Dogkittylutions & Wishing You ALL The Best In The New Year!
It’s the final day, the turn of the year, the end of a journey and the beginning of another. Despite the fact that it’s really just an arbitrary date (I mean every day is really a new day right?) I always feel this time of year quite strongly.

Today is the day I reminisce about what has passed and feel the new bubble of what is to come. It’s a positive feeling, made even more so by the fact that so many others are also celebrating the same thing at the same time. Customs and traditions are such a deep part of the human psyche and they’re the core of what brings us all together, don’t you think?
Now I’m not really the type to make New Years resolutions, but on Dec 31st I always take the time to thank the Universe for the good experiences I’ve been given and to renew the promise to myself (and those I love) to try and make the most out of anything that might come in the future. After all, at the end of all things our experiences are what make our lives complete, and if you believe in the afterlife those same experiences (soul, karma, or whatever you might call them) are the only things we bring with us when we pass.
Goodness, when I started this little post I didn’t expect to get so deep!
Anyway, back in Jan 2011 I wrote a blog post called “Dogkittylutions for 2011“. It was my take on the kind of resolutions I think everyone can enjoy, all of them meaningful life lessons learnt directly from our most wise & precious paws. Interestingly enough they were written last time we were in Florida after our first year on the road, so having completed the circle (RV-wise) it feels rather fitting & complete to bring them around on the blog once more. Rather than have you click back to that post, I think I’ll just re-write the 8 items here, complete with the exact same pics. They’re all still as relevant & fresh as the day I wrote them, so in the spirit of sharing all that’s good on this day, let me share ’em again…

1. Live in the Moment – No matter what the past might have been, what the situation is now or how many bugs are sucking the life out of you, always enjoy the moment. This is dogkitty-gospel #1 and we can all learn from that one.
2. Never Pass up a Chance to Play – Playtime is sacred and should always be encouraged at any age.
3. If You Don’t Like the Stick You’ve Got, Get Another One – This may seem rather deep for a doggie-moment, and the profundity of the statement does take some time to sink in. Most people spend their lives not making change because they worry their next situation may be worse than the one they’ve got. Always have the courage to make the jump and be the person that goes and gets another stick.
4. Your Past Does Not Define You – Having volunteered for many years in dog rescue I’ve always been amazed at how pets, even from abuse, manage to turn around and live life to its fullest. Your past job, your past life and your old things will never define you unless you let them. So, don’t let ’em.
5. Express Joy to It’s Fullest – Never be afraid to bound with joy and shriek with happiness. After all, joy is part of what life is all about. Our pets and kids all know this, but most of us lose that lesson as we grow up. Go find it again.
6. Be An Eternal Optimist – In the end life is but a point of view, and that point of view is of your own making. Dogs are eternal optimists and so they’re eternally happy. You can be too if you work at it.
7. Happiness and Adventure are All Around You – Polly is always excited to be places whether it’s a hike in the mountains, or a just a walk around the gas station at a stop…it’s all an adventure to her. So, whether you wheel the road or walk the same street everyday, happiness and adventure can be found everywhere if you just open up your mind to it.
8. Bask In Your Own Beauty – Our cats are especially adept at basking in their own beauty, and it’s a good lesson to learn. No matter what others may say, know that you’re a god(ess) in your own way.
With that said here’s hoping 2017 turns out to be a fabulous journey for you, no matter where it might take you. Good vibes, love and best wishes to you all!
Great thoughts to live by, thanks and have a happy new year.
Happy New Year Nina, Paul and all paws. Hope your travels are fun and productive this year.
Happy New Year and may 2017 be all you are hoping for. Safe travels!
Happy New Year and best wishes for safe travels and great adventures.
I love those, and so true. Dogs are always happy to be here, no matter what. I do like the, ” Go find a better stick”, great advice.
We enjoy your posts very much. Thanks for all the effort and have a great New Years Eve!
Wonderful dogma to live by and very well put! From our gang to yours have a healthy, happy, adventure-filled New Year!!
It can’t be said better, Nina, and though it’s sometimes/often (?) hard to follow these lessons ‘all the time’ – they are the only way to find happiness and to BE happy in the moment, every moment!
Thank you as always for your deep wisdom and your joy and generosity in sharing!
I just re-entered my home country Germany after living for 33 years in the USA, and before I left I gave all my possessions away and took with me ‘just’ the values and virtues you described. And with happiness following the ‘dogkittyultions’ comes ultimate freedom…
Very good advice! Love your blog!
Lovely, lovely, lovely! Great thoughts to live by. Happy New Year!
Love, love, love these thoughts! Great words to live by! Happy New Year.
After a particularly awesome, but particularly challenging, 2016 this is perfectly timed advice. We are optimistically looking forward to 2017, leaving the past in the past, going out and finding new adventures and living in the moment. Your advice could not be more well-timed.
We wish you the very happiest and healthiest of New Years!
Wishing you, Paul, Polly, and the cats a very Happy and Healthy New Year…
Excellent advice. Happy New Year to you all!
I’ll drink to that! Love your gospel. Happy 2017!
Such positive and eloquent writings…..
Thanks Nina for all posts of 2016
Your goodness ripples on…..
I am moved. So much skill with the words.
Wish you and your family all the best for the New 2017.
Best to you both, and your amazing furry friends. Kim, Buddy and myself are back on the road, full time, in a 25 feet, Winnebago View, and loving it. Sticks and bricks, did not do it for us. After 11/2 year, the road was calling. Hope to connect with you on the road, again, one day. May this new year be filled with MAGIC.
