Au Revoir My Sweet Desert – Quartzsite, AZ
At the core I'm a sentimentalist and a romantic, so I try not to think too often of goodbyes. Most of the time I prefer to use the French term au [...] continue reading
At the core I'm a sentimentalist and a romantic, so I try not to think too often of goodbyes. Most of the time I prefer to use the French term au [...] continue reading
Pre-Post Note/ LOVE the discussion that my last post generated. It's amazing how many of us feel the same way both about travel and about staying [...] continue reading
A few nights ago we raised our jacks and made our first RV move of 2016. Our destination was somewhere in the boonies and it got me [...] continue reading
As I walked into the sunset the world was stretching. Shadows elongated towards the horizon, crevices deepened to a bottomless black and edges [...] continue reading
We never planned to rock this way. Waaay back when we were "jello planning" our post-Grand Canyon route we thought we'd spend about a month [...] continue reading
Pre-Post Note/ This has nothing at all to do w/ the Grand Canyon, but I know many of my blog followers are anxiously awaiting news on 2016 [...] continue reading
Given that I just told you (in my last post) that there's no way ANY living person can really capture the Grand Canyon, it's kind of ironic that I'm [...] continue reading
"It's never going to happen" I though to myself I was standing on the rim of the Great Ditch and I realized right away that there was no way I could [...] continue reading
I seem to be a tad nostalgic these days, but hopefully you'll bear with me. One of my dreams when I first moved to the US in the early [...] continue reading
When I was in my teenage school years I loved two things most of all, Art and Science. For a while when I was deciding what to study (I went thro' the [...] continue reading
Back in her heyday she was larger than Yuma, a bustling, wild-west mining town with ~300 mines and ~3,000 people sweating out the intense heat of the [...] continue reading
Sometimes you just need to get away from it all, and when you talk about the Arizona Desert there are literally millions of acres in which to do this. [...] continue reading