin. Nice clean quiet small park on the river with RV or tent sites. If you get a chance while in the Seattle area, visit Gig Harbor, a lovely little town on Puget Sound.
It was so nice to see a new post from you. Looking forward to notes about your trip and pictures.
It looks like from your map you may be going through the coastal towns of Yachats and Waldport. In between these two towns is a treasure of a campground! Beachside Recreation Area has RV, tent sites and yurts. Hot showers, flush toilets in very clean, well maintained campground. It’s right on a long stretch of lovely coast and between the two small towns you can resupply with anything you need. Great tide pools to explore around Seal Rock Wayside too.
Best seafood on the Coast, in my opinion, is at South Beach Fish Market just south of Newport. It’s attached to a mini mart and has lots of kitchy signs and picnic tables out front, but trust me, if you love fish & chips, fresh halibut, salmon and most of all our treasured Dungeness crab, you must stop here.
If you travel through the Columbia River Gorge, Ainsworth State Park is a small campground surrounded by tall trees. You can almost always find a spot without a prior reservation.
Best Wishes for a lovely trip,
Nina, SO good to hear from you, I was getting lonely! Hope you have a wonderful trip!
You should rent a camper van. You know the ones like Escape. There are many. Best of both worlds!
The prices are just so insane at the moment…not only for rental cars, but even more so for campers. It’s over $1000 just for a car for 20 days, but more like $3000+ for a camper. And of course I pay the same camping fees on top either way. For that price difference I’m ok to tent it for a few weeks.
You come back to the US the month I’m in Portugal, LOL
Drove most of your route in late spring this year, these are the coastal campgrounds I stayed at that I would highly recommend:
Shelter Cove Campground (Lost Coast)
Gold Bluffs Beach Camp
Harris Beach State Park
Fort Stevens State Park Campground
Cheers very much for those tips. Shelter Cove is one I haven’t been to before. Enjoy Portugal!!! What a great time of year to go!
hello Nina —
SO excited for you and a return to the PNW .. it is a place that has most definitely become “home” to my heart, which craves the blues and greens of trees and water. We are back from a few months of exploring Alaska and October will find us hosting at Cape Blanco!!! Of course, this magical spot is on your map. Let me know if you are up for a home-cooked meal and wine when you are there!
Whoooo hooooo! YES I would love to see you in Cape Blanco. I just booked-in to be there. I will send you a PM.
Hoping you have a thoroughly enjoyable trip!
I imagine Paul,Polly and the cats will be ecstatic to have you home again when you return.Wonderful to hear from you again -Mary
Thanks for the Life Update. Hope you enjoy your trip. I quit my blog as some people do not know the boundaries. We will be in Texas for the Eclipse.
You could get in touch with.RV Sue, I know she camped on the Rogue River and has more camping experience than most other folks -Mary
Dear Nina and Paul, I started following you in July 2013. We have since bought 2 40′ RV ‘s and traveled the US. But I have not read anything from you since Septemer 2, 2023.Is there some other venue you are on now? Last I heard you were doing a tent trip to the US in October 2023. . Where are you now? Is Polly still with you?