Fun post. #4 made us both chuckle “get a new stick” as that is what Sam does. Warm well wishes for a happy new year!
Wishing you all a Wonderful New Year and safe travels wherever you may go
Thank you so very much for such an upbeat and overall enthusiastic chapter. My beautiful wife and I have been fulltiming for about 20 months now along with our special paws, Abby. She loves the road and our travels. Hates wet grass, rocks, mud puddles and a whole plethora of unimaginables. But she is always happy to see us and other folks. She doesn’t bark, lick, or jump on you. Mostly she likes laying around and absorbing sunshine. Not bad for a 15 yr old Shiba Inu. This leads me to my point. If she can be happy over 15K miles in 20 mos, then maybe we need to reevaluate why we hit the road to begin with. I have always felt everyone needs to join a cause, crusade, or campaign. Be it your own, a local or national chapter, or a train of thought. Be a part of living, not a bystander. Again, your post brought all of those emotions to the top again. Thank you.
Well done, thought provoking, and lovely words to live by. Thank you so much for making my day. I was kind of getting blue this morning because 2016 was kind of a tough year. But, after reading this and looking back on it… heck 2016 was not that bad after all. I already got my new stick, and will bask in the godessness!
You guys are all awesome, paws and all.
Love your post! Shared it to Facebook for others to also enjoy. Happy 2017!!
Just finished a great hike with our son and his girlfriend and the dogs. He is back from Japan (USAF) temporarily. Great way to end the year and ring in the new one! Love your thoughts.
Reading your post as we travel back home from a hiking and skiing trip in Vermont. We had to leave our dogs home this time but they usually come everywhere with us. I loved your dog kitty lutions. Happy new year!
Great words of wisdom. May 2017 be full of extraordinary adventures for all of you.
Some good ways to start the new year. From George Carlin.
Remember to spend some time with your loved ones, because they are not going to be around forever. Remember, say a kind word to someone who looks up to you in awe, because that little person soon will grow up and leave your side. Remember, to give a warm hug to the one next to you, because that is the only treasure you can give with your heart and it doesn’t cost a cent. Remember, to say, ‘I love you’ to your partner and your loved ones, but most of all mean it. A kiss and an embrace will mend hurt when it comes from deep inside of you. Remember to hold hands and cherish the moment for someday that person will not be there again. Give time to love, give time to speak! And give time to share the precious thoughts in your mind. And always remember, life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by those moments that take our breath away.” ~ George Carlin
Love this! May your New Year be blessed with safe travels.
A Happy and Healthy New Year to you both, and to all those you love. Thank you for this incredible blog. I am not an RV’er but love your travels and stories of life on the road.
Lovely post, Nina. Happy New Year to you and the family!
Thank-you. So beautifully said and at a perfect time.
I’m just so happy to be connected to you! You’ve brought so much into my life since I found your blog. Thank you!
And Happy New Year!
You rock as usual. 2017. Wow. wishing all the best for you, paul and of course the paws. kathy
Thanks for the great reminders that life is short and we need to live in the day. Thank-you for your blog and a very happy new year to you, Paul and the furry friends.
Don’t comment often, but this post was so timely in our lives right now. Well said and thanks for the reminder of just how good life is and it is our choice to find the JOY!!!
Happy New Year to you both!!!
Cheers y’all! Safe travels!
Yes every day is a new start and your ‘lutions are perfect – thank you for all of that 🙂 My mother always said that “If all men drummed, there would be no war.” I think the same can be said for remembering to play. When we stop playing, it leaves too much room for dissatisfaction. Cheers for a happy, healthy and fun-filled 2017!
Thanks, Nina, for lovely thoughts and sage advice. What a perfect way to celebrate a new year. Animals do indeed seem to enjoy the present so much more than we humans do. Staying in the moment is especially important for those of us who roam the beautiful land where we live.
Message priceless!! Sometimes we are so busy trying to make lemonade we forget that going down the disposal smells sweeter and picking up a new stick a whole lot less messier & so much easier!! We took fur babies all 6 of them on road for a week worked out as perfect as could be, never lived with worry knew if we did it like you and Paul it would work & it did!! Now can’t wait till 2017 to keep on, just a few fixes with doctor & off we will go!! Thanks for all the positive posts & outgoing thoughts!! We will keep on Roughing it Smoothly!!
My wife and I have just found your site and are amazed at the quality and the quantity of the information you have shared. We will begin our life on the road very soon, 2017 is our year to liberate ourselves from the daily grind and we will study your experiences for all that we can gleam. What a beautiful thing you continue to create. Thanks very much, and Happy New Year! Chris and Debra Wild
All wonderful lessons we should learn from animals. Worthy of repeating. Hope you have a Happy New Year wherever your journey takes you. Now, now, now….
Totally love this post, Nina! Thank you for the positive message!
Many blessings to you two and the paws in this glorious New Year! Wishing you health, joy, and lots of playtime! 🙂
Just a good and positive message. Thank you!
Absolutely wonderful. Worth repeating. Thank you. Hope you’re enjoying our balmy holiday weather. Happy New Year. Leigh in Miami.
Cheers Paul and Nina, and wishing you a better year with less challenges, good vibes and good health!
Thank you for these thought provoking nuggets, its worth checking on once in a while.
All great thoughts to live by Nina. Wishing all of you the very best in 2017.
You spread joy and light! Thank you and Happy New Year.